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HIGH ON HIGH / open - Printable Version

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HIGH ON HIGH / open - CELESTE G.M. - 07-27-2018

Scrounging up incense on this island was hard. There were no sacred mounds either, nothing for her to preform her rituals as she trekked through the island. She had to give thanks to Tengri and Yer-Sub for protecting her - which in her case meant an elaborate long ritual with ample incense and concentration. The methods and motions of the incantations were not unfamiliar to her, she had learned them when she was young and just starting as a shaman.

The mound that she made was made of earth. There was the temple, but she cannot ground herself properly in a building made of stone. No, she needs to hear the earth beneath her paws and the whispers of the wind and see the sky. There is no way to speak to her gods without being in nature for her gods are nature, primordial and without the trappings of humanity. After all, what force is more ancient than the earth and the sky themselves?

She starts the incense burning as she centres herself, breathing deeply and letting her mind relax. She starts to listen for the telltale signs that she knows, the voices of a world that speaks to those who know how to listen. And yet, she hears unfamiliar whispers and sounds, as if this land is unwelcoming to her. It does not wish to speak to her, but still she keeps herself calm. Sandalwood and frankincense burn in their offering bowls, not the ornate and well-maintained bowls that she owns, but two dishes that she salvaged that were claimed by the sea.

Temulin does not understand the language in which the sea speaks. It is offputting to her, even as she repeats the thanks in her own tongue, the tongue of the plains, of the old lands. The sea's language is as ancient, but different. Temulin has not spent her life beside the waves, as she gives her thanks to Tengri, Yer-Sub, Umai and the Earth mother. She knows not who controls the sea, but she offers thanks to the waves themselves.

With the prayers ceased, she leaves her offerings by the mound. The feathers of a hawk for Tengri, tea for Yer-Sub due to the lack of horses that she had found, cheeses for Umai and milk for the Earth Mother. They are left in a dish, bowing her head as she finishes the ritual.

Usually it makes her feel better when she performs a ritual but... No. She feels uncomfortable - as if she cannot contact the gods that she know protects her. The spirits here are unfamiliar and she doubts that they would answer her call, as if they are not obedient to Umai or Erlik. She is...

Completely alone.
[div style="text-align:center;width:55%;font-size:11pt;font-family:times new roman;padding-TOP: 3px;"][color=white]SO STILL THIS BROKEN MELODY AND HEREWITH SHOULDER THEE

Re: HIGH ON HIGH / open - jacob w.c. - 07-27-2018

Jacob wasn't really one for religion, but that was likely because he didn't really understand it. He held an apathy towards it, having been around so many throughout his life. He'd moved so many times and had so many prominent figures and they'd all held different beliefs. Most of his family on his Babbo's side claimed to be Catholic but... well, he'd read some things about that and he wasn't sure how they could have so much faith in that when their entire livelihood went against it's teachings, at least from what Jacob had seen. It told you not to hurt people and especially not to kill them, but that wasn't how his family handled business. He assumed they only claimed it out of some sort of obligation or tradition but he couldn't really be sure. Then there was his Pa, Harrison, who'd taught him all sorts of Native American traditions and despised any sort of church due to the way he'd been treated when he was younger. Jacob didn't know the whole story, he'd been a lot younger when the man passed away and many of those months were spent with Harrison to sick to speak very much at all. Then he'd gone to Snowbound, where many of the residents believed in ancestors. Then there was the hallucination (as he liked to refer to it; he would never admit it was anything more than that) that told him everything was planned by being long before him and that his destiny was set in stone.

There were so many different ideas and Jacob thought that each had important ideas and lessons but he wasn't sure if any of them were true. Maybe he would decide on one someday but it just didn't seem all that important to him right now, if he was being entirely honest. He was alright with not knowing things and with living life in the dark. The hallucinations that sometimes spoke to him said that soon he'd have to move forward, that if he didn't take the first step towards whatever grand fate they thought he had, they would push him towards it.  He told himself that it was all ridiculous and he had nothing to worry about. They were only figments of his imagination, they couldn't do anything to him and couldn't change the outcome of his life. If they could, surely they would've intervened at some point when all those terrible things were happening to him like when his Pa had got lung cancer or when he'd gotten trapped in the house fire or when his Ma died and he and Jersey had to move away. Surely they would have protected him from some of that if they really wanted the best for him. 

However, Jacob could relate to the feeling of completely loneliness. He'd felt it on more than one occasion and it was far from pleasant. He'd felt it when he had to move away from his Babbo for the first time, pushed into a new city where he didn't know anyone and where he was alone aside from those that his Babbo had placed around him for protection and to help raise him. Over time, he'd gotten to know those people as his family. He'd picked up their accents, their languages, their behavior, their beliefs. He'd fought with them and laughed with them and cried with them. He loved them. There was no doubt in his mind about that. But then he had to leave again. It would be his third move and that was when he arrived in Snowbound. Initially, Jersey had gone with him but then his big brother had split off to go on his own and Jacob felt alone again. He was supposed to be surrounded by friends and family but things weren't the same without Jersey and the recent death of his Ma and Pa had been suffocating at the time. Finally, he'd met Pinch and a few months later he'd moved to Typhoon. Here, he had a family again. There was no longer a mother or father figure but there was his own family. There was Goldie, who he considered his daughter, and there was Pincher, who was obviously the man he was meant to marry, and there was Roxanne and Captainpaw and Keona and all the other wonderful people he'd gotten to know here. He knew he wasn't like a lot of them. He didn't have violent tendencies and he often avoided conflict unless someone he knew would get hurt if he didn't intervene. He was finally safe, though, and he finally had the family he'd always wanted. He finally had one gigantic family and he was even more happy than he ever could've dreamed he'd be. Things weren't perfect but what was here was his and he loved it.

He'd just been out on a walk when he noticed an odd scent in the air and went out of his way to look for it. He wanted to make sure everything was alright or that someone wasn't lost. He was one of the kinder members of Typhoon but most of them wouldn't take kindly to a stranger sitting in their territory and lighting a fire to cook a meal or something. It was better for them to meet Jacob before someone like Pincher or Caesar showed up. Jacob adored his soon to be husband but he had to admit the jaguar was known to be a little prone to violence. When he arrived, he saw a woman who looked vaguely familiar, though he wasn't sure if they'd met yet. She smelled of the Typhoon so she assumed she wasn't some kind of invader or outside. She had something burning in front of her and Jacob had no intentions of getting any closer to any sort of flame so he stayed where he was. He wasn't quite sure what she was doing and he debated whether or not he should disturb her. Was she lost? "Um, ma'm? I don' think we've met before, 'm Jacob, but, uh, are ya' alright? 'S there anythin' I can help ya' with?" the man asked, taking a few steps forward, his eyes flickering the burning incense before he stopped. This was close enough.   

Re: HIGH ON HIGH / open - PINCHER - 07-28-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Religion was never really something one could find in busy lives that were lead by killers and monsters like Pincher. His father had been Catholic or had claimed to be but his mother had always focused on Vodou since it was the original religion that had blossomed from the island floor that the Typhoon now lived in. Pincher had believed in both in his youth, managing the practices back and forth as best as he could but after his father took him away from his mother, the belief had ceased it's progress. The belief of there being a greater being in control of everything seemed far fetched to him as time passed but he always lingered at the edges of religion, wondering if perhaps the heavens above would accept him despite his sins. But Pincher highly doubted it. With all the blood that stained him and haunted him, Pincher knew the only place that would be willing to take him in would be any version of hell that desired another prisoner. He knew that in the afterlife, nothing but agony and pain would be there and he would have to deal with it for everything he had done.

The lean cinder colored figure of the immortal was stepping through the rich vegetation of the jungle side of the island, having taken a brief journey upwards to the volcano to check on it. He knew the dangers of an active volcano but it seemed peaceful as always, it's burning lava only going down the opposite side where the crew's base was located at. The male sucked in a small breath as his thoughts were interrupted by a rather odd smell, one that he had difficulty in connecting to anything in his memory. Curious, the male followed and arrived with his sleek figure growing close to where his fiance was standing, his frigid electric blue eyes narrowing as he noticed that Jacob was rather uncomfortable. He knew he had a fear of fire so it was good that the male held back as the towering wildcat aimed to softly press against Jacob with his tail curling briefly around his tail before focusing on the figure of Temulin.

She was quite an interesting being, her mysterious aura radiated with enigmatic lore that he had never seen before. He was very perceptive and was able to see who came from where but with was different. She was a sealed secret and the demigod wondered what the mound was for. Or specifically, for who. He knew that many crewmates came with their own religion and Pincher was curious and interested in seeing someone praying or practicing their beliefs. "Do you mind asking me who that is for?" Pincher questioned with a steady tone as the storm gray male nodded towards the dish with his gaze neutral but glinting with a spark of curiosity.

( mobile )

Re: HIGH ON HIGH / open - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-28-2018

Religion was an idiotic concept to Caesar. The Officer was a demon, after all, and he could technically be a religion in of himself, which would explain his feelings towards it. If the focus of the religion wasn't him, then they were idiotic and those who believed in other religions were naive. But that didn't mean he wasn't drawn to the scene regardless; he was making his way to the jungle when he caught whiff of a strange smell and decided to investigate. He arrived after Pincher, raising his eyebrows at whatever Temulin was doing. Caesar said nothing, although it was extremely clear he did not like the smell that was wafting through this area.

Re: HIGH ON HIGH / open - CELESTE G.M. - 07-29-2018

"Please do not disturb the offerings." Her statement is almost defensive as she turns to look towards Jacob. She watches as he keeps a distance out of... Fear? Perhaps he dislikes religion or perhaps the fire puts him off. Whatever the case, she doesn't mind as long as he doesn't disturb her plates and offerings. Nobody should disturb something left for the Gods, no matter what Gods they are left for. After all, there are many ways to live well and Temulin's is not the only way.

"Yes, I'm quite alright. You could use my name however - Temulin. I'm just finishing up here so I won't need any help." She offers him a smile as she replies, aiming to look a little less... Mysterious perhaps. She doesn't know how she seems to these people, praying in a different tongue and offering up gifts to things that they don't know. In her home, it's something that's treated with ample reverence and respect. Shamans are revered and honoured and no tribe would touch them.

Ah, but it wasn't the case. If the law had been kept, she would never ended up in the Typhoon in the first place.

Pincher is the next to appear, someone that Temulin is aware of. To say familiar would belie knowing him, and she doesn't. She knows his name, knows he's the captain and that is all. Apparently, he is a good captain but Temulin is unaware of the standards leaders are kept to in the Typhoon. Everything is unfamiliar, even the spirits that call this place home.

"I was offering thanks to the Gods for not washing up this island dead. There were no places that I could perform it anywhere else, so I made my own mound." It's true she could of used the temple, but she hates the stone and she needs the earth to complete her ritual. Besides, the temple is dedicated to another set of Gods, to call and thank her own there would disrespect the gods of the temple, the gods of the Typhoon. Whomever they may be.

She looks at Caesar next, someone she already a low opinion of from their few interactions and reiterates the warnings with a much sterner tone than the one she used for Jacob. "I would be happy if you wouldn't disturb the mound or offerings, thank you."
[div style="text-align:center;width:55%;font-size:11pt;font-family:times new roman;padding-TOP: 3px;"][color=white]SO STILL THIS BROKEN MELODY AND HEREWITH SHOULDER THEE

Re: HIGH ON HIGH / open - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-29-2018

Caesar let out a snort at the mention of 'gods', clearly just letting out his thoughts now. "That's a load of bullshit." He replied in a dismissive tone, shaking his head. Did Temulin seriously believe in this? The demon already thought The Typhoon's beliefs were stupid as hell, and here Temulin was, practicing another religion. "The reason you didn't wash up dead here is called luck, sweetheart."