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HONEY SWEET REVENGE // burning herb supplies - Printable Version

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HONEY SWEET REVENGE // burning herb supplies - SOLVEIG - 07-26-2018

// I have permission to do this!! <3

In. Out. The steady breathing of Solveig did little to rustle the underbrush that she was presently hiding in. In front of her, the medicine dens of Snowbound. It was a simple task. Get in, cause chaos, get out unseen. And Solveig was good with being unseen. The pretty snowshoe had doused her white fur in thick layers of mud and traces of foliage, which proved to not only mask any trace of where she came from, but also provided her camouflage in the dimly lit evening.

The moon was beginning to rise in the sky, but did not yet offer enough light to give away her position, or what she was about to do. A book of matches lay carefully tucked into her jaws, and the 'living ghost' crept forward, her pawsteps slow and silent as she shifted her weight along with her body, her paws barely tracing against the ground to prevent any rustling. Truthfully, Solveig had been surprised that this task had been appointed to her. Of course, they weren't trying to start a war here, no. Solveig was good at making things look like accidents, and in this case, this 'accident' was a simple act of revenge. The Typhoon had lent supplies to Snowbound, and yet after all this time, no return payment had been made.

For an island of pirates, well, that was quite the outrage.

A pair of violet eyes stared forward, only briefly flickering without moving her head to eye her surroundings and make sure the coast was clear. Then, it was all too easy to slip into the den and stare at the piles of herbs in front of her. It was such a shame to waste it all, so much so that Solveig quietly detoured in her task for but a heartbeat, fetching the nearest stretch of cloth and gathering some pawfuls of useful herbs that she could take back to the Typhoon. Tying it up, she set it aside for a moment as she fetched her matches. The rest could be burned. The rest would burn.

With much care, the remaining baskets were piled up in a heap on the floor. She was careful to grab down each one individually to prevent making noise, and, glancing around the den one more time, and with her pile of herbs that she had saved sitting next to her, she took the book of matches and struck one, carefully tossing it amidst the pile as she watched for a few short moments as it caught and began to burn. Then, grabbing her bundle of herbs, she quickly slipped her way out and back into the shrubbery, then far out of the territory.

Long after she was gone, the molted flames of red and orange rose high into the evening sky. No scent to be followed, no clues to be left behind. This was, purely, an "accident", and the smoke that billowed into the air and the blaze of light, like a beacon, was sure to draw attention.

Re: HONEY SWEET REVENGE // burning herb supplies - NUI HARIME - 07-26-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
there's the smell of smoke. the sound of burning. it starts out small at first. but her senses are keen, and no matter how small it is, she is always drawn forth. the air is cool and chilly, biting into her fur. she sees the little glint of light from the herb den, and then flames flickering and dancing high. the crescendo bright and beautiful to her eye, it's crackle like a symphony. such utter blazing destruction is beautiful within her gaze. dangerous and harmful, but the raw power of it all is enticing. she can feel it's heat as she exits her cabin, drawn towards the scent of burning herbs.

it's perfect, and she stares, awe-struck, mesmerized. her heart pounds within her chest. a little tandem of beating blood. pump pump.

she does not fear the flame. she adores it.

then she lets loose a woeful, ear-piercing scream.

"help! fire, fire, fire!" she plays the act of the frightened snowbounder wonderfully well, as she always has done. then the notion settles within her mind that if the fire spreads, as lovely as it is, all of her beautiful creations and crafts within her house could be destroyed within minutes, and she does not know who done this. she does not have any elementals.

with that thought in mind, she races off to find water, dainty feet crunching against soft snow as she seems to glide swiftly over the powdery white blanket of ground in her swift urgency.

Re: HONEY SWEET REVENGE // burning herb supplies - TSUYU. - 07-27-2018


tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

It was painful to move, painful to use her scarred tongue, but she had to in moments like this. The yell of fire, fire made her tense, and the manx-frog dragged herself outside to see the licking flames. Charcoal eyes widened, and the frog turned around to rush to get water. "If you can, dump snow on it! I'll get some!" She yelled out, her tongue scooping around a pile of snow before she lifted and threw some on a patch of flames.

Re: HONEY SWEET REVENGE // burning herb supplies - Character Graveyard. - 07-27-2018

Fire. The smell had brought Kirishima running over, an alarmed look on his face. Izuku's herb supplies were set on fire? Now that was a low move. He suspected that someone from the Typhoon might be behind this, as nobody in Snowbound would ever do this.

The maned-wolf would attempt to start hastily kicking snow over the fire with his front-paws, the alarm on his facial features growing.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: HONEY SWEET REVENGE // burning herb supplies - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-28-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash was still healing, so it made sense that she was on her way to receive more ointment and pain relievers from Izuku, however as soon as smell of smoke hit her nose, the Hailcaller halted in her tracks. Pain shot through her body from the abrupt halt, and her eyes were wide as she saw the light of the flames. No, no, no! Atbash cried mentally to herself, eyes widening as she realized that it was Izuku's den was on flames. "Izuku! The she-cat screeched telepathically for the Frosthealer, praying to the stars that he wasn't inside of his den whenever this happened. Despite that strong telepathic crawl, Atbash crumbled to the ground, unable to keep standing. Though it was mostly from fear that made her drop, not from the pain. Everything was honestly a blur, and she barely noticed Kirishima, Tsuyu, and Nui rushing over to try to stop the fire.

