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tell your friends that i'm dead -- disappearance - Printable Version

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tell your friends that i'm dead -- disappearance - tori - 07-26-2018

"Is your place really here? Is this where you belong?"

Sometimes, thoughts would surface and they would be easy enough to push down, shove them under with the guise of just being side effects of the uneasiness he harbored within him. It wasn't anything too bad or destructive, just small thoughts here and there. But this one? This one was....a little more persistent. Surfaced much more often then the others and he couldn't seem to make it go away for good. Maybe it stemmed from his struggle for any control over events in his life. He never really chose to be here, did he? He was too weak to have a choice, too young to do much else but accept a new lifestyle among the starry eyed Ascendants.

Now he did love it here. He loved Suiteheart and Margaery and Versailles, but there were so many here...he could feel himself backing up into a corner, a dark and shadowed corner to avoid social interaction. That was his fault completely, he was absolutely hopeless. But maybe that's just how it was, and how it was meant to be forever. Would he be an adult and still shy away so much? He hoped not. He wanted to be....great. He wanted to be strong, he wanted to help people, lead the way, something.

Alex stood up, the four walls of his room felt suffocating. He should be sleeping, it was late at night, after all. The moon was high in the sky, bright and somewhat comforting with it's soft glow. He frowned, shutting off all semblance of thought as he pushed his way out of his room, passed the door, and into the hall. He took great care to not be so loud, which wasn't hard at all when you were always as cautious and on edge as he was. It was habit at this point.

He left his meteor shard there, next to the small pile of rocks he'd collected. It had yet to be carved into.

Through the observatory halls and out into the night he went, shaking out his fur when the crisp night air caught him off guard. The moon really was bright, not yet full, but still bright enough to cast a glow across his dark form. The grass of the field brushed against his legs, they'd gotten longer since his arrival, beginning to hold some lean muscle from all his wandering. He was old enough to survive now, wasn't he? He could live on his own with care.

A gentle wind carried itself past him, pulling his eyes away from the dark sky to what was ahead of him. A small bird called out, taking his full attention before it took off. Alex took a single glance back before he followed, making his return to the lands beyond the Ascendants' boundaries where he was found.

"I'm strong enough. No one will abandon me ever again. They don't need me."

And just like that, Alexander disappeared into the night.

// i got development plots with this child so he must Run

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px white; font-size: 24px;"]— ALEX

Re: tell your friends that i'm dead -- disappearance - imperia - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]/ my son : (

It is not so strange to feel the intangible tug at your heart, pulling and pulling until your feet begin to move of their own accord, transporting you in some random direction. Imperia knows that sensation all to well; the compulsion to wander and explore. She is not the sort who can stand being cooped up for much longer than necessary. Like a leaf caught in the breeze, she blows wherever her whims take her. There is a reason why the cleric oftentimes finds herself so far from camp, separated from the others by miles upon miles of gently rolling plains. Of course, now that she is a cleric, there are obligations which prevent her from roaming those golden hills as she would otherwise do in the absence of duty. Imperia loves what she does, do not be mistaken. But she is a girl who has always thirsted for the freedom of wide open spaces, and she is chagrin to ever give it up now that she has it.

In order to pass the time in a more enjoyable way between checking in on her patients, Peri decides to stop by and chat with some of the younger members of the Ascendants. Just to say hi and ask how they're doing--nothing too invasive. Next on her list is Alexander, but as she approaches his home, she finds that his door has been left ajar and his meteorite shard left discarded among other rocks.

"Alexander?" she asks, voice soft. The silver she-wolf carefully pokes her head in the room, as if there might be a possibility that he is still here and he simply forgot to close the door. "Has anyone seen Alexander?"

