Beasts of Beyond

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Moving to a new place was exhausting. He knew that was what was going to happen. But with the second clan that he ended up joining, there wasn't exactly a lot for him to do during that time in the first place. So he just pretty much laid around and did whatever the hell he wanted for the most part. Killua didn't really think about whether or not he was going to establish a life in that place, and instead he was more concerned about whether or not his brother was able to follow him all the way here. He did his damn best to make sure that he didn't leave any sort of trail behind him. But his brother was a lot more skilled and capable than he ever could be at this point in time. He was still growing and had a decent amount to learn when it came to being the perfect assassin, but he was a quick learner, which made it capable for him to adapt to situations. The most bitter part of him coming to a place like this was the factor that he left everything that he knew behind. In most cases if he was just there because of a mission or job that he had been tasked with from a client, it wouldn't be a huge issue because he wouldn't have connected with any of them. This wasn't the case here, as he had tried his damned best to integrate himself into the clans. Which he technically did perfectly fine thanks to the consideration that he had become deputy of the clan that he was living in. Not like he was really doing much with his rank as ranks meant nothing to him. They were titles that had never meant anything to him in regards to when he worked for his family and that habit had transferred over. Why should he put so much faith into creatures that just had a title? Someone that he didn't even know and titles that could just be given out to anyone? That was the philosophy that he followed, but also one that could get him into a decent amount of trouble with the groups because he refused to follow the dumb rules that they always had. He enjoyed the former clan that he had been in. He was able to make companions, even if they weren't in the clan that he lived in. He found someone that was around his age that he could interact with. He got close to a specific female that he considered her to be his adopted sister. The only one that was capable of dealing with his impulse control because he didn't want to upset her.

His family was known for ruinng all the fun that he had with others. It was practically the lifestyle that they seemed to follow constantly. The assassin never had a choice in his actions, and when he finally considered himself to be free, they did whatever manipulative family could do and destroyed those thoughts as much as they could. The issue was that Killua was somewhat stubborn, and it took quite a lot for him to change his mind once he had actually made it up. The assassin wasn't one to be messed with, and the same went with the rest of his family. There were only three members o the family that were probably capable of actually killing him, if he didn't kill them first. Yes, they weren't allowed to kill family, but if they disowned him, then he would really have a bounty on his head from there. If anyone knew what he was, it could make his mission to just live a normal life completely impossible. He knew how dense the clans could be. They never forgot anyone's past. They just thought that no one could change, but here he was, not planning on killing any of them. That had to be some sort of development right? He wasn't sure what to think of any more. After the beating that his brother had given him, nearly killing him, he constantly had doubts in his mind what he was doing. What if Illumi found him here in this new place? They would definitely not have any of the means to try and fend off a high tiered Zoldyck member. He also knew for a damn fact that he wouldn't be able to help them against his brother. He would constantly be frozen in fear. He never wanted to drag anyone into the family business he was constantly dealing with. Something that he was supposed to inherit once his father died, but that was certainly something he didn't want to do. Either way, Killua wasn't exactly sure what to think of Snowbound at the moment. He didn't recognize any familiar faces so that meant no one from previous clans had ended up following him. That was a good sign he supposed. But there was something about this place that just rubbed him the wrong way. It almost made his skin crawl with the type of creatures that were residing in this area. They had to be hiding something. They just had to be. For what other reason would they be so kind and courteous to those that approached on the border? Maybe they wanted something in return for the effort that they put into others. Killua wanted nothing about what they had, and because of his suspicions, he had started to explore the territory a lot more. Trying to figure out if they were physically hiding something that he hadn't managed to figure out yet. The entire time he found nothing that could trip any alarms. What Killua didn't realize was that he was being manipulated by a separate party. One that was capable of forcing him to do whatever he wanted if he really wanted to and Killua couldn't resist the others strength even if he tried. He was paranoid because the other wanted him to be paranoid. It would make it more likely for him to leave. He had to tread carefully. He knew he was thin ice no matter how many times a creature would end up smiling at him. Or maybe, it was his jealousy creeping up again. Due to his overactive mind, he constantly worried about what others were planning to do with him. Constant torture over his life making him cautious.

Sure the territory was nice, but he still knew so little about this place. The assassin didn't know a lot of faces, or names for that matter. He recognized a couple animals that he could come across. He knew Jacob, the only hybrid that he could see in the clan. The other was obviously a mixture of a husky, which made his stomach churn at the thought of being around a husky again. He didn't have great memories when it came to a husky. Then there was Roy. The black and white tiger that nearly gave him a heart attack when the other had accepted him into this place. Well not really accepted into here, he just really said that he was going to live here and didn't give the other a choice in the matter. The reason why Killua had reacted to Roy in such a way, was because his oldest brother was a black tiger with a couple mutations here and there. The assassin having just recently been injured and nearly killed by his brother was somewhat paranoid that he had followed him. Killua didn't have a lot of time when it came to when his brother would find him again. There was no use trying to hide either. The other always had a way of tracking him for some reason. Then there was a unicorn, something that he wasn't really surprised to see. His father was a dragon after all. The other seemed nice so far, the reason for creating a place like this he wasn't entirely sure. The other obviously had some powers at his disposal that he would keep tabs on. Killua would have to gather more information on the Snowbound leader just in case he needed that information for later. He still wasn't going to plan on killing anyone around here. He was trying his best to keep his urges contained. He hadn't killed someone in MONTHS. Which honestly was a record. A record that his family didn't want him to have. For the meantime, he had been avoiding a lot of the animals so that he could get his bearings back again. He didn't have a den in the cave that they were supposed to live in. Instead, he found a small cave off in the distance and had kept to himself. Forcing him to be lonely, which probably didn't help his mental condition on top of everything else. The assassin just needed to clear his head sometimes before he eventually killed someone. Killua kept all of his belongings in that cave, making sure to have dug out a small compartment in the dirt so that no one would find him. Not like they really could unless they tracked him through the snow as he never had a scent that was attached to him. The albino serval's possessions consisted of his two yo-yo's he used as weapons, a large bag of candy that seemed to be untouched with a note to it, and a piece of a raincoat. Killua never really had all that many items. He still didn't feel like he belonged in a place like this. Everyone seemed to be so innocent while he was the killer her. It made his stomach feel awful.

Killua wasn't really in a good mood. He needed to start a routine going and stop thinking in a past. while he was making his way to camp, he could almost hear a whisper in the back of his head. Causing him to stop for a couple seconds during his walk. He shook his head before trudging forward, thinking that it was probably just the sound of the wind that went through the trees. He rarely ever hallucinated so he doubted he would stoop to that low. The assassin was carrying a sharpening stone in his mouth. His metal claws weren't exactly organic, so he had to manually sharpen them himself. He had to be careful with his new set of claws as they were still healing after having been implanted into his empty sheathes when his brother had torn out his metal claws. Which had probably been one of the most painful things he had ever felt as paws were sensitive areas. Why was he going to camp though instead of doing it in his own small cave? He honestly didn't know. His body was mostly just moving by itself, and soon he stopped at the entrance of the cave. A neutral look was spread across his facial features as he sat himself down, his short tail curling around one of his claws. Holding the sharpening plate on the ground with one of his other paws, he unsheathed his long metal claws, where the sound of metal scrapping could soon be heard as he sharpened his metal claws in silence. After doing one paw, he conjured up a lollipop before putting it into his mouth so he could have some candy while he worked. Then he started to sharpen the claws on his left paw. It was one of those days.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 7 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:


eep this is so good. mm tracking until i can craft up a proper reply. <3