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WHY SO SILENT / JOINING - Printable Version

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WHY SO SILENT / JOINING - RENÉ. - 07-27-2018

[div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]Suddenly, there was a large, purple-toned feline sitting just outside the territory. They were not there prior, so one could only assume that they were a new arrival. Such only made sense. If someone is a member of a group, they tend to actually be in the group.

And René was not that. He had not appeared in The Ascendants until just now. If one comes to a new place, they may want to join.

And René was that. The feline did not want to cause a ruckus. He did not want to stir the metaphorical pot. Loudly exclaiming one's presence could do such a thing. So, instead, the tom waited. Good things come to those who wait, after all-- and René was certainly not one to be adverse to receiving good things.


Re: WHY SO SILENT / JOINING - pallid-i - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Pim had been silent in her joining as well, though after someone spoke to her, she started speaking up herself. It seems it was common thing to do. She shouldn't be surprised, but she was. She kind of expected animals to be a loud bunch. Humans were loud, so why wouldn't animals be loud as well? It seems she was proven wrong yet again, though that didn't bother her. Everything was a learning process.

The tall feline made her way over and spotted René. She hummed softly to herself and made her way over to the male, red eyes curiously studying him. "Hello there! Something up, friend? Want something?"

Re: WHY SO SILENT / JOINING - RENÉ. - 07-27-2018

[div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]Due to some time passing between his arrival and the arrival of another, René figured he'd have to do something to pass the time. After looking around, studying the area, and deciding there was a sufficient amount of nothing to do, the plum-colored tom took to the oh-so exciting task of staring at the ground.

One can only stare at the ground before they lost their mind, and René worried he'd find himself in such a predicament-- but a sudden greeting spared him from such a fate. The tom immediately looked up from the ground as soon as he heard he was being spoken to, his red eyes meeting a similarly-colored pair.

"Oh, hello," René meowed, smiling as he narrowed his eyes. "I'd like to see if I could join this group of yours."

"Ah, and," the tom caught himself, seemingly realizing an error he had made. "My name is René. Pleasure to meet you."


Re: WHY SO SILENT / JOINING - ★ HAZEL - 07-27-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Hazel was honestly well on her way to losing track of the joiners that were popping up at their borders these days; three or four every couple hours, it seemed. She had already withdrawn herself from clan life for a good week or so and effectively come back to three-fourths of the clan replaced with strangers.

Hazel drew herself to a stop next to the Pimostra, who also happened to be a newcomer. Deus. Golden optics flickered over the unfamiliar feline, noting his remarkably purple appearance before offering a friendly smile. “Well, you’re more than welcome here,” she greeted. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, René — I’m Hazel. I hope you find your stay with us alright.” Wow, she practically had this “welcoming joiners” thing down to a tee. Then again, her nerves with strangers weren’t nearly as frayed as they usually were, courtesy of René’s lax impression. “If you ever have any questions or want a tour around the place, I’d be happy to help.”

Re: WHY SO SILENT / JOINING - RENÉ. - 07-27-2018

[div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]Another person. That was good. One could never have too many friends, after all. René's crimson eyes shifted from Pimostra to the newer new arrival-- the one that called themselves "Hazel".

"Hello, Hazel," the tom said, smiling in a similar manner as he had just prior. "It is a pleasure to meet you, as well," he said, continuing to listen to the member's-- or clanmate's, now, he assumed-- explanation, nodding every once in a while to indicate that he was listening. René refrained from hollow "yeah"s and "okay"s as he listened, and stood in complete silence until Hazel closed her mouth for a good few moments.

"I will do that," René smiled once more, cocking his head ever so slightly to the side to punctuate his kind expression. "Thank you, very much."



Next to walk over was Stark, he didn't stand anywhere near his clanmates for his own personal reasons yet his ears twitched a bit at the sight of René. He didn't say much at first simply watching the other and trying to figure them out, he eventually let out a soft "hmm" before finally introducing himself with a very toothy grin. "Stark Ferro. A pleasure to meet you, René." His curled tail wagged for a moment before the rugged hybrid would sit down using a hind leg to scratch at his neck a bit with his claws only briefly sweeping across the iron that wrapped around his throat and chest. His reactor glowed powerfully yet he didn't seem to say nothing much, he didn't think he needed to add anything else. It only reminded him when he was a Visionary, how he'd always welcome people and tell em not to get on his nerves. Frankly, this wasn't his clan so he wouldn't say such a thing unless he really felt like it. His tongue swiped across scarred lips for a moment taking note of this felines pretty nice accessory around their throat yet he didn't say anything though said collar gave him an idea "Welcome to the Ascendants, kid."

