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FRIDAY NIGHT IN THE PARTY LIGHT - la'miyla caralho - Printable Version

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FRIDAY NIGHT IN THE PARTY LIGHT - la'miyla caralho - goodsprings - 07-26-2018

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ LA'MIYLA CARALHO✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 07/26

name. la'miyla
name meaning name inspiration coming from the khajiit culture in elder scrolls: slrim. la' prefix meaning flirtatious, or promiscuous 
nicknames. lala, mimi.
biological gender. female
birth date. 00.00.2015.
3 years.
clan. tanglewood

[glow=lightblue,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
☆ other notes here

[glow=lightblue,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
albino bengal tiger. — birth body 100% health
la'miyla is an albino bengal tiger (caused from inbreeding) and looks nearly identical to her two sisters aside from the differing color of eyes. while ja'sunna has a vermillion shade and quantum's deep red, her's are a sweet caramel hue. she holds herself in a poise, polite manner though her words recite none of it. she tries to keep her ivory fur clean of filth, even if her and her sister's hobbies make it hard to do. she has a dragon tooth on her left ear to match quantum and ja'sunna's, and a vulture talon pierced through her nose. multitude of scars across her body. a deliberate scarred symbol on her right shoulder of a dove's wing. another behind her ear of a peacock feather. her family's symbol lies on her other shoulder, the largest one being a sleeve scar on her left foreleg of clockwork gears and mandala's that start from her shoulder to her ankle.
injures. n/a

mbti && hogwarts house && alignment
personality here
main personality traits. text

parents. npc x npc
siblings. quantum caralho, ja'sunna caralho
sexuality. lesbian
relationship status. single
friends. tba
enemies. most men

physically && mentally. text && text
fight? && kill?
self defense. text
weapon preference?
mention @la'miyla caralho  or [member=1265]goodsprings[/member] when attacking
attacks in red
powers. text

Re: FRIDAY NIGHT IN THE PARTY LIGHT - la'miyla caralho - goodsprings - 07-26-2018

reserved - playlist

Re: FRIDAY NIGHT IN THE PARTY LIGHT - la'miyla caralho - goodsprings - 07-26-2018

↠↠text here
Template by Quill

Re: FRIDAY NIGHT IN THE PARTY LIGHT - la'miyla caralho - goodsprings - 07-26-2018
