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roses are red violets are blue — peace treaty/resources - Printable Version

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roses are red violets are blue — peace treaty/resources - guts - 07-26-2018

Really, Aizawa was still pissed about the whole situation. He didn't like these assholes, especially after what they did to Atbash, which had happened twice now. Jacob should have gotten a hint the first time what kind of people they had been dealing with. But he supposed he was too much of a lovestruck puppy, so in the end, they all ended up hurt. As much as he would have liked to teach them some respect, their leader had specifically told them to be civil, so he had reluctantly agreed. Still, it didn't make him any less unhappy about being here.

He scowled as he waited at the border, tail lashing restlessly behind him. Just beside where he stood was a medium sized crate full of resources and whatever else the Typhoon would need. He had pushed it all the way here, and if it ended up being all for naught, he would kill them right where they stood, peace treaty or whatever be damned. "Here's the shit you wanted," he grumbled as he awaited for someone's arrival.


Re: roses are red violets are blue — peace treaty/resources - rochelle - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]"That’s quite a respectable thing for one to do."

The Striker, since being put into this new body, was trying to readjust to everything. Accompanied with the change in look came the lack of sight, and getting to know the island had been hard enough with working eyes. Still, she’d one it before, and the blind feline was prepared to do it again. So far, she was very comfortable around the railroad tracks, the beach, and camp. It was the jungle that she was having trouble to navigate, but happening upon the Snowbounder wasn’t too much of a struggle for Fischer at this point. She was ... coping.

Fischer did her best to appear like she was focusing on Aizawa. Unlike her fellow crewmates, she didn’t yearn for the blood of others. Certainly, she understood the sentiments towards the Snowbound, she just didn’t act out violently to display them. Diplomacy was a grace she possessed with ease, though rest assured, she had other downfalls. She was almost surprised to catch the scent of a Snowbounder, but she figured they would turn up looking to take back a captured child or person, which she would’ve not objected to, personally. This was much more satisfying, though, smelling the supplies along with the Snowbounder. She smiled.”Supplies, yes? I won’t speak on behalf of Captain Pincher if this is satisfactory or not, but these supplies, whatever they are, will be well used.” Her tone held no malice, just standing calmly somewhat in front of Aizawa. It was pretty humorous to her, that whatever might be in front of her, whether it be a ten-foot tall giraffe or a shrew, smelled the same old Snowbounder, she couldn't tell, yet distinctly had such a grumpy tone.

Re: roses are red violets are blue — peace treaty/resources - CLEO R. C. - 07-27-2018

Cleo admittedly would confess that she was not a fan of the cold. She supposed that with that, came an innate disliking of anyone or anything that thrived within it- Snowbound included. The bengal child was unaware of the tension between the two groups but still found herself scoffing as she arrived, delicate features attempting to extend a smile in Aizawa's direction before failing. Dramatically. She possessed no urge to be nice to this stranger, especially given the scent that clung to his fur and his harsh attitude as he presented them with "shit". He came from a place that killed cold blooded reptiles like her precious Eshe, and she would not stand for that. It was blasphemy- utter blasphemy.

Fischer seemed to be a better fit for this situation, addressing the Snowbounder in a calm fashion that she could never emulate. She wanted to play along, to behave as if she, too, knew what she was doing, but knew better than that. She'd end up making some idiotic comment or missing what one of them said completely and spouting out something random in result. That wouldn't be good, now would it? Instead, the child shuffled cinnamon colored paws, red eyes never once leaving Aizawa's frame. She'd do what she did best and remain silent for now, straining to listen to fragmented parts of conversation until she was addressed or, better yet, had come up with something to say.

