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i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - Printable Version

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i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - axiom - 07-26-2018

Dried blood caked her muzzle and teeth, staining the albino's otherwise colorless fur. She hunted so often, for sport more than anything, that the warrior hardly bothered to clean herself proper anymore. She paused in her walk, her bone-pierced ears flicking as she turned her nose away from the nasty stench with a disgusted curl to her lips. If the group that lived her stank even half as vile as their scent marks, then she'd rather turn to leave now rather than torture her nose.

A growl resounded from deep within her throat as she raised a paw and slashed a puddle of mud beside her - the resulting splash slapped against the wood of the offending tree. Though that did little to dampen the scent, she found it better regardless. Though, she had to wonder, how the hell the Clan stayed so stinky when they were surrounded by water to clean the worst of the grime off.

Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - goodsprings - 07-26-2018

↠↠the beast leisurely followed in suit of her elder sister, her tongue drawing across her red-stained lips. unlike qua, she liked to keep a slightly more pristine look to her form. the woman liked to keep her paws clean when she could, and her fur sleek and healthy looking. she had to make compromises somewhere, though, deciding her lips were a lost cause. she had partaken in a hunt far too often to waste the small bouts of time to look for clean water and wash up. her white chin and cheeks was at an almost permanent shade a pink, but still appeared much less... vicious than her sibling.

twitching a matching pierced ear, the woman brushed up against her and stuck her tongue out when she sniffed the air. "ugh, retched." she huffed, caramel colored eyes glancing at the puddle that quantum had chosen to lash out on. unfortunately her actions were fruitless. "this must be the wrong place." she insisted, her nose crinkling in distaste. she had never been surrounded by such a horrid scent. hopefully something sweet smelling grew within the land for her to cover her nose with.
Template by Quill

Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - JA´SUNNA - 07-27-2018

Ja'sunna isn't too far behind, picking her miserable way across the vile landscape with her lips pressed into an unamused grimace, stained a color somewhere between Qua's and La'miyla's. Every step is sticky and wet and heavy with gunk clinging to her legs, impeding the speed of her movement, and she loathes it with all the bitterness her heart could muster.  She'd waded into something squishy underpaw not too long ago - she's reluctant to see what it is she'd stepped into, and questions what it is that they're stepping into. The territory is horrendous; she wonders if it's a reflection of its residents.

"I say we move out of this marsh before I lose my fucking mind," she murmurs under her breath, vermillion glare shooting deeper into the marked territory. There are certain things she considers as crossing the line. Entering a clearly nauseating swamp appears the be one of them, and she's quick to raise her drenched paw, scowl at the water, before flicking droplets to the side.

Everything is covered in questionable waters - she wonders whether breathing through her mouth would be better, before realizing that it wouldn't be much of a good idea either. Who knows what she'll taste on the wind. Her gaze moves over her shoulder, back from where they came from. "Fuck this. I think we took the wrong turn. Doubt anyone sane would be living in a place like this." Clearly miserable and aching to be free of the wretched marsh, she turns her expectant attention towards her sisters, waiting for their signal to leave and never return.

Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - axiom - 07-27-2018

Her bone-decorated ears twitched as she heard her sisters approach, a smoke-filled huff escaping her maw as she agreed with them. Besides the stench of the inhabitants, she hated the mud-soaked quality of the place. It took more than enough effort to keep her paws dry without venturing any deeper into the marshland; she doubted waking up in all this filth would put her or her sisters in any state other than rage. "Definitely a wrong turn. The water here isn't even brackish," she grumbled in agreement with La'miyla and Ja'sunna. She turned away from the forests' scent-line with a huff, as if to expunge the scent's lingering particles from her nose.

"The inhabitants might choose to live in filth, but perhaps they'll know where the beach is -- still, if they don't show soon, let's take our own fucking chances. We'll be cleaning mud out of our piercings for goddamn hours anyway, might as well make visiting this shithole give us some entertianment," she stated, her vermillion eyes glancing to each of the tigresses for a second to feel for their reactions. Quantum heard rumors that a large dragon-like beast lived in the marshes here with rest of the redneck swampers; her claws itched to pop out at just the thought of such a challenge. Even if they didn't mean to end up here, the chance to possibly see a future quary made up for the lackluster journey.

The corners of her muzzle turned up in a smirk, her long fangs pointing out for a fraction of a moment. "Remember, there's supposidly a beast here," she added, a chilling tension on her voice that she knew conveyed the hunts' thrill to her sisters. Growing up together for three years had certain advantages; sometimes, she wondered if they could've ended up any closer.

Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - DELILAH. - 07-27-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]"What is your names and business, strangers?" Came the soft, frightened voice of Delilah as the pastel pink feline arrived on the scene, eyes of ruby and magenta staring the.. Tigers?- down. They seemed to be unused to the marshy swamp, but it took skill for one to get used to something like this.

"You're in Tanglewood territory." She added, her eyes softening a bit. Unlike her clanmates, she didn't like to fight. She didn't like to argue. She didn't like anything.. Negative. It was moments like this that her pelt and aesthetic element stood out from the marshlands, cherry blossoms shedding from her pastel and purple fur, falling to the ground where she stood.

Her paws were caked slightly with mud, but it wasn't too much for her to handle. She lived this life, so she got used to it.

Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - calliope - 07-28-2018

Mira was surprisingly clean for someone who lived in Tanglewood. She hated the mud and filth more than anything, and she stopped at nothing to keep it off of her body. It led to her having quite faded fur in some places, with the scent of chemicals and soap clinging to her, overpowering anything natural. Mira took comfort in this, though, despite knowing that it was damaging to both her fur and skin. At least she wasn't absolutely filthy.

Upon noticing her clanmate around some complete strangers, Mira bounded over, making sure to skip and hop over the really muddy and grimy patches that covered the ground. She halted rather abruptly, averting any direct eye contact with the strangers. "Hello-" came a quiet, rushed greeting. Mira had no idea what to even say to them. Delilah had already asked the important questions. "Uhm. Do you need help with anything?" she eventually asked, still averting any form of eye contact.


Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - arrow - 07-28-2018

[color=black] If Mirabella and Delilah were to meet the strangers first, then the swamp imp herself would be the third to meet them and throw off the peaceful balance. Not that she was here to pick a fight, no, they would eat her. But their attitudes were simply asking for the little shithead to intervene and drag out the sarcastic nature of hers. Her spine tingled with the desire for verbal unrest.

"You're partially right, most of the inhabitants here are a little fucked." Calling down from the trees above, Arrow smirked with a level of smugness that even she would expect a quick smack to the jaw to wipe that grin off her face. But, it was in her nature to keep going, and besides, if she could divert the attention of the much larger creatures from the two softer roguemates to her, she would. She adored them both, they were sweethearts. The new girls, however, were not, and so she was going to pick up the slack.

"Not sure where you're headed primadonas, but I assure you, this ain't it." She jumped onto another branch, a closer branch, to get a closer look. Damn, they were more intimidating the closer you got. She squinted at their mention of a beast. Were they talking about Fenris? That would make the most sense. They weren't here to start picking a fight just because he looked scary, were they? Pathetic. Fenris was a good guy. "First, there's no beach. Second, perhaps there is a beast here, perhaps there is not, unless you desire wrestling giant alligators." Delilah already asked the important questions, the girl would simply stay in the trees, keeping her distance.

Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - goodsprings - 07-28-2018

↠↠"hmmph." came the unamused response from mimi as the other two spoke, slowly lifting a paw from the muck and making show of how difficult it was, practically having to pry her own body from the ground. though she had to agree with qua here. perhaps this wasn't so fruitless, and they could see something big before they moved onward. the beast they had caught word of in passing was, at least for her, the tigers drive for making the journey. rumors of a monstrous creature had excited the albino, and she could imagine the additional scar it would make on her pelt. using the bones and teeth for something of their own as well. ja'sunna's eye wear was always something she envied, but she dare not look as though she were copying her. sunny deserved her own special use of teeth, and did it do the trick of throwing others off.

another soft voice piped up, and the woman turned her head to see... the most absolutely darling creature ever. "oh my god." mimi giggled, taking a step toward the girl, pausing for just a moment to readjust to the sucking mud. "you are absolutely adorable. how do you do that? i'm jealous." she's seen some awfully amazing powers, but nothing that spawned cherry blossoms from their pelt. the sweet scent perfumes the area around her of the gloomy musk, and she's entirely thankful for the rest on her nose.

oh, and she's accompanied by two more little ones! though she didn't take notice of arrow until she spoke, her pierced ear twitching as she lifted her head to meet the oriental. ahh, so it seems radiation has had some effect on the people here. not so bad; she's sure the three of them didn't look so normal either. (only badass).

no beach? well, the brochure absolutely lied to us." she snickered back, her paws idly working against the tug of the mud below so she wouldn't keep sinking in further. "we're not below wrestling alligators if you have them. they're awfully chewy, though. you ever had smoked gator? it's to die for." mimi practically purred in response, returning her gaze to the ones on ground level.

"oh! our names, right. i'm la'miyla caralho, you can call me mimi though. this is my oldest sister quantum, and my older sister ja'sunna. we're looking to spend... time here. not sure how long." she explained, looking back at the other two with a hopeful shrug of her shoulders.

Template by Quill

Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - SOCKING - 07-28-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
there were tigers. large, ferocious, powerful and beautiful. stocking admired them, to be honest. they looked so damn cool, and since her arrival into tackywood, she had never seen any tigers.

compared to them, she was but a small thing. yet she was not daunted. she stalked before them, paws squishing wetly into the soft earth beneath her. stocking's long mane had been pulled into a bun, dark cyan eyes peering at them from beneath her bangs.

in all honesty, stocking wondered if they'd act as fearsome as they looked, coated in blood and bones. but the first one to speak-- la'miyla, was kind and polite and eager. their names were a handful to remember though. not so difficult to pronounce that she'd absolutely butcher them, but stocking could safely say that uncommon names were never her strong suit. and given that there were for of them... it would have to take a little more effort for her to remember it.

"welcome to the tanglewoods then," stepping forward, the feline craned back her head to peer back at the far larger cats. "i'm sure our group would have no issue letting you stay. i have not had smoked gator before, but i'd like to try it. there's other creatures here as well."

despite it stank and it's unnatural persistant mud, the creatures that resided here were something of a beauty, honestly. stocking had a knack for weird creatures. alligators and mutated beasts were no exceptions.

"you also might wanna be careful around here. this marsh is nothing short of absolute nasty and i wouldn't be surprised if even one of us had malaria. sorry it isn't the beach you were looking for," another ginger pause before her gazes roamed over their decorated bodies. one of the tiger's mane is pulled back into a fashionable bun, pinned by a bone.
"not gonna lie, you look cool as all hell. mind telling me where you ladies came from?"
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - axiom - 07-28-2018

© lexasperated
Her vermillion eyes cast away from her sisters as the redneck swampers finally came, setting her impatience on a backburner in her mind. She still felt entitled to a proper reception, but she supposed their family name wasn't known in these parts. And that, of course, was by her design - the farther they went away from their extended family, the less competition with them. Not to mention, she hardly wanted her older relatives looking down on her actions and snubbing their nose about how a proper matriarch should act. That she was, simultaneously, too bloodthirsty and not ruthless enough.

She looked down on the smaller felines, her dark tail lashing behind her as she wondered if the rumors of a beast were false. She wouldn't put it past the hillbillies to make up a rumor about a big beast to scare off would-be invadors; that rumor combined with the sorry state of the territory would probably ward off most conquerors. But the 'Hoes weren't conquerors - they were hunters. And little felines like these made poor prey. "Thank you for the welcome; like my sister said, I'm Quantum," she spoke, her blood-caked muzzle sprinkling dried red flakes onto the ground as broke up a few clotted streams with the movement. Raising the back of her right forepaw to her face, she rubbed against the itchy spot, causing more clumps to fall or simply embed themselves into the near-white fur of her paw. Flicking her wrist to discard the fragments, she added, "Smoked meats are my specialty. I'm assuming you rednecks have good house barbeque sauce?"

Her vermillion eyes cut to Arrow, though, as she noticed that the cat reluctant to come down, even as she answered the 'Hoes's vitriolic remarks with her own. This didn't impress Quantum in the slightest; if someone didn't have a backbone in the face of danger, then pretending to have one from the safety of a high branch meant nothing. "Primadonas, are we? Is that what you call women that know what they want, these days? It certainly doesn't sound any less condescending than when my male cousins would call me bossy," she playfully retorted with a grin and slight curl of her lip. As a female second in command for a family based primarily on strength, she heard plenty of remarks that came close to sexist, and she long since wore down her tolerance for dealing with them.

Turning to Stocking, the greyscale tigress tilted her head as she heard the warning - and instantly bristled slightly, at the thought of one of them getting sick. That would shot their travel plans in the foot, and they were already running late as it was. "I appreciate the warning. What's your name?" she spoke with genuine gratitude at first, though she instantly code shifted to a wary punch-like tone when she asked for the other female's name. Quantum made a point not to answer personal questions from people that wouldn't even give their identity.