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drowning ☀ returning from rescue - Printable Version

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drowning ☀ returning from rescue - arcy - 07-27-2018

Izuku and Tsuyu hadn't been subtle about their intentions to rescue Kirishima from the Typhoon. I mean, they'd discussed it right in front of people before they went to plan. And, strangely, nobody had stopped them. Maybe they hadn't really realized, or just couldn't. Izuku isn't sure. He's not sure how to feel about it, honestly. I mean -- they'd gotten Kirishima! With .. some problems, of course. They were all injured pretty badly. Izuku had done his best to treat them on the way back, but he didn't have his herb stock or supplies. Also, it was really awkward to move. He was so big now, and his claws, his talons, were so sharp. They glowed in the dark, too, as he'd found. It was .. awfully strange, but there were a lot of strange things about this new form he'd taken. Shapeshifting. He had shapeshifting.And he was a dragon. A small dragon, only a head or two, or somehow three now instead? But a dragon nonetheless.  And he had no idea how to shift back. But, then again, he'd had to get everyone back. They'd gotten lost, somewhere in the midst of fleeing. Like, really lost. It'd taken days to figure out how to get back. A lot of it honestly just involved flying about and hoping to spot something. Funfact for that, too, flying was somehow .. freeing. And a lot easier to figure out in this form.
"Guys? We're back," Izuku's voice is dripping with relief as he settles on the ground, calling for his clanmates. He tucks in scaly wings as he nudges his poor passengers off. The whole thing had been a disaster, honestly. He's limping as he takes a few steps forward, ears turning and eyes wide. Pincher had burned his shoulder .. really, really badly. And some other burns and injuries, of course. He'd .. been kind of a dumbass. He'd tried to keep people's attention on him, and had most certainly suffered the repercussions. The dragon's ears lie back as he looks about the snow-covered territory. He hopes his clanmates were okay, while he was gone. While they were all gone. He doesn't have any regrets, though. Kirishima was back and okay enough, even though they were all injured and in pain. Ugh. At least Izuku had his supplies, here. And, hopefully, he could steady his claws enough to treat his clanmates soon enough. They were all so much smaller than him now, it was actually kind of scary.
//[member=1262]TSUYU.[/member] [member=1530]Kirishima,[/member]
basically; they went to rescue kiri just before the peace treaty, got lost for a few days, and then returned after the treaty lol.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: drowning ☀ returning from rescue - Character Graveyard. - 07-27-2018

Kirishima blamed himself for putting Izuku and Tsuyu in danger. If he hadn't gotten stuck on that boulder and gnawed his own leg off, gotten captured and tortured, then none of them would be hurt. But now, he had bruises, a burn and a broken rib. Izuku had nasty burn wounds on multiple parts of his body and other injuries. Tsuyu- he hadn't seen most of her injuries, so he wasn't sure if she was badly hurt like him and Izuku.

Kirishima would stumble awkwardly around on his three-legs as the Frosthealer nudged him and Tsuyu off his back, a frown on his maw. Geez. Why was he such a burden to everyone in Snowbound? It was because he didn't have his powers that turned all of his body rock-hard, so he wouldn't get hurt that much.

The injured maned-wolf would turn and look upward at the dragon, frowning still. "Izuku, are you doing good? Maybe we should go get some herbs for our injuries?"
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: drowning ☀ returning from rescue - NUI HARIME - 07-27-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality

it was a powerful thing. a bond; an unstoppable force connecting others, tying them together. squeezing around the heart so tightly one could not escape. urging the common person to do things for others. to kill for their loved ones. to put themselves in danger, devotion gripped tight within their grasp. love.
it was perhaps, to some, one of the most powerful weapons the world, to wield that passion with such fiery intensity to do the things that needed to be done, that no one would otherwise do. and nui knew that it was what drove izuku to endanger himself for the well being of kirishama.

she knew it as clear as day.

but affection? devotion? the things that were so very openly displayed within snowbound?

there was no flicker of that within her alien-infused heart for her clanmates, who so seamlessly accepted her into their group; accepted her as one of their own. who so effectively accepted her as the girl in frills. the childish one. they didn't send her a second glance. few wondered about her because she was so good at blending in with the mere surface of her personality. the glacier hadn't even begun to scratch.

love made her want to hurl. and friendship was a joke. the only one that she had needed; that she ever would need had been ragyo kiryuin, her darling creator. magnificent. flawless. godly.

they were back. their absence had been notable, the snowflake pondering the possibility of their demise. but there they came. limping through the border, dried blood and burn marks untreated.

nui came floundering through the snow, parasol held within her grasp as she paused to stand upright, leaning upon it like an old man would a cane.

"welcome back loves," there was no questions as to their whereabouts. no incessant prattling of questions or overbearing concern. her usually cheerful voice, while ever still high-pitched, was now straightforward and clinical. "it took you a while to return. i was afraid you'd never come home."

and there was a ginger pause. almost as if she realized something. a cobalt gaze focused heavily on the dragon standing before her, scrutinizing him before her confusion was quickly washed away. recognition on her features, she called out. "izuku?" the frosthealer was familiar. while the former feline still had his own, familiar scent to him, his signature smell had been awash with the rank odor the of typhoon and the others surrounding him, along with the faint whiff of ash and singe.

"you're badly injured. is there anything that you need?"

Re: drowning ☀ returning from rescue - TSUYU. - 07-27-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

Tsuyu's tongue hung from her mouth limply, the damaged muscle weak from blood loss and the burn she obtained on it. It was a stupid move to block a damn fireball, especially when it didn't completely block all of it. After being taken off of her classmates back, the girl turned her gaze to the ground, paws shuffling a moment before she limped, wincing slightly. Fucking hips. That smack from the tail really did hurt her. "They're hurt pretty bad. I'd get them checked out." Tsuyu croaked out, charcoal eyes flickering with a moment of pain before she turned to slowly hop away. She didn't want to be apart of this healing session. She'd just let her wounds heal with time, but the girl just couldn't.. Watch this. She felt weird. The electricity she saw, it still frightened her. She wanted to stay away from Midoriya for a bit.

Re: drowning ☀ returning from rescue - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-28-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash had heard wind of Izuku's plan, and although she wanted to stop him, she really couldn't. Kirishima was their tribemate, and he didn't deserve to be tortured. Hell, he didn't even deserved to get pulled into this mess. "I'm so sorry," Atbash's telepathic voice was oddly choked as she made her way over, hoping Izuku and especially Kirishima heard it. Their wounds look absolutely horrible, and the Hailcaller flinched as she took note of the burn wounds on everyone. "I should have given them supplies earlier. You shouldn't have been roped into this mess." Her words were directed more towards Kirishima now, but of course she was trying to broadcast it to everyone. God, she felt horrible. Kirishima, Izuku, Tsuyu all got hurt because of her. Because she failed to listen to Pincher's threat and demands.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: drowning ☀ returning from rescue - Character Graveyard. - 07-28-2018

Kirishima would wince and he closed his red-eyes as he noticed Atbash walking over, excepting her to scold all three of them. Instead, it was a apology. He would open both of his eyes and frown. Now he felt bad for getting himself captured by a damn unicorn.

"Atbash, you're fine. It's my own fault because I was the one who got one of my hind legs stuck between two boulders and gnawed it off because of my animal instinct. So please, don't blame yourself, just blame me for this mess." He said to the Hailcaller.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: drowning ☀ returning from rescue - arcy - 07-29-2018

Izuku didn't blame anyone else for not having prevented this. Not Kirishima, nor anyone else. Everyone made mistakes. Izuku knows he'd made far, far more than anybody else realized. More than he hoped they'd ever know. This was the least of them, honestly.
"I'll be okay," Izuku reassures Kirishima, tail giving a sweep. He's just got burns and scratches, nothing more. Uh. Then again, he'd had to set his leg early on. What was with him and leg injuries? Anyways, at least it wasn't broken. Just .. dislocated. Which was .. not great, either. He'd be okay in another week, though. Just had to rest and then .. not .. strain his leg. He could probably manage that. He nods at Nui's realization, though he sinks in on himself just a little. He .. still isn't sure how to deal with his transformation. At least people could recognize. Uh. Probably solely because of his scent. And color. "We can just go in treat some, don't worry about it," is what he says, in response to both Kirishima and Nui. He allows them both a smile, and doesn't argue as Tsuyu leaves. He probably spooked her. He's not sure how, but he did. Her injuries weren't bad enough he couldn't check on them later, at least. When things were more settled.
"Atbash, it's okay, it's not your fault," Izuku makes to assure Atbash, trying to grin at the feline. .. And then he realizes his teeth are terribly sharp and threatening and he hasn't figured out how this face works yet. Would dragons intimidate cats? Izuku isn't sure, even though none of his clanmates seem bothered. Izuku makes to brush his tail gently tap Atbash with his tail, hopefully reassuringly but Izuku isn't sure. He really didn't blame her. Earlier .. "So you gave them the supplies?" Izuku asks, tilting his head. He wants to be disappointed that she gave in after all that, gave them what they wanted, but Izuku knows it'd just get worse and worse. Maybe it's for the better.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: drowning ☀ returning from rescue - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-29-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
But it was her fault. Atbash shook her head in response to Kirishima and Izuku's words, but didn't say anything on that matter. It was her fault, she should have never left Caesar's side. If she stayed with him and supported him despite her beliefs, everything would be okay. She wouldn't be here, she wouldn't lead, but Snowbound wouldn't be in this mess if that was the case. "Yeah, I sent Aizawa to do that," Atbash admitted, shuffling her paws and biting her lip. "Pincher told me that he would hunt us down if we didn't give supplies to him. S-so I had Aizawa do that so nobody else would get hurt." Was she wrong for trusting a pirate? Probably, but he did punish Caesar last time he did something wrong.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi