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A place only // open+scavenger hunt // we can find - Printable Version

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A place only // open+scavenger hunt // we can find - jacob w.c. - 07-27-2018

Jacob was, admittedly, a little nervous about this. He'd never been anything other than a doctor aside from his time as chief but even that wasn't exactly like this. Then he realized this was like being chief but only the fun parts that he actually enjoyed and he felt better about it. Jacob loved bringing people together and helping them get to know one another so he supposed the change in career was a good one. It wasn't as stressful as looking after only the medical side of things too, which was good. He needed less stress in his life, especially as he was looking to marry Pinch and, hopefully, start a family.

When he'd talked to Pincher about it, he'd decided he wanted some sort of big event that he'd never done before as his first event as Dealer. Then he'd had an idea about something he'd done when he was little; a scavenger hunt. Of course, the other boys would just hide things and tell him to find them with all sorts of riddles that actually led him to nothing so he'd spend hours looking only for them all to laugh about it later. At least, that was how things were before he met Jersey and his big brother had sort of helped. Instead, he got dragged around to steal things with him. He still wasn't sure which one had been better but what he did know was that he'd received training he didn't even know he was getting in the form of pointless games that were just fun. So here he was. He'd gathered everyone in the main camp as a starting point and he called, "I'm holdin' a scavenger hunt for anyone tha' wan's ta' come join in! I'll be explainin' the rules n' givin' riddles n' things so you'll wanna' hear it. He then waited for a small crowd to gather before starting.

"Alright so the way this is gonna work is I'm gonna' give ya'll five different riddles right now. The answer ta' all the riddles is a location unique ta' Typhoon. The first person ta' solve all the riddles, visit all the locations, gets one of each color ah' cowrie shell, n' brings 'em back ta' me is the winner. When ya' get ta' each location, there'll be a basket with cowrie shells in it. Each location has a unique color so I'll know if ya' jus' try ta' take five outta' the same basket. The first shell ya' go to will be blue, then pink, then yellow, then green, n' the last one will be purple. The colors don' mean nothin', they're jus' ta' make sure ya' don' try ta' cheat. Make sure ya' don' hurt each other on the way ta' each location or fightin' over the shells. This ain't a sparrin' competition or nothin', 's jus' a race. Ah' course, I won't really know if ya' choose ta' do that but, jus' please don'," he explained before pausing and glancing around, making sure that everyone seemed to be listening.

"Now I'm gonna start with the riddles so make sure ta' listen close 'cause I ain't gonna' repeat 'em after this. Remember tha' ya' gotta visit each location in order. Alright, the first one is 'a jewel of darkness waitin' in the sea'. The second one is 'a place where one can find the throne ah' the sea'. The third is 'a place full ah' cheaters who love ta' play games, but everyone feels welcome'. The fourth is 'a place where bells ring for those who listen', n' the fifth is 'a place where everythin' glitters, includin' gold," he concluded, trying to speak each as clearly and loudly as possible so everyone would be able to hear him. "On the count ah' three, ya' can start runnin' ta' your first location. One, two..." he took a long pause for a moment, letting his eyes sweet over the group one last time. "Three!" He was going to love this job.

//Alright so the way this works is you have to have one post for each riddle/location! You also have to wait for at least one other person to post before you can move on to the next shell. For example, if I post about finding the first location, I have to wait for one more person to post before I can post about finding the second one. If you have any questions, feel free to dm me on here or on discord. There will be first and second place winners who will get the awards listed below!

First place: A headshot by [member=6]C★SMIIX[/member], a chibi by [member=1348]adomania[/member] and 40k gems!
Second place: 20k gems!

Re: A place only // open+scavenger hunt // we can find - PINCHER - 07-27-2018

tracking because neither apri or me will be participating because we know the answers
everyone else is free to try for the rewards! have fun! (^:

Re: A place only // open+scavenger hunt // we can find - rochelle - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]Fischer was stirred by Jacob’s voice when she’d been lounging around camp, trying to observe the scents of crewmates passing by. She was itching to get out and try to get reacquainted with the vast jungle’s interior, now that her sight was gone, but she was glad she didn’t. A scavenger hunt? She couldn’t help but smile a little bit. It was humorous, really, but mostly endearing, to see such a lighthearted nature of the Typhoon. Lately there’d been a dark cloud in the form of the Snowbound looming over the place, but this event seemed to really perked things up.

Fischer considered participating for a little while, though she tried her best to listen in on everything that Jacob said. Could she really handle a scavenger hunt in her state? The feline huffed. She didn’t want to be treated differently, sure, but how about treating herself differently. Now that she had sight, did she no longer think she was capable of solving a riddle and navigating through the island? If she could do it with sight, she could do it without it, too.