Re: tell your friends that i'm dead -- disappearance - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-28-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - sassy
Freedom wasn't something that came readily available for the likes of a soldier. Once someone joined the military, it was obvious that one of them would end up being expendable and just a meat shield for those that needed to be kept alive. One simply signed their life away once they realized that they were going to become a soldier, and they were prepared to leave everything behind. There were several instances where one could only bring a certain amount of belongings when they were drafted. Barely anything made it way through the place and the places were usually left fairly bare. The exercises that they put them through made them feel like they were in hell. But could be much worse circumstances as they could barely train them and then send them to war only for them to get killed in the process. It wasn't a happy picture but it was a possibility nonetheless. The commanding officers were the one that would keep track of what their day consisted of. Drills, eating, cleaning equipment, etc. The soldiers weren't given all that much of a chance when it came to downtime and what they were allowed to do. Games were rarely played, as most things during that timeline were automated. If anything they would look at the digital tablets that they were given to use if they wanted to and watch something from there.

Washington didn't interact with the other soldiers all that much during his military career, as he was told not to get attached to anyone since they were in the middle of a war. That was one of the best pieces of advice that he had ever been given that was for damn sure. He was forced to follow orders that he didn't fully agree with either, not having much of a choice but to listen to his superiors. He was a soldier after all. He was usually punished if he spoke out against a commanding officers order, and that meant that he shut his mouth as he didn't want to do more exercises on top of his exercises. It was a brutal way to deal with the military, but everyone went through it and usually had the same experiences. They were at war, and there was no room for any type of mistakes either. One instance where Washington didn't follow an order that was given to him was when they were in the middle of the fire-fight and the commanding officer gave a suicidal order. He wasn't going to allow that to happen and he knew what he needed to do. He shot his commanding officer, and since the other was injured it meant that he was next in charge. He told everyone to retreat and saved all of the lives of his men. That had been his mistake though as he as blamed for losing an outpost, and his argument was to live to fight another day. From there, he was court-martialed and kicked out of the military.

It was there that he applied to Project Freelancer and when he was accepted into the program he was allowed a little bit more freedom. Washington had no reason to try and hide the personality that he did have, and he worked to the point of passing out from exhaustion. They regulated the gear that he was given, what his training schedule would be, and the times that he was allowed to eat. They chose the missions that he was on and after a while, Washington simply got used to being ordered around. It made it easier for him to not really think about what was happening, and just follow orders so he wouldn't have to think about making potential mistakes if he followed his own ideas. After years of being ordered around, it only made sense for him to get used to it. He wasn't going to question most orders that he got, unless it meant that they would be throwing their life away and then he would speak up. There were very few times that Washington was actually in the base of the outpost. He didn't really come here because he had better things to do and if Texas was in the base then he was going to do his damn best to completely avoid her. With his mental health completely broken, it just meant that he had to be careful. He didn't need another episode.

The Freelancer didn't really have connections to those that lived in this outpost, except maybe Imperia, so he didn't really care if someone ended up going missing. Washington had simply been in his room because he needed to gather up some food before going outside of the observatory to work on upgrading his helmet a little bit. The Freelancer was shuffling through the only thing that was in the room other than the mattress, and that was a chest. He was looking for what he wanted to eat, before picking up a small bag of jerky, as he wasn't all that hungry. Technically he should be getting some sleep in the next three hours, but since he hadn't slept in the past two days he didn't even really try to bother and get some rest. Washington adjusted his armor a little bit as he opened the door to his room.

He was forced to have to sit down to open it since he still had a broken leg and couldn't put any pressure on it. He turned the knob and the last thing he expected was to see Imperia not too far away from where he was. He turned his helmet covered head as she spoke out looking into someone else's room that was a couple room down from where he was. As far as he knew there was no one living in the rooms that were next to his. She was looking for someone. He hadn't seen anyone, and thanks to his helmet he wasn't capable of picking up scents. He had to rely on his hearing to find people. He made his way over, slightly confused about who she was talking about and why it mattered at all. [b]"Who is that?" Washington questioned in his usual deadpanned tone toward the canine. Tilting his head slightly, and then tilting it more till he heard a crack. He had a headache as usual, but he refused to update anyone on his current condition. The armored smilodon would remain standing there, the lights still on his armor.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18: