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KNEE DEEP IN THE RIVER | p, luna - Printable Version

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KNEE DEEP IN THE RIVER | p, luna - BASTILLEPAW - 03-27-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
So, Starry didn't choose the best of days to track Bastille down and mention that he thought Luna might be his mentor. It hadn't occurred to him that he would be assigned one, old as he was for a Fireball, but he supposed he should have expected it. As it was, he had a raging headache -- it seemed that they were constant, these says -- and the slightest of ringing in his ears, as if the faint whispers of his souls pestering him wasn't enough. Ugh. He would put this shit off if he could, but alas, he would probably only be in a worse mood tomorrow.

"Uh, Luna," he called, shifting about somewhat awkwardly outside her room. He liked her well enough; she was calm, collected, and seemed unfazed whenever his potty mouth or curtness seemed to get out of control. She was probably a great teacher, honestly -- he just didn't feel like dealing with this all today. "Starry told me to test out some mentoring and shit with you. He thinks you should be mine, I guess." Smooth, Bast. Smooth.

[ [member=198]Lunafreya,[/member] ]

Re: KNEE DEEP IN THE RIVER | p, luna - Character Graveyard. - 03-27-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
The snow-white feline had spent the day in her room- organizing her stuff than reading a few history books. As a child, the only tutor she had, were her mother and sibling- thus she was very well-educated.

Surprised to hear Bastille ask for her outside of her room's door, the blue-eyed cat went to the door and slowly opened it with a push of her nose. "Hi, Bastille." Luna said softly, listening to his question. He, or Starry, wanted her to mentor the Fireball? How interesting. She'd never done anything like this before.

Most likely, it'd be a great experience. "I'd be happy to mentor you." She said, giving a quick nod of her head.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: KNEE DEEP IN THE RIVER | p, luna - BASTILLEPAW - 04-04-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 9px"]
Bastille wasn't exactly trained, per se. In theory, he had a lot of experience passed down from his souls, and Echo's broad range of fighting capabilities was technically at his disposal. As it were, though, Bast knew everything in theory and had little experience actually practicing with others, only himself. It would be good to try what he knew in real time, against a real target; it was possible his execution was off.

(There was a brief surge of memories; he was slinking through the crowd that had gathered around the potential Stealth-Walkers, keeping track of Indigo and her current prospect as he moved. They would be finished in any moment, most likely with Indi on top once more, but Echo would be ready for her. No one ever said he had to play by the rules to win, after all.)

Bast gave a slight shake of his head, and blinked once Luna responded. Easy, steady -- as usual. "Cool," he said with a shrug, uncertain what he was meant to do now. "Uh, I was going to go patrol, if you wanna come and... talk." A pause. Bast was quite nonchalant and unbothered in most situations, but clearly struggled a bit with genuine or meaningful interaction. "About training, or something."