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[ ESCALATE / O. DUAL JOINING ish ] - Printable Version

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[ ESCALATE / O. DUAL JOINING ish ] - GAATKAARAS - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]The pain from before hitting the ground hardly even registered now. Long, thin cuts from raking claws, or sharp punctures from various sets of teeth — Gaatkaaras is used to pain, but the extent of the injures this time burns in a way it hasn’t before. The worst is his wing. Fire and needles pulse throughout the webbing when he tries to fold it into his body, a low, unhappy noise rising involuntarily from his own throat. Even without medical training, he’d figured out quickly that something was broken, and the torn webbing was on display for the entire world. That alone is enough to put the creature on edge, the drips of blood to the ground. He has no ears to perk up or fur to bristle, but his rib cage expands quick and harsh, obvious even when he tries to slow it, and his neck draws up as if prepared to strike. Gaat looks like something out of a fairytale for a moment, with the sun shining down through storm clouds, but it was as if he was born in the wrong side of the shield. Judging by the reactions and appearances of the few people he’d found out here so far, most of them having promptly scattered at the sight of him, he sticks out like a wolf among sheep.

He shouldn’t have left. The doubts that had been dogging him for so long could have easily been cured, and that life was undeniably the better option. The more familiar one. Here, the black tattoos standing starkly against his ashen-grey hide are more of a burden than a promise. Still, he won’t remove them. Even marred with blood and rain, they still mean too much. He would have to find someone trusted to reapply them later, but for now, he would settle with the memories of their destruction, much like his own injuries. Both quickly become too much to bear when combined, and although lost and tense, Gaatkaaras sinks slowly to the ground until he’s sitting, however awkwardly, with his whiplash tail hitting the ground with a thump and long neck dipping closer to his body until his head rests near his chest. His injured wing stays awkwardly extended with the occasional pained flutter, some hopeless attempt at extending it or folding it, but otherwise he finds himself too exhausted — both mentally and physically — to do anything more than wait for the owners of this land to question him.

He’s been around long enough to know that no ground comes without claim.

/ today on “rev tries to write crappy mobile posts”
+ a deer thing will show up eventually, hence the title, but you don’t have to wait for him lmao

Re: [ ESCALATE / O. DUAL JOINING ish ] - GABRIEL - 07-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]/gonna be posting with two characters in one thread this should be interesting

Pain had a way of dredging up regrets and shining the mind's spotlight on them as they pranced around on stage insufferably, especailly when it was tied up in something to regret. There had been a time when his injuries were minimal, merely slight gashes that might scar but were otherwise insignificant, yet he had struggled more than the time he had broken a leg to rise from resting. The how of those wounds -the circumstances- wearied him more than the physical injuries, and looking back on it now, it was one of those many straws that eventually broke the camel's back. He'd received several lacerations across the face after getting between an assailant and the victim, a young thing who died of her own wounds before Gabe could get her to a medic. She'd been right behind him, curled limply as he took too long to end the attacker. The days following had been spent wondering if he'd only been a bit faster, a bit stronger, she might have lived, and the scars on his face would be worth it, rather than a reminder each time he happened to glance at his reflection.

Pain was to be expected. It was a point of just- finding a purpose for pain that mattered, and when it seemed directionless, or had injured more than physically, then it stung worse.

Of course, he'd never broken a wing before, so maybe that pain would be a bitch regardless of the circumstances around it. Not that it was the first thing on his mind when the hybrid found the stranger bleeding on the border. The first thought went something along the lines of, "holy shit that's a dragon can I keep him I want to keep him." The thoughts after that addressed the dragon's state of being, namely his injuries, ones Gabe didn't think he could do anything for beyond running for the nearest cleric and pointing. "Hey, easy there. I can fetch a few people to have a look at those wounds, but you'll have to promise not to run off. Or something." He doubted he would, and promises rarely meant anything, but still.


Re: [ ESCALATE / O. DUAL JOINING ish ] - imperia - 07-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]It is hard to miss something like a dragon descending from the sky. The young she-wolf had been gathering herbs in the vast plains of the territory when she saw it; a massive shadow blanketing the entire area in darkness, if only for a second. Imperia is a flight animal. Though she is a wolf, she is better designed for running away than putting up a fight. But she is also honorable and dutiful. Terrifying as dragons sounds to a creature who had never seen one up close before, Peri is committed to her responsibility to the Ascendants. And that includes investigating those who venture onto the territory. So the girl sucks in a deep breath before sprinting off in the direction of the scaled beast.

"Mon dieu..." says the petite wolf beneath her breath as her lovely silver form emerges from the grasses. Sterling eyes observe the collapsed dragon with a mixture of concern and trepidation. "If you could find Shining or one of the halos, it would be very helpful," she glances over at Gabriel. Imperia has never healed any creature that was not a mammal, so she is a little nervous to take on a dragon all by herself.

The cleric redirects her attention to the unfamiliar dragon. "My name is Imperia," she introduces with a faint smile. "I can take care of your wounds, if that is alright with you. Might I ask your name and what happened?" If the patient is coherent enough to inform her of the extent of their injuries, it is always best to ask instead of navigating blindly.

Re: [ ESCALATE / O. DUAL JOINING ish ] - MOONMADE - 07-28-2018

[size=9pt]"No need," Says Moon, brushing up beside Imperia. His voice is foggy, almost distant, mostly because this is a whole fucking dragon, what the fuck, but also because he was running on hardly any sleep and he really wasn't feeling just how bright it was, at that moment. "I mean, actually, there might still be some need. Depends on what you need help with, Angel." He was pretty useful when it came to certain things, but it wasn't uncommon for him to be a complete dumbass in a different area of healing. It was fine, though. Peri was here and usually what he didn't know, she did.

He slips his makeshift bag (he still needs to figure that out) off his head and opens it to sort through what he has on hand. Some painkillers, some ingredients for a poultice, some cobwebs and such. Pretty stocked up, this time. Thank god. Now he just has to wait to figure out what exactly is up with Spyro.

Re: [ ESCALATE / O. DUAL JOINING ish ] - GAATKAARAS - 07-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]How always seemed to be th stronger question to him, rather than why. Surely he wasn’t alone in that, but being out here made him wonder in ways that he shouldn’t. Creatures here questioned, defied, acted once their own accord, based on their own instincts. While a hunter here served the same purpose as a hunter back home, the end goals seemed entirely different. Doing something for the sake of others — while not uncommon in this land, the gesture remains disconnected. Some, like Gabriel, carry the scare of their attempts, but their stories aren’t ones that others hear or share. The dragon stares with a thoughtful emptiness. Where everyone else seemed to balk at the sight of a dragon, he’s more concerned with the presence of a beast he can’t label. It passes within the moment. Gaatkaaras lifts his head slowly, stance widening in another attempt to bear weight. For some reason, the easy there ruffles his (metaphorical) feathers, and his undamaged wing flutters against his side. It was the first time someone had offered help before bolting.

Before he can even adjust to the presence of one, jaws parting to answer, another joins the crowd. And then another. Both of these are marginally more familiar, though finding anything that doesn’t share a need to bask in the sunlight is unsettling. Perhaps not as unsettling as they find him to be, but the combined feelings of everyone in the group echo and meld into one mass of confusion and discomfort. Gaat’s eure narrow to slits, attention drifting sleepily to the way Imperia’s fur shifts with the wind. Like the grass, like water. She herself seems equally mild, almost timid. The dragon’s body ripples faintly in a stretch, followed by a grimace that leaves the dull light glancing off of his teeth. It would be too difficult to explain the nature of his homeland, one where there are no names, so he skips the technical issues for the moment. “You may call me Gaatkaaras.” While it was intended to be kind, the greeting falls stiffly from his mouth and shatters in the dirt. His awkwardness wasn’t entirely cultural, but he supposes it must have something to do with it. The list of possible alternatives is lacking.

“I would prefer my injuries were left alone.” It’s ridiculous, he’s aware. Dangerous, stupid. Although they were strangers, the worst they could do to him now would inevitably happen at some point down the line if he didn't accept their assistance. What could they cause? Pain, infection, death? He would experience them anyway. The logical part of his mind immediately urges him to reconsider and accept, even with Moon’s distantly recognizable awe prickling at his skin. A subtle twitch in the dragon’s forelimbs betrays some level of anxiety over the whole situation, which is preposterous with him being the size of a horse. With his wing broken and entire body stinging as if he has rolled in salt, though, it’s hard to avoid. “Where am I?” he finally asks, the tip of his tail flicking rapidly through the grass behind him as he glances between the three of them. “I will not... run off.”

Re: [ ESCALATE / O. DUAL JOINING ish ] - EMMAERA - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Grief pressed into Emmaera's spirit, its glow dimmed and more sluggish than it was not two weeks ago; such was the toll for loss, its presence never absent from the injured. The days following the massacre he had...attempted to foolishly deny the reality of his situation, but he could not lie to himself through the tremors plaguing all that he was. He had left his people to save them, and returned to their bodies not yet a day cold, his assistance too late in coming. Their murderers would never understand what they had inflicted, not truly. Death was only part of the picture. His people had been the remaining pulses of the weakening heart at the center of their culture, many parts of it lost to time, and Emmaera was no elder, no Keeper. He could not preserve all that they were, all that they could have been when he was just one person, with no connection to the outside world.

At first, he had tried to spread what he could of his people's lives, their history, but few were willing to listen, and even fewer to remember. He would fail them twice, in life and in death. No prayer could lift the stain. Why would they? Their gods could not serve their children when there were none- none save the person who left his people to die without him. There did not seem to be anything for him, and so Emmaera wandered, aimless, his head bowed and a great heaviness in mismatched eyes.

He did not know why the sight of the dragon rekindled the hearth, but as he saw the creature, he felt compelled to follow. And so he did, until he found him before a small mass of people. Emmaera could see, as he drew closer, that the injuries were worse than he thought, and he was within hearing range to learn that he intended to deny help. "I should hope you wouldn't." The alabaster deer slowed his cant to a walk, spiraling antlers twisting the sunlight as he bowed his head toward the dragon and the folk near him. "I just caught up with you. I had noticed you were injured some time earlier- do you really want to refuse their aid?" He paused, realizing this wasn't the best entrance, and he'd likely be suspicious of him as he was the other strangers, but his wounds needed tending. "Sorry, my name is Emmaera. Please, allow them to treat you. Suffering will bring you nothing, falon."

Re: [ ESCALATE / O. DUAL JOINING ish ] - Suiteheart - 07-29-2018

Suiteheart loathed the fact that the metallic stench of blood was what drew her towards the scene. The baby blue of her irises leaked away, replacing her eye color with molten amber. The dull ache of hunger ignited within her stomach, and she moved towards the scene, eager to find her next meal.

Upon cresting a small hill and taking in the others before her, the amber melted away and oceans poured into her eyes once more. She could not feed on the blood of dragons. Besides, even if she could, this creature appeared to be in the process of joining their group. Suiteheart did not need to be told it would be a mistake on her part to feed on their joiners.

"You're both on the Ascendants' territory." Her voice was calm, kind. Her hunger had been forgotten as she slipped upon the scene. A slight concern marked her features. The feline's gaze fluttered to Gabe, Imperia, and Moonmade. She was thankful for the three of them. They were all doing a kickass job. She gave each of them a tiny grin before returning her attention to the newcomers.

"Emmaera's right, Gaatkaaras. Your injures need to be treated. You look like hell." Was she being blunt? Perhaps. "I'm Suiteheart, by the way. You guys just passing through?" she asked.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
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