Beasts of Beyond
I can do anything // open+balloon animals // you can do better - Printable Version

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I can do anything // open+balloon animals // you can do better - jacob w.c. - 07-27-2018

Jacob wasn't really sure where he got this idea from. He'd found a variety of colors of balloons but when he'd gone to blow them up he realized they were specifically or making balloon animals. He could aslo tell by the package, which specifically advertised the product as such. So, he decided he would go out and brighten his clanmate's day by making some balloon animals (and to distract himself form wedding planning. He'd been putting together center pieces all night. He loved it but it was getting a little overwhelming). However, once he'd made a sign and walked outside, he remembered that he had no clue how to make balloon animals. He was sure Deniz would be good at it, given the man had skills in origami. He'd been meaning to ask him to teach him but his fiance was always busy and when they were together, it was usually for a nice romantic moment with dinner or a fun movie. Maybe he'd ask about an origami date night. In any case, it was too late for that now because he was already standing in the middle of camp and he already had his stupid sign that said 'free balloon animals' so he was going for it. "Uh, hey everyone! 'M gonna' be makin' some balloon animals for anyone tha' wants one 'cause it seemed fun except I can only actually make worms or snakes so, jus' keep tha' in mind," the man called with a wide smile. It might look ridiculous that he was just blowing up balloons and handing them out (and honestly he probably shouldn't be doing so many of them at once, given his lung capacity) but he didn't mind. It was just something fun to do to pass the time and get to know his crewmates a little better.

Re: I can do anything // open+balloon animals // you can do better - CLEO R. C. - 07-28-2018

Was it really any surprise that Cleo was among the first to arrive?

Jacob had mentioned snakes and honestly, that was all it took to get the young girl involved in almost anything. She considered herself lucky to have been relatively close to her soon-to-be step father when he announced balloon animals, knowing that she would never had heard him otherwise. Being deaf... it was certainly a pain but she refused to let it prohibit her from continuing on with her daily life. She was far too prideful and far too stubborn to let something like her deaf ear hold her back. And now she was before her father's fiancé, red gaze filled with nothing but an undeniable desire for one of his snake balloons. [color=#445544]"Make mine green," She half instructed half commanded, only remembering her manners after it was too late. Cleo would heave a sigh, not particularly wanting to be nice but knowing it was the easiest way to get what she wanted. And she wanted that snake.


Re: I can do anything // open+balloon animals // you can do better - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-28-2018

Cleo's fascination with snakes was rather interesting, and for that, Caesar took an interest to her. He liked the way she spoke of Eske, the poisonous black mamba. He was kind of envious that she had a pet like her, but whatever. He could deal with his damn snapping turtle. "I'll pass." Caesar said to Jacob as he came over, almost dismissing the guy, since he was really only here to observe Cleo.

Re: I can do anything // open+balloon animals // you can do better - PINCHER - 07-29-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Surprisingly, Pincher did know how to do balloons or at least had been able to do some when he had been a hitman disguised as a street performer. He had focused a lot in origami since it had been his favorite but he did have other sleeves such as simple little magic tricks and well - balloon animals. He had not practiced in a long time, the only thing he enjoyed had been origami since he found it rather soothing to just fold paper in a progress that was satisfying when you completed it. The only problem was that he didn't even have that much free time to do origami on his own but he did tend to do some on his paperwork when he was bored and had nothing better to do. Even depsite the change of paw size becoming bigger, the male was able to smoothly do the folding without any struggle. He knew multiple ways of doing it but balloon animals were a thing in the past that Pincher had forgotten about until now.

Jacob had always amused him and not in a mocking way, just in how adorable he was. Either by simply laughing or giggling at whatever dumb cheesy pick up line that Pincher would whisper in his ear or by the pouting that he did when he was mad at him for doing something stupid. It made him happy and always brought a smile to his face even when he was having a bad rough day. The tired captain was simply heading out to find something to eat when he caught sight of his fiance attempting to do balloon animals for others. As he headed over, a warm laugh bubbled out of his lips as the wildcat headed over to brush up against the husky, allowing himself to sit down with his icy blue eyes flickering towards Cleo and Caesar before pulling some balloons and inspecting them. After a few tries, he was able to wrap around some balloons to make a typical dog one, gently bouncing it forward to the ground as he rumbled "Shit, it's been a long time since I've done some balloon animals." It was rather nice and fun despite the dark memories that edged his past about learning how to do balloon animals as ridiculous as that may seem.