Re: roses are red violets are blue — peace treaty/resources - Luca - 07-27-2018

The smell of Snowbound was one that Luca was slowly starting to get familiar with. Between the captures, the short lived battle, and Lewis, they had quickly become one of the more recognisable clans in Luca's memory bank. His nose crinkled as the half-familiar scent washed over him, and he turned his head to stare in the direction of Aizawa. At least they were making good on the deal; that greatly lessened the probability of war. Luca still thought that Snowbound was in the wrong, but that didn't mean that he wanted to go to war with the other clan. He was quite fond of Lewis, after all, and would prefer if he didn't have to face the ghostly feline in battle. Luca sighed as he turned on his paws and headed in the direction of the border, joining Fischer and Cleo in observing the Snowbounder with the supplies. The hellhound's gaze focused on the crate behind the grumpy looking guy, and a low hum rumbled in the demon's throat. He wondered if it would be enough to satisfy the captain, although the fact that the supplies had been brought at all was probably a good step in the right direction.

He said, as if the donation had been out of the good of their hearts and hadn't been threatened out of the other clan. "It took y'all long enough." And there was his bitterness, seeping into his sweet facade like a disease. That was it for his rude remarks though, as he shut his mouth a sat down to observe the rest of the deal. As much as he wanted to verbally attack this Snowbounder, he knew it was probably best to leave the situation in the hands of someone a little more mature. Fischer definitely fit that criteria, and Luca fixed his gaze on her for the time being, watching to see what would happen next.

Re: roses are red violets are blue — peace treaty/resources - no more - 07-27-2018

Re: roses are red violets are blue — peace treaty/resources - PINCHER - 07-27-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Did Snowbound think Pincher was one for jokes and empty threats? He had stated it straight in their leader's face that he was going to unleash hell for breaking a deal with him and his crew with resources that they deserved to have returned even if Snowbound had never had ambassadors for them. The rage he had felt was not ebcause of the broken alliance but that they had hardly recieved much in return especially when it came to resources and if anyone knew Pincher, they would know that he despised broken deals. He was not afraid to show it and once he had stated to his crewmates only a few days ago that Snowbound was open for attack, he was glad to see that some were willing to have their paws get a little dirty to show them that they weren't fucking around. No one fucked with the Typhoon unless they wanted to be buried with a black eye from them. So when all the capturing had been done as well as some dirty inside work from Solveig upon burning their herbs and taking some for their own supply, Pincher was simply preparing for a war to break out. He wasn't scared or nervous, he was calm and collected because he knew what he was doing. Beneath the fur were scars littering his entire body from previous wars he had been in and fighting was second nature to him, he was ready to show that to anyone that decided to get on his bad side.

The scent of Snowbound had become rather common as of the recent drama that he didn't mind that was unfolding, his pale salmon pink nose catching the scent and tipping his head ever so slightly to the side as he didn't hear any yelling or chaos, it was too quiet for his taste. However, not enough to worry him for he knew his crewmates were able to take care of themselves as the storm gray figure trekked through the sand with a matchstick hanging from his lips as he had just stepped out from his quarters to see how eevrything was going. With the weather being wonderful and the waters being calm with the ocassional splash of saltwater against his pelt, he was rather happy and as he arrived to the scene, the demigod allowed a smug smirk to lace his jaws as he halted beside the others. Pincher gently flicked his tail-tip in a warm touch to Cleo and Aita before stepping in to take charge as he glanced towards Luca, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. "Damn right, here I thought I needed to visit you guys more." Pincher commented as his calculative blue gaze snapped toward Aizawa before nodding towards Rochelle, glad that she was able to take control of the situation.

He halted in front of the crate, using a quick sharp slice of water to break open the lid and have him view what they had brought. His jet black ears twitched as he glanced at the resources that they had been wanting though Solveig had brought back herbs from Snowbound after burning their shit down but...they didn't know that it was the Typhoon that had done it for he knew how well Solveig was at those kinds of missions. He pulled out a small dagger, shifting it in his paw as he wrinkled his nose. Damn, they really didn't excel much in blacksmithing did they but he guessed the frozen hippies didn't really do much fighting. "Seems decent enough. Now that our little deal is finally completed, you can tell little Atbash that the Typhoon will no longer fuck around with your group. I'll make sure that anyone who does gets punished or exiled if they dare to go against my orders. All's well that ends well, am I right?" Pincher commented as he picked out some herbs to inspect, his voice laced with venomous satisfaction, a mixture of civility and superiority. He was satisfied for now and that's what mattered.

