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power help? - Printable Version

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power help? - dead chars - 07-27-2018

hello! basically im looking for a way to recreate tokoyami's dark shadow quirk as best as i can in the bob universe?
i was originally planning on using shadow manipulation, but i think it got taken out of the store. i also have a few other ideas, though:
- using an elemental such as earth or fire and using it to act in much the same way dark shadow did in the show (if i go with fire the flames would probably be black, i was wondering if that was possible for any of the other elementals though? cause the idea of dark shadow becoming an earth elemental power is really appealing but i want to know if i can uhhh change the color of the earth i guess. if not thats fine)
- making dark shadow a ghost character (for this one i was wondering if ghosts could be tangible? i dont think so though which is why im iffy on it, plus idk if tokoyami would need a power to see it)
- using shadow manipulation? if it's still an option / going to be an option in the future?
- dark shadow is now a physically different character that is alive and exists but tokoyami and dark shadow are soul bonded (this would probably be a last resort situation though)
- uhhh other

i would really appreciate some help on this :'- ) i know it's probably impossible to recreate his quirk exactly which is fine! but the main things id like to preserve abt it are:
- using it for combat
- it can appear and disappear on command

Re: power help? - vellichor - 07-27-2018

I think you'd be able to use a combination of telepathy and air elementals? air elementals can move things around/hit things basically like telekinesis and telepathy would enable people to see the shadows. it would technically be projected as an illusion but you could just say that it your character enables people to see the shadows moving during combat? I also think using the earth or fire elementals would be fine too tbh. Because it's just aesthetic, I don't see why it'd be a problem having the fire black or the earth a darker color bc I know I've see characters with purple and blue fire and things like that (which I mean does technically occur naturally but not it's usual state. If necessary, you could find some dark colored minerals and say he's specifically good at controlling those).