Beasts of Beyond
HP Tryouts for Conquest! [OPEN][peace by any means necessary] - Printable Version

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HP Tryouts for Conquest! [OPEN][peace by any means necessary] - Kink - 07-27-2018

Conquest is a new unnoficial clan that is looking to go for full status. We are a group that is dedicated in uniting the continent under one rule where everyone lives in peace. We aim to dominate and convert all existing Kingdoms until only one utopia stands. Out own community is diverse, accepting anyone who is willing to abide by our simple laws, be they peace-seakers or warmongers. All have a place in Conquest. We reside in a lush grassland called Greenside, led by a young but promising Leader called Ops. Despite the path of war we wage to accomplish our goals, Conquest is not a place that condones unnecessary cruelty. While we are a militia-themed group that's by known means all we are, and we offer a unique dual ranking system that promotes civilians to match the power of the military. Our community is a lax and peaceful one protected by a military that expands on it by taking over the kingdoms of others. Join us in our goal to unite the world in peace, by any means necessary.

For a limited time Conquest is opening it's Semi-HP ranks to a free-for-all. Simply leave your characters bio below with the SHP rank you want and you can jump in as an existing member that's already been excepted. If you'd like to apply for the HP rank of Medic or Lieutennant please leave your characters bio below requesting it, and then head over to join Conquest over in the Uncharted Territories board. Semi HP's can start RPing as their rank right away, but HP ranks will be chosen next friday, so get active and show me that your characters worthy of it Smile



You can read the description of each rank by clicking on my siggy and visiting the Conquest Guide, which has all the information you'll need to get you started!