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I can feel it pulling me back -- open, sick (100th post) - Printable Version

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I can feel it pulling me back -- open, sick (100th post) - Warringkingdoms - 07-27-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]The day after stepping down, exhaustion had hit Rin like a truck.

  She had tried going out and resuming the duties of an observer, but a few mornings later she couldn't even get out of bed, her head pounding and her muscles too sore to move. It had only been a matter of time before an NPC came to check on her and- almost literally- dragged her into the cleric's hide for examination. She had protested, said she was fine, but the dry rasp in her voice betrayed her.

  So here she was now, a day after that, lying on a mattress with a glass of water next to it. For what she was sure would be only a brief time, the medical team was not here. One of them would arrive soon, but for now she was free to move around. Even if she didn't want to, she felt the need to do something- or at least get some fresh air.

  Rolling off of the mattress, Rin trudged over to one of the desks and took a surgical face mask. What they needed the face masks for, she wasn't sure, but if nothing else it would prevent her from getting anyone else sick. With a heavy sigh, she put the mask on, then walked over to the mirror to make sure it was on correctly.

  Staring at her reflection, the exhaustion clear in her hazy eyes and the mask firmly covering her nose and mouth, she couldn't help but feel that she looked like the kind of person who bred spiders for a living.

  The comparison was utterly bizarre, but her addled mind stood by it. With a shrug, she exited the cleric's hide, glanced around to see if any of the medics were nearby, then headed for the observatory entrance. Someone would probably stop her and tell her to go back inside, but maybe she could get at least a few rays of sunlight before they did.

  Wearily pushing the door open, Rin stepped out into the sunlight, and took a deep breath through the face mask. The air was warm- too warm to be comfortable on most days, but wonderful right now, especially with the gentle breeze blowing through. Sitting down at the observatory steps, she watched the fields, entranced by the waves rippling across the grass.

  There was work to do, prey to hunt, but she would take this moment to relax first.

Re: I can feel it pulling me back -- open, sick (100th post) - Suiteheart - 07-28-2018

Sickness was not something Suiteheart dealt with too often. Granted, she had been through Cooper's sickness, and she had dealt with spouts of sickness with Margaery. It was something that sneaked up on everyone, catching all in surprise from out of nowhere. Suite had been lucky; she had never gotten sick. She supposed she couldn't say the same for Warringkingdoms.

And how ironic, wasn't it? A medic becoming sick?

The white feline approached one of her best friends, and concern tumbled into her baby blue eyes as soon as she took in the bicolored female. The medical mask she wore was worrying, and the exhaustion plainly written across Rin's face was even moreso. "Rinny?" she inquired, voice gentle. She moved to sit beside her friend. "Did everything finally catch up to you?"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: I can feel it pulling me back -- open, sick (100th post) - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-29-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - sassy
Getting sick as a super soldier wasn't something that really happened all that often. Considering the advancement of technology, it just meant that they were basically going to have vaccines for everything. He was vaccinated early when he was a child before he was vaccinated again before joining the military. He was given a complete physical examination when it came to the likes of joining Project Freelancer as they needed to make sure that they were healthy. He had been to many different alien planets and never had to think about potential illnesses that could happen there. As far as the army knew, the aliens didn't have a form of chemical warfare that could end up making them incredibly ill if they inhaled the substance. So, that was one last thing that they had to worry about during the War. One was more likely to die from a bullet than the likes of getting a cold or pneumonia. Health care was at its all-time high, as one could have organs copy and replaced and one could have their bodies augmented and changed. Washington remembered hearing about the Spartan programs and what they did to those that were in the said Spartan program. He doubted he would have survived something like that back in the day, even if some of the methods that they used were on the hush because they didn't want news getting out to the likes of the alien race that they were going up against.

He was pretty sure during his entire time on the Mother of Invention, Washington never got sick once. He constantly checked his health, well it was more like a requirement for those that worked for the Project. They couldn't afford to give someone time to heal if they ended up getting sick. That was years of never having a cold, and allergies were nonexistent when someone wore a helmet constantly and they were in space. Disease was always something that was talked about on a ship with so many members that lived in it, but the medical staff did their damned best to keep everything sanitized, and the soldiers did what they were told so that they didn't end up getting sick. He wasn't sure if he remembered correctly, but he was fairly certain that Maine ended up getting sick once after coming back from a mission. He couldn't remember what exactly it was but it wasn't like it mattered all that much. Washington didn't know what to do in a place like this when it came to getting sick. He wasn't immune to everything here and he doubted that the body he currently had had vaccines in them. A thought that he never really had to consider when it came to getting sick as he constantly wore his gear anyway and the air filters meant that any toxic gas couldn't make its way through to his nose anyway. The Freelancer blinked his eyes as he was coming back from his daily run. Although it was more of a daily trot considering that he still had his left leg that was broken.

It was healing nicely, but it was going to take a damn long time before he could use it to full capacity. He was avoiding getting into trouble as he knew that fighting with what he had now was basically impossible. It wasn't hard to hear the Freelancer coming as he made his way toward the observatory, his metal armor rattling with each limped step that he took. Behind his visor, he saw Suiteheart and the former medic of the group. He wasn't sure if he remembered their name as they didn't really interact with one another. She wasn't the person that had patched up his arm obviously. Washington began to make his way over to notice that the former medic was wearing a mask over their face. Washington knew at least what that was, and taking in the features of the domestic cat he wasn't sure what to think. The injured smilodon stopped a little bit of a distance from them, and his facial features were hidden by his helmet. [b]"I'm no vet.... but I'm pretty sure cats aren't supposed to look like that." He didn't intend for what he said to be rude. It was just an observation really. The other looked feeble and weak. Exhausted. Washington knew what it felt like to be tired, but he wasn't sick and probably couldn't get sick as long as he had his helmet on. Another reason why he constantly kept the thing on. Washington would simply stand there, interested to know if whatever the domestic cat had could potentially spread to others. Church didn't always wear his helmet, and Carolina didn't have any gear and was susceptible to getting sick.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: I can feel it pulling me back -- open, sick (100th post) - MOONMADE - 07-30-2018

[size=9pt]It was as ironic as it was sad to get sick as a Cleric. Or, an ex-Cleric, though it didn't feel like it. Moon spotted the group from afar, Rin with her facemask, and instantly knew what was up-- no way was Rin just super into Korean fashion, suddenly. She's sick; it's obvious. And what asshole are they, the Medic team, for not checking up on her? For not knowing she'd been sick. Moon's frowning when he approaches.

"So I guess retirement isn't treating you well." Says the young Lion, golden eyes kind as he makes reference to the comment he'd made when Rin had stepped down. Maybe he'd jinxed her. He settles for a moment to slip his makeshift carrier from his neck and root  through it for a moment. "Right, Rin, pick your poison." He lays the herbs out before her. Daisy leaf, because the femme wasn't looking so light in her step and if her body was aching like he thought it was, it would at least help. Feverfew, for general grogginess and headaches, and Lambsear for the strength Rin so obviously needed. Most of this was just speculation, but if she chose to take them, his suspicions would be proven.