Re: roses are red violets are blue — peace treaty/resources - dead chars - 07-27-2018

↠↠Tokoyami hadn't been here nearly long enough to really know anything about the little skirmish that had happened between Snowbound and the Typhoon. He almost didn't care, but he couldn't quite say that- he'd always had a mild interest for politics, whether he was in Japan at UA or... here. He knew that the two clans weren't on the best of terms, but he didn't know quite why. Something about supplies, he guessed? The crow-headed feline had wanted a more detailed explanation before, but talking to his clanmates ended up being a bit of a strain sometimes.

Still, that didn't mean he didn't like them at least a little bit. He had begun following crowds lately. Usually crowds went where something interesting was happening, and Tokoyami usually enjoyed whatever was interesting. Today, though, they had seemed to pick out something really... strange.

At first glance, the Snowbounder was just that- a normal Snowbounder. But immediately, his eyes widened with recognition. That was Aizawa, his old homeroom teacher. His beak gaped ever so slightly, but he had the thought to close it. The issues that they had been discussing thus far went over his head as his brain swam through theory after theory of why in the holy hell Aizawa was here. As far as Tokoyami knew, he and his fellow students had been the only ones to die, and he himself had been the only one to reincarnate. He wasn't exactly in the best state of mind at that point, despite his usual level-headedness.

The feline stayed silent, though. Even if he had known Aizawa in his former life, things were still very tense between their clans. If he spoke out as if they'd known each other for years, they would both look suspicious, and Tokoyami didn't want that so soon after his own joining. So he hung back, listening to Pincher as best as he could as the jaguar spoke. He wanted to at least offer his thanks, but he wasn't sure he'd be able to stop talking if he started. His beak remained firmly shut, and Tokoyami blinked. His face found its placid, indifferent expression again and held onto it, no longer scrambling through surprise and confusion.

He watched, almost too focused, as Pincher picked through the herbs and weapons.
Template by Quill

Re: roses are red violets are blue — peace treaty/resources - bubblegum - 07-27-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
to say snowbound was a pain to them lately was an understatement. the girl hadn't personally cared so much about the supplies, nor even being dropped to "neutrals" - while that did sort of offend her. no, what made her most angry was that atbash called them bad allies. they worked their tails off for snowbound and got near nothing in return. she wouldn't ever let that stand.

so, when they were dropped, she defended her crew. she scolded atbash and then she fought for caesar as that snowbounder attempted some sort of stupid duel. she didn't like caesar, but she would never let anybody touch her crewmates. she'd heard about the whole captured snowbounder ordeal, too, though hadn't been there for it. tensions were rising and she thought it all quite unnecessary - all the typhoon had asked for was repayment for their deeds.

the scent of snowbound was what had brought her over, though her steps were slightly slow as she felt a bit sicker today. her stomach was hurting and she was even more tired - though the fatigue was more likely to do with her lack of sleep. she arrived with lynn, the harpy eagle hopping with her patiently. the girl brushed against her papa, her striking green eyes glaring towards aizawa before looking to her papa.

the news that they were finally paid back and no longer at each others throats was a bit of a relief. she didn't wish for battle right now. it would be a dirty fight, the young girl knew. they both held too many secrets about each other. she sighed quietly, sitting down and remaining silent. everyone had said what was needed.

Re: roses are red violets are blue — peace treaty/resources - goodsprings - 07-27-2018

at this age captainpaw wasn't primarily having violent thoughts like some of the others his age. he knew as a pirate, by definition his interested career contained pillaging and such but as a child it was all much more... pretend. at least for now. most of his friends were much less lucky to have a guardian like planecrash, and instead had rough beginnings with their early youth. or, like goldie, were descended from high positions and were introduced to what their family's responsibilities and expectations were from there.

the young tom only heard of snowbound for the first time at the meeting and through passing a couple times at the tavern, but never really met anyone from there. in his mind he expected to see them a bit more brutish in appearance. this fellow looked... well, starved.

"do you think we should give him food?" he murmured as he stepped in beside goldenluxury, glancing her way. "looking at him's making me hungry."

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