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I'M YOUR BAD LUCK && open, training. - Printable Version

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I'M YOUR BAD LUCK && open, training. - ONISION. - 07-26-2018


[div style="background-color:#806A71;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]//excuse my inactivity! was in the hospital for about a week, oof. had to take a break, lmao.

Onision was stubborn, painfully so. He wanted to fight faster, to move faster. He had grown a bit, he was sure of it! Well, in reality, he was still kind of small, and refused to show any sign of budging from his asshole of a personality. He was rude, but he had a right to be! He had to protect his family, especially his sister and mother!

"Oi! 'Anyone interested in teaching me how to fight?" He called out, tail lashing behind him as he shoved a few pebbles away with a paw, annoyance prickling up his pelt. 


Re: I'M YOUR BAD LUCK && open, training. - adomania - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]// hey there !! I actually just recently joined but it's great to see you do better regardless <3

Myliu was almost the exact opposite of Onision, for his mind was anywhere other than fighting and lost in things that were wholly incomprehensible for others. That wasn't to say the child didn't have a temper, or an urge to defend himself... he just knew what it took to survive, and picking battles where they were unwarranted was not it. Already at a young age he knew how to fight, how to defend... and, it seemed, now Myliu's past was catching up to him rapidly to the point of unveiling hidden powers that even the oldest in the Ascendants didn't seem to possess.

He was special in other ways, of course, but those were less of a gift than they were a curse, a mental illness that made it hard for him to engage in activities that Onision wanted. Even if Myliu was interested, there was the issue of his rage blooming into something that made him dangerous. The child couldn't kill an adult yet, but he had mauled a rabbit into a bloody pulp in one of his episodes, and a kit of his age wouldn't be any different.

Thankfully for both of them, Myliu didn't understand any of the words Onision said anyways. He was interested less in what the child had to say, and more in the fact that he seemed angry and frustrated, and he wondered if it was something worth checking out. The child moved over, hesitant but determined, until he was peering over at Onision with curiosity in his eyes, waiting for someone to come over and give him what he wanted (whatever it was that it turned out to be.)

Re: I'M YOUR BAD LUCK && open, training. - HEARTEYES - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:verdana"]Hearteyes had never learned to fight. Her parents had never required it, though they used their claws on her and her siblings often enough. She had joined a clan and was expected to fight if there ever was a war, wasn't she? The molly perks her ears at Onision's words, tilting her head in confusion. The younger boy was asking someone to teach him to fight, but he seemed to be more annoyed than eager to learn.

She shuffles to Myliu's side, letting out a sheepish laugh. "I, um, I don't know how to fight but I'm sure someone will come along soon! Maybe we can train together." She meows, shrugging her shoulders.

Re: I'M YOUR BAD LUCK && open, training. - MirrorEdge - 07-26-2018

//retro to capture
"I can!" It seemed like the word 'fight' had caught Thea's attention, and the young Fireball made her way over, the usual grin on her face. Paws shifted back and forth in anticipation and excitement as she chirped, "I can teach you!"

To be honest, Thea probably wasn't the best teacher, since she had a tendency in the past to keep attacking her opponents well after defeating them, but she was learning the difference between sparring, and fighting. "Why don't you just come at me, with whatever you've got?" She mewed, tail swishing back and forth as she waited for either a no, or an attack.

Re: I'M YOUR BAD LUCK && open, training. - ONISION. - 07-26-2018


[div style="background-color:#806A71;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]A crowd soon gathered, and Oni felt his ego boost by tenfold at such things. He was cocky, unafraid to show off despite his stubborn personality and unwavering momentum.

At Hearteye's comment, Onision let out a quick chuckle before he spoke. "I sure hope so. You'd have to be good to keep up with me!" He falsely bragged, his chest puffing out proudly before he saw the much larger femme arrive. Bigger, more experienced.

Oni didn't care.

He positioned himself, nodding towards Thea when she told him to come at her. Bad idea, he was a monster in battle! "Try not to cry, then!" Squeaked the male, rushing forward rather clumsily, paws thumping against the ground as he lunged forward, attempting to bite at the other's paws or legs.


Re: I'M YOUR BAD LUCK && open, training. - MirrorEdge - 07-26-2018

Blue eyes narrow, and her grin grows wider in response. "I think I should be telling you that!" She chirps, and lifted the paw he was targeting, aiming to shove him, a bit roughly, to the side. She usually wasn't one for restraint, and this barely was. Thea kind of enjoyed playing with opponents before crushing them. It was just her nature, to win.

The concept of going easy on the younger and less experienced child never occured to her, let alone letting him win to boost his confidence, just measuring his skill before taking appropriate action. Her mother had never coddled her like that, just sent her right back out to pick a fight with the older kids, until she managed to win. She assumed that was the way it worked.

Re: I'M YOUR BAD LUCK && open, training. - cyantist - 07-27-2018

Lucia knew how to fight but that didn't mean she was interested in teaching. Admittedly, it was far harder than when she was immortal, when the world would shape itself around her if she so much as wished her. The realm of the Fae was kind to those who belonged to it, and the Autumn Court had been her home. Storms would come at her beck and call, the world would freeze if she commanded it to. Here? None such luck as that, just Lucia, her training and her iron.

She watches, waiting to give advice once the duel had finished. By advice of course she meant criticism and certainly not constructive. Blunt and cold. She supposed she could also step in before somebody got killed it came to that. She hoped it would - a bit of blood always made things more interesting.
[div style="text-align:center;width:55%;font-size:11pt;font-family:times new roman;padding-TOP: 3px;"][color=#ff6666]LOOK HOW THE STREETS TURN COLD WHEN I WALK IT

Re: I'M YOUR BAD LUCK && open, training. - BASTILLEPAW - 07-27-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
[ glad you’re okay !! ]

Bastille glanced up at the sound of Oni’s call, and found himself smirking in amusement at the request. He’d always thought that one was going to be a pawful when he got older, and was looking forward to seeing him barrel through the fireball age. Yawning, he pushed himself to his paws and headed towards the Circle, gaze seeking out Oni. He found him with a crowd, and evidently already with a partner. Thea had just the right energy to handle Oni, in his opinion (they were both ambitious and strong willed), and he sat back to watch in amusement as the kit threw himself at her.

[b]”She’s got a height advantage,” he pointed out idly as he watched, [b]”Gotta be quicker than her, Oni. Don’t give her the chance to pin you.”
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: I'M YOUR BAD LUCK && open, training. - ONISION. - 07-27-2018


[div style="background-color:#806A71;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Oni wasn't expecting a paw to the side, nor the force that came with it. The kit was tossed to the side a bit too easily for his liking, making a loud snarl rip through his throat. At Bastille's advice, the kit sat up, dusting himself off as he thought for a few moments. Bigger, stronger than him. Speed. Speed!

The kit got up, stretching his limbs out before taking off in a sprint. Once he got close to the girl, he took a hard right before attempting to leap onto her back and dig his claws in.

//just saying, oni is the type that if someone tells him to use his head (as in think) he'd literally try to skullbash someone instead LMAO


Re: I'M YOUR BAD LUCK && open, training. - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-27-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Training exercises were never something that could be considered easy to do when someone was a soldier. The Freelancer had learned the hard way just exactly how far the program had been willing to go when it came to sparring and other training that they went through. It was incredibly difficult at the start, but once someone got the hang of it it was fairly easy for him to do. Washington acquired just as many injuries as he did when he was out in the field and that was certainly something. Thanks to the advanced medical team that they did have, they didn't have medical leave for a long time as they were usually healed within a weeks time. He spent years in the program so he eventually learned the different protocols on what to follow when he was indeed injured.

His entrance exam when he was in his early 20's had nearly killed him in the process. Washington didn't think about how cruel the test actually would be and that he was bleeding on the floor. He had been shot plenty of times during the war and had severe burns from the explosions that did happen to him while he was on the battlefield. He could take it. He was able to pass the entrance exam because of his habit of being able to improvise. There was on the incident that still stuck with him though and that was when Agent Texas had made her appearance in Project Freelancer. At the time he didn't know what her appearance would end up doing to the program and how it would ultimately destroy it, he simply thought about how good she was in a fight against three of their Agents. Taking on Maine, Wyoming, and York wasn't exactly an easy feat.

He was pretty sure though during the course of the sparring match that there were going to be a couple of broken bones that would need to be mended. There were different types of sparring on the Mother of Invention, and it usually consisted of simple sparring which meant that they wouldn't have any intention of hurting one another. Or, regular sparring which meant that they were going to use whatever method necessary and if someone broke some part of their body it meant that it was their own fault and they should have tapped out before getting to that point. It was a lesson well learned. Either way, the training session with Agent Texas didn't exactly go as planned when both Maine and Wyoming started using live rounds on the training field. Going against protocol and nearly killing Agent Texas near the end of it, but also severely injuring York when they threw a grenade and it ended up taking the others eye in the explosion.

The one thing that confused Washington was the fact that they weren't punished for their actions, the Director stating that they should be ready for anything. It was a difficult pill to swallow, but he was a soldier and used to following orders so he didn't talk back to the Director once the other said that nothing would be done. Training children though were not something that Washington really thought about. He had entered the military when he was around 18 years of age, and it was only then that he started training. He didn't think that most of the groups that they were coming across were all that much of a fighter. At least he hadn't seen them try to instill some sort of combat either. Washington didn't think that they even remotely trained themselves as he had yet to see them do anything. The armored smilodon considered all of them to be on the level of civilians, but even if they were considered such, he wouldn't be the one that would go out of his way to protect them. That wasn't his mission and if one of them died then it was on them.

Even if they still treated death as if it was some sort of joke. With the broken leg that he has, he isn't really all that capable of doing much when it comes to being in combat. The Freelancer needs to let his leg heal before he can even do anything, and since he considers his comrade out of commission it meant that he had a lot of stress on his shoulders for the past couple of days. Washington heard voices that he did not recognize, and he stopped where he was. His helmet covered face looked in the direction of where a couple familiar faces were at. There seemed to be young animals that were there, and he could barely hear the sounds of struggling. Interesting.

Washington began to make his way over, noting Bastille was already there and so was Thea. Everyone else he didn't really know, and he kept off to the side keeping his distance from everyone else. He liked his personal space, and since it was during the day it would be a simple pitstop during his patrols that he had going on. He watched as the two animals attacked each other, his golden eyes narrowing behind his visor slightly. Was this dangerous for animals that were this young? It honestly didn't matter to the former human since it wasn't exactly his business in the first place. He would simply watch and gather intel like he usually did. As long as he could avoid Texas, he was fine. He craned his neck to the side until he heard a crack, before shaking his head. He had a headache every day now and it was certainly painful. He never brought it up though and never would. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18: