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trust me | p, blue - Printable Version

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trust me | p, blue - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 03-27-2018

[Image: xWinQeE.gif]
I'VE BEEN WRITING ON YOUR GHOST PAGE, BABE — It was strange how when one significant piece of your life returned to you after being forgotten, it sparked a whole chain of remembrance. It was true- at least for Mementomori, it was. Ever since he had found Blue amidst the territory, some of his memories had been coming back to him. So far, the majority of them, save for a few, had been insignificant, but it was progress nonetheless and he was fine with that. Who knew? Maybe in time, Vincent would remember everything. A part of him doubted that, but hey- a guy could hope, right?

As the husky made his way through the territory, a freshly caught rabbit clutched in his jaws, he tried to remember the few memories he had retained about Blue. So far, he had remembered that she wasn't the only raptor- there were 3 others, Delta, Charlie, and Echo. Like a pack, they usually stuck together, but so far, he hadn't seen any of them other than Blue. Although it was possible they had been separated, he had a feeling there was a pretty low chance of that ever happening. Then there was that one guy who had dubbed himself their "Alpha"... Owen, was it? He was surprised he hadn't come looking for them yet. Ah well, he supposed he could take care of them in the meantime.

Which is exactly why he was out here right now, wandering around with a rabbit in his mouth. Vinny wasn't quite sure where Blue liked to hang out just yet, so he would have to search for her until then. It wasn't so bad, unless of course, she was off eating a clanmate. That probably wouldn't be good. Setting his prey down for a moment, the husky glanced around. Unlike last time, he found himself in The Canopy, surrounded by trees. It felt extremely familiar, like his old home... perhaps she was here? "Blue...?" Mementomori called out gently, pausing to wait for an answer of some sort.

[member=184]Sorrel[/member] — I'VE BEEN WAITING BY YOUR GRAVE


Re: trust me | p, blue - Sorrel - 03-28-2018

Blue had plenty of memories over her growth period over the years. The beast honestly wanted some of the memories to disappear on some occasions. Especially with the one about the white coats that did testing on her and her sisters. It would make Blue furious at the thought of being touched by someone that wasn't part of their pack. They were strangers and they didn't belong in their world like they thought they should. The humans had to devise a way that wouldn't end up getting themselves killed in the process of trying to check the vitals of the raptors while taking blood and skin samples to make sure that they were growing at a good enough rate. Blue of course had no idea what they were really doing to her, which made her even angrier every time that it did happen. Owen tried his best to keep the raptors calm despite everything, and he did a good job at it when they were younger. But once they entered what was considered to be their teen years it was a lot more difficult to manage the large animals. Especially when they could throw their weight around in a matter of seconds. Blue had a hard time trusting others due to the way she had interacted with the others that were clanners. When she had first arrived in this strange world from the usual cage she had lived in for a majority of her life, the reptile wasn't sure what to think. At the time she was injured and was hungry, meaning that she was going to hunt the first thing that she thought was even remotely considered to be food. Her interaction with other wildlife was extremely limited, as it would give the entire packs hope up that they would end up out of containment one time in their life. Which the scientists didn't end up planning on letting them out. They were going to be used for entertainment then they were going to be used as weapons.

The scars that covered the Utahraptor's body weren't from her sisters. Instead all the scars that were there were from other clanners. The scars that were on her sisters that she couldn't prevent from happening were from the clans. So, in her mind why should she trust anyone other than those that were pack? That was the mentality that Blue held for herself and she would stick by it until proven otherwise. There were instances where the clanners weren't really a threat and were just to remain sitting in the background doing whatever they usually did. Blue never really cared about the routine that they set up for themselves, and thanks to her large size it meant that few were willing to go up against someone like her in the first place. It made it easier on her, but it developed a bad habit in the wild animal to anticipate winning from the very beginning. She deserved to have the scars that covered her body because of how reckless she could end up getting if she wasn't careful. There were strange instances where the Utahraptor did have to deal with those that had powers. Did she know what powers were yet? No. She had no idea what they were capable of, having a couple mental attacks used on her to the point where she couldn't see someone anymore. As if they had vanished completely. It forced Blue to go into a complete panic. The only scars that weren't given to her by clanners were the burn marks that had healed into scars over time. Those scars given to her by humans that had tried to capture her when her and her pack had been living on the island. The Utahraptor hated humans and wanted nothing to do with them anymore. If she even saw a human again, she would be quick to attack them without hesitation, knowing how dangerous they are to her pack.

Pack. Pack. Pack. Pack meant everything to the raptors. Yes they were fine without constantly being next to each other. They often gathered if all of them were hunting, but if they wanted to hunt by themselves for a small amount of time they were more than willing to let each other run off to go and catch something. The Raptors had gotten used to the safe areas of some of the clans, especially inside of the clan territories out of consideration that the large expanse of land they considered to be their own. Enemy clans were lucky out of the fact that as long as they didn't step over the border, they weren't really considered to be that much of a threat. But they would be more than likely considered to be food. The pack was their livelihood, and they developed respectable bonds over time with each other. Because of these bonds, they were able to survive for as long as they could, and they were still surviving. Her sisters weren't close by, but they were still in the area. And so was Alpha. Her sisters were smart enough to give her occasional updates as she constantly scouted out the territory to make sure that it was safe. It was plenty safe as far as she could tell, and most of the animals here seemed to be a form of food givers. Which was even better. Even if Owen didn't like it all that much. It was an advantage for Blue because it did mean free food. Due to the way that the territory was laid out, Blue didn't spend most of her time on the open plains. She remained somewhat in the forested areas where her body was better camouflaged. Her blue-ish grey scales blending in better with larger shadows compared to tall grass. Vinny definitely picked a good area to try and find the Utahraptor. Patrolling what she considered to be her territory for the meantime before her sisters would end up setting up a nest. Blue huffed as she ran through the forest, her arms pressed to her side before she heard her name being called. This caused the massive dinosaur to skid to a halt, and cock her head to the side to listen more carefully. She knew that voice, and that usually meant food. Changing course, Blue started to walk in the direction of the canine, her 16ft long tail swaying behind her. She kept herself hidden though right before revealing herself, her amber optics looking at the male from behind foliage, checking to make sure the area was clear. After all, she had been baited into different cages with food at all. She walked through the bush that she was hiding behind, her fingers flexing as she looked around again. Double checking. Once that was over, her body language relaxed significantly, and she turned towards Vinny, offering a chitter from her throat. 'Food giver' the reptile would soon babble after, her eyes immediately directed toward the smell of fresh meat.