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pax romana [ open / intro ] - Printable Version

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pax romana [ open / intro ] - adomania - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]// here he come,,, the boi,,,

Life was a strange concept.

It was never easy to determine what drove it, or why people existed in the first place, or why a certain arrangement of cells and atoms made it so that Pax, of all creatures, was alive. He could have been so much different, he could have not existed if it weren't for his parents, and even then it was a confusing concept to understand as to why he was alive to begin with. Not even in terms of science, but in terms of what others called religion and he called... continuation.

He had lived before, although the child did not remember this as a fact just yet. He had been someone important, someone who had followed their goal both in the former life and this one, born and bred for one purpose. It seemed that once you sold your soul (or half of it, at least) the same followed you throughout no matter which dimension you traveled to. Half of Pax's soul was gone, replaced by whatever demonic 'powers' his mother had given him. He had none, not yet at least, and even then... that was not his goal. He was never meant to be powerful, to grow up to become something known and followed. He was the individual in the sidelines, the wicked grin behind the scenes, the person playing the strings just right in order to push whatever agenda it was he wanted forward.

For now? That agenda wasn't very big. He was, after all, but a child, and rolling around in the shallow waters seemed like a much more intriguing idea than planning to become leader, or protecting others, or even trying to amass some kind of powerful position. Those were all goals, but not priorities. The fish beneath his paws were more interesting.

Re: pax romana [ open / intro ] - ADAKIAS - 07-27-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:georgia;font-size:11px"][ o shit waddup ]

Life was intricate and Sylvina was very much aware of its complexities. Did she know everything? Hardly, the kitten was closer on the scale towards the side of knowing nothing. She was young and ignorant and everything she encountered was a completely new obstacle to climb along her journey upwards in age. The world was abundant with experiences just waiting for her curious mind to conjure enough spirit to conquer. It was frustrating at times that everything was so obvious and easy to those of more experience, yet Sylvie could only remind herself that one day she'd be knowledgeable like the grownups. One day she too could have stories to tell of all her adventures and feats, both positive and negative. It would happen, eventually. But for now, she was only but a tiny morsel apart of the world's grand plan. All she had required of her at the current moment was to continue growing and keep out of danger. She could attest to one of those.

Viridescent optics landed on a familiar face wading within the shallows of the Typhoon's waters. Sylvina would perk her ears and quickly make her way over to the other Bengal. "Trying to become a fish, Pax?" The captain's daughter would inquire towards her brother with a flick of her tail, her paws delicately touching the ocean's aqua. It was nice, not too cold and not too warm. Enjoyable.

Re: pax romana [ open / intro ] - CLEO R. C. - 07-27-2018

It seemed only fitting that the next to arrive was one of their littermates, her sanguine-hued eyes glowing with hardly detectable curiosity as she drank in the scene. She had, of course, missed Sylvina's inquiry, but was faintly aware of the fact that her sister had said something of relative importance. Cleo refused to ask her to repeat what that something was though, merely coming to a halt besides her and permitting the pleasant water to lap at her legs and underbelly. Was Pax... fishing? Or was he merely watching the fish at his paws skirt around and go about her daily business?

[color=#445544]"Hello brother, sister," Cleo managed finally, her voice soft and faraway. She could never really gauge how loud she was talking due to how poor her hearing was, so often, she resorted to speaking as quietly as possible. It was a far better alternative than screaming, that was for sure. [color=#445544]"How are you both?" The question didn't mean much of anything, her tone unreadable for the most part. She wasn't very trusting of her siblings, that much was true, but in comparison to everyone else, they were her closest friends and she did genuinely care for them. Not that she'd ever act like that. This cool and detached aloofness was her preferred method of handling just about everything these days and she'd be damned if she changed her behavior for them.

(this probably,,,,,, doesn't make sense i am so tired)

Re: pax romana [ open / intro ] - JUNJI - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]life had always been something of an enigma to the young boy. something he couldn't grasp, but his father, before he'd gone away, had told him to always cherish it. life is sacred, life is fleeting. he should do what he wanted to do in the days that he had. his father had always talked about how much he wanted to stay, but had other duties to attend to. he was an angel, after all, but hadn't he been the one to say he should do what he wanted? junji couldn't understand.

but such was life.

he watched the scene from the shade, ocean eyes peering curiously at the siblings, only recognizing cleo out of the trio. she had seemed nice enough when he'd washed up on the shore, but also strangely mature for her age. she certainly wasn't like him. junji's gaze moved to sylvina, head tipping at her comment, then looking to pax. it was... strange, what he was doing. splashing in the waves, paws slapping at the fish swimming around him. it was kind of funny; enough that it elicited a small laugh from the child.

truth be told, he wasn't exactly the most social of creatures. his mother and father had been the most company for his entire life, but this place was a huge shift. it had been a few days, but he still sort of reeled from the sheer amount of people residing in this place. he supposed the adrenaline or... numbness had helped him the other day, and he still felt that slight emptiness now, but that wouldn't stop him. if he was to live here, he needed to get involved, right? he needed to be good. he needed to be the angel his mother wanted him to be.

a deep breath. junji stood and approached the three, eyes drifting over pax as he continued what he was doing. he offered them all a smile, coming to pause at the edge of the water. "hi," the child greeted, a bit awkward. "what're you doing?"

Re: pax romana [ open / intro ] - no more - 07-27-2018