This scavenger hunt was becoming less and less of a competition for a prize and more of a testament to her skills, which she felt much better about. And then, suddenly, Jacob was giving out the first riddle. Instantly, her ears tilted up, haunches rising a little to get a good earful of what the Dealer was saying. Jewel of darkness ... waiting in the sea ... what was a part of the territory that was actually in the ocean? The Tempest, right? Fischer remembered ... the dark wood of the ship, and that clicked, but what about the jewel part. Someone ... someone had called it that once, right? Or was she trying to convince herself? The black smoke sat for a while, pondering the riddle. Making sure her guess was right was crucial to her, as traveling to the destination would take much longer, and she didn’t want to waste time going to the wrong spot.

It must be The Tempest. She decided it then, and rose, taking careful steps in the direction of the shore. From the center of camp, she knew she would half to just follow the coast until she heard the creaking wood and lapping of water on timber to know she’d found the Tempest. And that’s what she did, making her steps light, her breathing soft, to really listen into the sounds of the Island. The world around her would speak to her, would lead the way, not herself.

By now, she was sure others were way ahead of her. It wasn’t a silly thought, she was taking her time, strolling, strolling ... right into a totem. "Mercy me!" The Striker exclaimed, a sharp yelp erupting from her. She stepped back a few steps, at first ashamed, but then instantly full of joy. Yes! She was near the Tempest, with those totems standing tall before the dock! Fischer continued, though she carefully made her way around the statue this time, feeling her way up the dock, and to the Tempest.

Here she was especially careful. The wood of the dock was wet, slippery, and if she went too fast, or misstepped, she would plunge right into the water. Any other day she’d be alright with that, but she was keen on at least finishing this part of the scavenger hunt. It would mean a whole lot just to get this one thing right, the rest of the riddles were stored in the back of her mind, not really believing she would be able to finish the thing anyway.

When she could hear the sound of the sea water slapping against the boat, she paused, knowing she was near the end of the dock. So, hesitantly, she felt for a lift in the wood, which hopefully would be the plank. No, no, no. Her paws kept feeling around, inching closer to the edge after every moment or so. There! Rochelle smiled, and gingerly stepped on to the shipboard. Unfortunately, when she reached the top, she never thought to stop, and tumbled right down the small step that led on to the Tempest. "Oh, goodness ..." Fischer hastily got the her legs, staggering a bit by the sway of the boat, but after some recuperating, began to sniff around the ship for the blue cowrie shells she prayed would be there.

And, much to her surprise, it was there. The blind feline let out a huff of amusement, collecting one of the blue shells being held in the basket. She kept it in her teeth, heart whelmed with satisfaction. While impressed by her first success, she was exhausted, and sat down, trying to catch a second wind to carry on. Huh, maybe she could do this.

Re: A place only // open+scavenger hunt // we can find - VANDAL R. - 07-28-2018

Vandal only knows the answer to one of the five riddles, and it's only because the location of the first shell is quite dear to her. As soon as Jacob sounds the signal, she sets off towards the Tempest as fast as she could... and she would've gotten there first with her wings if it hadn't been for - free mimosas? She's sidetracked when she passes by the Capricorn Tavern, listening in on the announcement being made for a free cocktail glass, one that she's quite interested in, so she lands and helps herself to two; it's certainly not enough to get her drunk, but the taste is good, at least. She whispers to the barkeep that they should add more alcohol in it before setting off.

The Tempest isn't too far off, and Vandal flies the rest of the way with an eager smile on her face. She's surprised, though, when she finds Fischer sitting by the basket holding all of the blue-hued... well, she's assuming that that's the cowrie shell. She swoops down and lands delicately in front of the basket, taking one carefully between her teeth before plopping it into the shabby drawstring pouch hanging around her neck. With the first shell safely tucked into the linen, she turns to Fischer and offers her a smile, one that bleeds easily into her voice. "Well, tha's about the only one I know of. Got no idea where the others are, I'm afraid, those riddles made no bloody sense to me."

Instead of heading off, though, the maned wolf plops herself down next to Fischer and stretches her massive wings as far as they could go, jaws splitting into a satisfied yawn as she does so. A thought dances in her mind. She's not really joining the scavenger hunt to win - she'd rather just enjoy herself, and there's no fun in trying to fly around by one's self in search for itty bitty colored shells. "Hey, Fischer," she whispers. Her voice is almost conspiratory, and she ducks her head as if she's revealing some great secret, an impish smile flashing on her lips. "How's about we team up, yeah? I'm pretty dumb, dunno where the others are but at least I can fly us places. What d'you say?"