Template by Quill

Re: WHY SO SILENT / JOINING - Margaery - 07-28-2018

It appeared as if she was late which, admittedly, had not been her intention.

Margaery had been letting her responsibilities slip as of late, actually dedicating time to herself rather than her clanmates and their many issues. Her two day disappearance had been a direct result of that mindset, the Cosmic General slipping away from the Observatory and into the uncharted territory beyond in an attempt to process her troubled thoughts and begin to move forward in a more.... healthy fashion. Obviously her impromptu vacation had significantly improved her mood, her smiles genuine once again and that spring once more in her step. There were still troubles and demons that required her attention, but she had worked through their major ins and outs and reduced the heavy burden she had laid across her fragile shoulders.

[b]"Hello, love," She greeted when she arrived, hoping that René was not too terribly troubled by newfound lack of punctuality, "My name is Margaery Mikaelson and I'm a Cosmic General here. Do you need any help getting settled in?" She was unsure if her clanmates had already asked the newcomer that, but figured that it never hurt to make sure any joiner was welcomed and assimilated into their clan with ease. A little repetition never killed anyone either, she knew that much.

Re: WHY SO SILENT / JOINING - pallid-i - 07-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Ah, others had approached. Pim felt somewhat anxious now, but she just forced a small smile. "It's nice to meet you René. I'm sure you'll like it here in the Ascendants." Or at least she hoped he would come to like it. It was possible to not like a group, after all. Though she quite liked this group. It was welcoming so far, so she didn't have any qualms. "You're not hungry, are you? I could fetch you a quick snack!"


Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - sassy
Making friends with the likes of a military background was something that was fairly difficult to do. Washington didn't want to make any friends while he was in this place until he turned human, and there would probably be others that would try and interact with him and not get very far. He was already closed off to most of those that lived in this place, and the only one that he was remotely close to was Imperia. And even then he only gave her some vague information here and there, which just seemed to be enough to ganter the others interest in him. The last thing that Agent Washington wanted to suddenly have a lot of attention directed toward him. They had enough of that on a daily basis when it came to the likes of the Freelancers, as they were the only ones that really lived here with specific armor that was constantly on their body. When it came to getting questions from other people he was perfectly fine with people asking questions. He would much rather have people ask questions than immediately think that they know everything about who he was and just to get it all wrong in the end. Something that the majority of the animals here seemed to act toward them, which Washington could care less about what they thought of their group in the end. It made no difference to him as long as they were willing to give him supplies.

He technically had a position in this group, did he know what that was? Of course not. Ranks didn't really mean anything in this strange world, so he just did what he usually did without much issue in all of it. The Freelancer was constantly working, and now with his broken arm, it was a bit of a chore to be able to do. There had been a lot of things that had happened recently, and he wasn't sure if he liked what had happened. Carolina died and came back to life. And Agent Texas had appeared. The last person he wanted to interact right now while he was mentally unstable. Oh well. Another issue that came up as he had been working on upgrading his helmet hoping that it would work, but with no luck, as there were only static and electrical screeches that would come through it. He was looking at manuals and schematics but he wasn't finding anything useful and it was aggravating. If York was here the other may be able to fix this stuff, as he wasn't exactly a technician. He was a soldier and only a soldier. The armored smilodon had a splint on his left leg, which was keeping the broken bones together. Having his armor on his arm also kept his arm a little bit straighter too. It wasn't hard to hear the lion-sized animal making his way over to the group, having heard them. It was useful to try and use scents to identify someone thanks to the helmet that he wore on his face.

The filters in front of the helmet filtering out the air that he breathed in, just in case he ended up getting into a poisonous cloud of some sort. It kept him alive, and that meant he just had to rely on his hearing to get to places. The metal armor that he wore rattling with each step that he took as he looked at the interesting colored domestic cat in front of him. The other seemed fine to him and didn't look to be the one to start any sort of trouble. Which wouldn't be his problem because he didn't care if anyone died in the Ascendants. Washington kept his distance from the group, situating himself off to the side. Fuck he was tired. He hadn't slept in the last two days either. The Freelancer yawned inside of his helmet, but it was silent so no one would be able to see him doing so. Once he was done, the former human would speak in a deadpanned tone that he usually spoke in. [b]"Agent Washington." The armored creature would state looking at the other. His dark grey paws shifted slightly on the ground as he didn't know what the conversation would end up holding and he would prefer to get back to his patrols.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18: