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NOT GOOD WITH FRIENDS -- OPEN - Printable Version

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NOT GOOD WITH FRIENDS -- OPEN - arrow - 07-27-2018

[color=black] Arrow didn't have many hobbies, she could never stay focused enough to keep them. But one thing she'd kept with since her arrival was scavenging. An abandoned place like this was bound to have various things still lying around, and so far, the town had yet to disappoint. Now, she didn't keep most of the shit she found, mostly just colored glass bottles and cool bits of metal. She felt she had that right, something about them had some charm she couldn't resist. Maybe they reminded her of something, the past and where she came from.

Her wiry body sprawled over a pile of rejected paraphernalia and bits of shiny whatever, moving things around with small paws. She hadn't found anything super interesting yet, just some of the usual. She found a wrench though, if that counted as interesting. "What good is a wrench for? I don't have hands." She mumbled to herself, speaking to no one in particular. She touched something and winced, brought a paw up to realize she'd scraped herself up a bit. She quickly checked for rust, and when she found none, began to lick at the wounds. "Shit."



trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]"Maybe someone.. Someone with telekinesis could use it?" Came the soft, shaky voice of Delilah as the pastel pink feline walked over, sakura blossoms shedding from her pelt. It was more of an aesthetic power she had, with the constant, pretty pink cherry blossoms flowing out of her. They were pretty useless, though. She couldn't control them, so she'd be nothing but trouble in raids or battle. They'd scent the flowers and boom, she'd be dead.

Delilah was graceful, shy. Her pawsteps were fragile, as if she was stepping on ice. She didn't like confronting people. Not at all. "What are you doing, rambling about trash? Is there something cool in here?" Asked the soft voice, feminine but still having hints of a stressed point.

Re: NOT GOOD WITH FRIENDS -- OPEN - aya - 07-27-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya could smell the metallic tang of blood from a while away; it was one of her odd gifts, but fortunately this time she didn't emerge from nowhere or a swamp. The tortoiseshell enjoyed scavenging too. You never know where you might find a loose organ or two. "Are you dying?" The cat asked excitedly, popping her head up out of nowhere as her almost feral yellow eyes fixated on Arrow's minor scrape. "If you catch tetanus, can I use your blood for tests before you die?" Her tail waved as she hopped from the pile of trash she had been exploring and sniffed at the wound, before sighing in disappointment. She gave no reason, turning and poking her nose in another pile of trash, but truthfully she quite liked Arrow and would regret her death.

As for Delilah, the tortoiseshell chuckled a little at her question. "There's cool stuff everywhere if you know how to use it! Nothing like finding metal scraps you can repurpose." She pawed through the trash, only briefly glancing at the other cat.

Re: NOT GOOD WITH FRIENDS -- OPEN - Morgan - 07-27-2018

Morgan eyed the scene with a smile as he approached at a steady pace. "I agree," he said to Aya. "We've found plenty of helpful little items around here before." Rather than scavenging manually, he brought a short stream of water around to pick things up, functioning as a hand of sorts. "I think I may be able to use tools, even if just a little bit."

He took a few steps toward Arrow next and asked, "Is there anything in particular that you're looking for? Maybe one of us has seen it before." Various Tanglers had been around town many times in the past - the samoyed was sure that someone would have an idea of where to find some specific item.

Re: NOT GOOD WITH FRIENDS -- OPEN - arrow - 07-28-2018

[color=black] "Behold, my adoring fans have arrived." Arrow said dramatically, winking at the gathered crowd. She pushed herself up, shifting her body weight a bit so she was balancing on multiple various objects at once. Even if that included one of them falling from under her leg and ungracefully switching to another surface. Looks like she had to explain herself and her little hobby. No big deal, it's not like it was the weirdest thing yet. "It's kind of a hobby of mine, rummaging through the trash. Like a raccoon. Or opossum. I just don't, y'know, eat trash."

She looked down at Aya, letting out a small chuckle at the tortoiseshell sniffing at the wound before going head first into the rest of the trash. "If I start dying I'll let ya know, it's not like I'll be using my blood if I die." Maybe her casual comments about death would need to cease, after all, not everyone took death so lightly, especially something like tetanus. And she didn't want to die.

"Oh you know, metal, some glass, that kinda thing. Not sure what I'm gonna do with it all, I don't have any abilities to make up for these tiny ass paws." She lifted one of them, flexing it to prove her point. They were indeed small, dainty looking things, a stark contrast to the personality of the being they were attached to. "I don't really look for any specific item, not on a quest, I've just got a kink for old industrial things." She snorted at her own dumb joke, whiskers twitching. "Mostly colored glass and still silver metal, not a fan of rust for obvious reasons, and plain glass is kinda boring."