; sometimes, even i question the things vandal does

Re: A place only // open+scavenger hunt // we can find - ROSEMARY - 07-28-2018


Like the rest of them, the ocelot immediately thought of The Tempest - after all, they did refer to their beloved pirate ship as the jewel of their home! But it did take her a while to get there, being on foot; she wasn't desperate enough to attempt flight with her air elementals just yet, especially since she still tended to crash land whenever she flew that way. But did there she get, plucking a shell from the pile and listening to the little exchange between Fischer and Vandal. "But how would splitting work if you won as a team? I doubt the prizes would be doubled, so you'd probably be splitting with your partner," Rosemary reasoned, more for herself than the others. After all, she would very much like to take advantage of Vandal's wings - but she didn't think that made the best move, given the logic she just stated.

[ my muse is tired forgive me ]

[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: A place only // open+scavenger hunt // we can find - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-29-2018

Ooh, a scavenger hunt. Caesar did like the idea of one, however his sense of direction and trying to find shit was horrible. As Jacob explained the rules and such of the hunt, the demon thought of ways he could skert around actually finding the shells. So once Jacob started speaking, Caesar headed off somewhere, though he would pretend to actually search around before he noticed Fischer going off towards the Tempest. With a devious grin, the Officer slinked off, trying to keep as much distance as possible to make it obvious he wasn't stalking the blind she-cat.

But of course he was, and he tried to avoid coming to the area too soon, and snorted as he came upon the conversation between Fischer, Rosemary, and Vandal. "Teamwork is for pussies." The Officer grunted, picking up one of the shells himself. Without waiting for a reply, Caesar walked off, heading out of the Tempest with his head held high.

Re: A place only // open+scavenger hunt // we can find - Verdigris - 07-29-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]A scavenger hunt based around riddles? He liked to think he was a clever person- no idiot would survive this long in the Typhoon- so this ought to be right up his alley, he thought as he approached Jacob and listened in to the riddles. He had to turn his head at an odd angle to hear Jacob properly, but it was worth it to catch everything the first time through.

  After Jacob finished, Paper hurried off on his search. First was “a jewel of darkness waiting in the sea.” There was only one location in the Typhoon that was in the sea. As he walked, he pondered over the other locations. “A place where one can find the throne of the sea” and “a place full of cheaters who love to play games, but everyone feels welcome”
were easy enough. “A place where bells ring for those who listen” was simple too, and “a place where everything glitters, including gold” could be narrowed down to just a few places. Not too difficult, but he suspected the others would have figured it out too. It was going to come down to who could manage their energy the most efficiently, more likely than not.

  Hurrying up to the Tempest and coming across the basket, he was only mildly surprised to see Fischer had arrived first- blind though she may have been, she still had a working nose and ears- with Vandal, Rose, and Caesar arriving a few moments before he had. As he grabbed a cowrie shell, he overheard a few snatches of conversation about working together, but paid them no mind. He already knew where he was going for the most part, so there was no point in trying to consult with others.

  With that, he left the Tempest and hurried off to the next location. If his hunch was correct, it wouldn’t be far. There was only one location here with a throne, unless Jacob was being proverbial.

Re: A place only // open+scavenger hunt // we can find - rochelle - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]The black smoke would stir upon hearing the whisper of Vandal. She'd, of course, sensed the presence of the winged female before, and was rising to get on her feet. Someone else was at the Tempest, which meant she would get going to the next location. She'd been milling over it, trying to narrow down the answer of the riddle. A throne, that's what stuck out to her. The only place Fischer could really think of was the meeting space, and her senses couldn't help but remind her of that terrible conch sound too every time she had to go there. The short framed girl would smile at Vandal's humorous words, taken out of her thoughts.

Vandal's offer surprised her though. She felt torn. Of course, she really did want to succeed at the scavenger hunt, but from the moment she started, it'd been a testament of her own strength. Having Vandal to fly her around would just be an advantage. It wouldn't truly be Fischer that would be doing this. The blind cat frowned softly. "Well ... I" She sighed. Rosemary was right, too. She doubted they'd be allowed to team up, but that didn't really bother her so much. If the offer had come from anyone else, she'd frankly be a little offended. But Vandal was such a good friend of hers, and she knew she had good intentions. "I want ... I want to do this on my own, Vandal. I appreciate your offer, and you're welcome to follow me ... but ..." Fischer murmured gently, unable to articulate her words right. "I want to be able to prove it to myself, like a little challenge, you know?" Her unseeing eyes tried to find the face of the other, whiskers twitching to sense her. She had a sad smile, but it quickly evaporated with Caesar's words. She didn't frown, didn't move a muscle, just looking after the Officer with a calm expression. How vulgar.

"Sorry ... I won't be taking a ride on your back today, Vandal, but ... I won't mind if you follow me." Fischer murmured quickly, a bit more happily, more determined to the maned wolf. And then, she padded off, her pelt burning with embarrassment for rejecting the other's offer. Maybe she did need help, and this scavenger hunt was a lost cause for the blind girl. It made her feel a little sick, but she pushed the feeling away, feeling her way down the dock and to the sandy shore. Now, from where she'd started, in the camp's center, she couldn't be too far from the Lighthouse, which she could easily get to the Deep Sea Dome from there. Fischer made her way down the shore, with a little more pep in her step, bag jingling over her shoulder.

Listening to the water, she heard intense waves hitting over sharp rocks. The lighthouse. She could almost picture it, with it's flashing light spiraling around in the deep night. This walk was a usual one for her, back and forth from meetings. But not it felt almost ... different. She knew she had to go inland more to get to the deep sea dome, and so she turned her course of path slightly, heading for the dome. She knew she was there because there was silence, the faint crash of waves almost nonexistent. Instead, there was more of a dull, mechanic humming noise, like the ocean was trying to say something through the glass walls. In Fischer went, feeling a little more hesitant about this location being right than the last time. At least she didn't have to worry about falling in the water this time.

When the she entered the dome, her whiskers twitched. The black carpet always had this dull scent, and this damp, humidity hung in the air every time she stepped in. The echo of the dome was a bit louder now in the bigger space, and Fischer pushed past a beanbag chair, trying to feel for the basket. A throne in the sea ... she neared closer to the throne at the end of the room, and sure enough, there was the basket. "Oh mercy me!" The feline gasped, fetching a cowrie shell, this time supposedly pink, in her teeth, and putting it in her bag. She had no clue what place she was in now, as she had no way of telling if anyone had passed her in all of the excitement with Vandal, but she didn't care to know where she was placed. It just felt good to her, to be able to do this. She feared when she went blind that it was a punishment from the gods ... but instead, she felt like she was learning so much more ... and in some way, feeling rewarded with these experiences, like the scavenger hunt. With a smile she couldn't hide, she started to make her way out. She hoped Vandal had followed her, knowing the other was too sure on the second location.

Re: A place only // open+scavenger hunt // we can find - Verdigris - 07-29-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]It was as he reached the entrance to the dome that he found himself stricken with self-doubt. What if he was wrong, and this wasn’t the place? If it was somewhere else, then he had just wasted a lot of time for nothing, he reflected, looking down at the sea.

  After a few moments, however, he shook his head. If this was the wrong place, it was better for him to confirm quickly and get out of there than to get sidetracked by doubts and waste more time. Looking back up, he headed into the dome.

  There, standing at the throne with a pink cowrie, was Fischer, eliciting a double-take from Paper. When had she passed him? Never mind, that wasn’t important. Padding up to the basket, he took a pink cowrie and put it in his bag along with the blue one. Next was the place with... “cheaters,” Jacob had called them? It wasn’t hard to tell what he was referring to either way.

  With that, Paper walked out of the dome and headed to the next area shortly after Fischer, quickening his pace to try and get there before her.

Re: A place only // open+scavenger hunt // we can find - ROSEMARY - 07-29-2018


She watched the two women, ignoring the rest, as she curiously waited to see how they dealt with this logical laps - but, it resolved itself rather quickly and in the manner she predicted. Still, she wished her sister luck in wooing Fischer later; Vandal's love-struck nature was quite obvious, at least to Rosemary. After all, the soothsayer's secret clairvoyance magic gave her an edge in the field of picking out emotions, which was quite fortuitous for her given she otherwise struggled with it.

Leaving the Tempest with her shell safely inside her satchel, the ocelot trotted over to the next location. The one with a throne, which seemed obvious; Pincher held meetings atop that thing almost every week. The throne was practically etched into her memory, given how much social anxiety she got from those crowds. But, as she walked into the underwater dome, she didn't feel the sinking sense of dread today; probably because of the few faces that were inside now.

Glancing at the other two that arrived just before her, she breathed out a small sigh of relief as she realized that she was still ahead of a good deal of people. Not the first, certainly not, but not out of the running yet. There was still time to catch up, but she knew she couldn't afford to fall too far behind. In the race of endurance, you never wanted to be in the trailing edge of the pack, after all.

Trotting up to the throne, she grabbed the pink trinket and placed it in her bag. Perfect - now she needed to keep making good time. Forked tail flicking behind her, she quickly trotted out of the area and onto the next location.

[Image: Om9iAuf.png]