The smell of smoke was suffocating, and Atbash found herself unable to breathe, even though she was far from the flames. It was just the memory of them, as images flashed in her mind of what happened to her family. What happened back home. This was exactly what happened back home, except the flames didn't seem to be spreading. Which was fortunate, but Atbash couldn't focus on that positive thought. Instead, the orange-tinted feline covered her face with her paws, trying to fight off the memories that went through her mind.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: HONEY SWEET REVENGE // burning herb supplies - arcy - 07-29-2018

To be honest, Izuku was lucky he kept a lot of his supplies in his personal home. He didn't just live in the medic cabin, y'know. He'd just .. converted his back room into a thing. He did keep the herb baskets in the medical den, though, because Izuku isn't sure he'd be able to stand that much of a smell all day. So, luckily, he's okay. He'd been on his way to the cabin to get more stuff, but .. Izuku's ears flatten. A lot of his herb stock is probably gone, in there. He'll have to get more. The scent of the Typhoon is strong, and Izuku .. well, he's pretty upset. Christ. Couldn't take enough, huh.
"Don't worry, I'm okay," Izuku winces at Atbash's telepathic screech, speaking very softly. Trying not to upset her or be intrusive when she was clearly pretty distraught about the fire. The dragon glances around nervously. His clanmates are trying to help put out the fire, and Izuku is big enough he could probably help pretty well. But .. Atbash. She shouldn't be here. She was traumatized, and he couldn't just .. He considers picking her up by the scruff, being much taller and bigger, but she wouldn't appreciate that. Being treated like a child, or being helpless. "A -- Atbash, let's go. It'll be okay. The fire will be out soon," The Frosthealer urges, attempting to curl a tail around the Savannah somewhat protectively, to gently urge her into getting up. He had enough stuff stocked up that they should be fine for at least a few days, depending on how many more herbs they could collect. He should have Atbash's stuff, too, so they just needed -- to go. Staying here couldn't be healthy for her.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: HONEY SWEET REVENGE // burning herb supplies - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-29-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Of course she shouldn't be here, but god was her worry for Izuku more important than her own mental health. At least, that's what it was like to her. Her ears twitch at his words, but she doesn't look up. She can't look up. Hell, even the cackle of the fire was what held her to the ground right now, and she flinches whenever Izuku wraps himself around her. It took a couple of heartbeats but Atbash did eventually relax, though she was still clearly distraught about what was happening. The smell of smoke distracted her from the scent of The Typhoon, but if she had known about it, she would be praying he did this before she sent Aizawa and resources. In fact, they almost seemed to happen around the same time, so it was just bad timing on both of the groups' parts.

Atbash slowly lifted her head and tried to focus on the large figure of Izuku as she did so. As he nudges her, she shakily gets to her paws and closes her eyes again. If only she could block out the smell and the sounds, everything would be so much better.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: HONEY SWEET REVENGE // burning herb supplies - Stryker - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Stryker's nose curled up in disgust as the smell of smoke met his nostrils. "It smells like ass," he grumbled sarcastically to no one in particular as he searched for the source of the meddling. Green eyes eventually met flames high in the sky, curling around the medical den, and several others making themselves known with their screams of frank agony. Rushing over, he paused before Nui and listened to Tsuyu's instructions... not before taking a look at their tongue. 'What the fuck... Imagine the fun you can have with that one.' Momentarily, a smirk raised on his lips.

Then to work he went! With large paws and a bustling mane in the cold wind, he attempted to kick snow in the direction of the flames with all his might (that's a lie, he was doing the bare minimum). Although he would of preferred to watch the flames die out, this tongue-bitch seemed to urgent on the fact that they should get rid of it and he wanted to get on her good side before she licked him in places he didn't want to be licked. Oh god, not that thought again.

Once finished with his part, he pulled aside. Green eyes looked in the direction of Atbash and Izuku, searching them up and down curiously. They seemed like lovers... Nah, they were. Who else would nudge someone like that or attempt to curl their tail around someone else? "Well, aren't you two adorable," he offered genuinely. In a horrific time, it seemed nice to offer some kind words to those who really needed it, even if he didn't know that these two were the medic himself and the leader.

Re: HONEY SWEET REVENGE // burning herb supplies - NUI HARIME - 07-29-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
snow, yes. she needed snow. water would be harder to find, considering they were surrounded by the powdry fluff.

nui paused at the sound of tsuyu's words. right. paws against cool ground, kicking up alabaster dust in wake of the inferno, aiming to drown out the crackle of heat and red hot fire. fire fire fire. for a moment she was tempted to drown one of her limbs in the flame. she how long it would take before it consumed her; see if the searing molten would actually make her feel something. but she abstained.

caught between cold and hot, the additional help of her clanmates would eventually help quell the mouth of fire. she turned away-- only to spot izuku's tail curling around the savannah. the interaction is made noted by the lion not far away-- stryker, though she has yet to know his name.

"that was a close call!" her high voice breaks through the sound of fair silence and the gentle hiss of flames as it dies away. "these typhoon guys are really nasty, burning the supplies like that. i have to admire them for knowing how to play dirty." after all, anything is fair in love and war. she knows these things to be true just as the very fact that her artificial heart pumps blood through her veins.

"why did they do this anyways?" she had only ever heard of snowbound and the typhoon's apparent break up. it was like a foul, nasty ex-wife back on vengeance after her husband had left her. at least, it seemed that way to the feline.