Beasts of Beyond
CALL ME A THIEF && open, lost in conquest territory. - Printable Version

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CALL ME A THIEF && open, lost in conquest territory. - YUUKI. - 07-26-2018


Yuuki was afraid, terrified even. All he wanted was to find where his friend was, he just needed to tell them something important! But no, he had to go and get lost. As always. Every fucking time, he swore! He could never be alone, honestly!

The white bengal stuck out like a sore thumb in the Conquest's territory, the kitten tiny and obviously still covered in his kit tufts, violet eyes focusing on the area surrounding him. He didn't like this, he didn't like this at all. "Hello? Uhm, I think.. I think I'm lost!" Squeaked the kitten, ears twitching as he awaited a response. He wasn't familiar with scent borders just yet, maybe that was what led him all the way into Conquest's territory.

Triple eyelids seemed to blink away any debris as the feline glanced around once more, before shrinking down in fear. He didn't like socializing, he didn't like this. His breaths soon turned into one of quick momentum, panic lighting up his figure as his fur fluffed up in anxiousness. Panic attack, gods.. He hated them.



Re: CALL ME A THIEF && open, lost in conquest territory. - Kink - 07-27-2018

[Image: 2uzxhc4.jpg]
To say that I was overwhelmed was defintiely an understatement. So much has been thrown on me in such a short time that part of me still felt like I was living in a dream. I had never been anything special. Just some homeless kid that an old man was nice enough to take in. I hadn't even known for the first little while that he was King of our homeland, but I'd always felt greatful to him. Life had been hell before he'd put a roof over my head and a purpose in my head. He'd given me another start at life and I'd trained hard to make him proud when he offered me a place in the militia. I had always thought my fate would be a simple one, a destiny that was no greater than any other man who fought on a battlefield. A majority. So I guess I was in denial still, because how could I not be? For him to say that he'd seen a vision of the future, one that I had to make happen, seemed like the ramblings of a delusional dying man. And he had been a dying man, but he was so damn lucid, and he'd never once lost his mind as his health declined, so how could I doubt him? How could I deny his dying wish? He'd given everything to me, with with the desperate hope that I would use it to carry out this destiny he'd seen. And maybe I was the crazy one, because I was doing it.

My group wasn't a large one yet, still recruiting for the ranks, but we'd secured a terrtorey for ourselves easily enough. There weren't a lot of onquered kingdoms in the animal realm, and so there was still pleanty of land ripe for the taking. Ours was a lush grassland with gentle hillside strething out in every direction, the camp an old private school the humans had left behind. It was a real gem, that building, and I was lucky to have it for my clan. As small as we were, we'd soon grow to need all the space we could get. And even though we were still few in numbers, we had to make sure that the borders were still well patrolled. Others weren't used to this stretch of land being off limits and we'd had to run off a few persistent people who had tried to waltz through it. I'd taken it upon myself to see to the border patrol that day, since everyone was strethed thin trying to get the chores done while reruiting was still underway. It had been a few days and things had been quiet, so I assumed word had gotten around that someone was now occupying Greenside. And yet, I picked up a scent none the less.

I paused as I scented the air, thick jaws parting as I drank in the smells around me. A child, out here? I couldn't pick up any adults with them, and there was a heacy stench of fear mixed in with it. My strides swiftened to a purposeful lope as I climbed the hillside toward the border on the other side, pausing at it's crest to look down at the expanse of greenery on the other side. One thing I loved about Greenside was that there were few places for enemies to hide, and I spotted easily enough the white bengal cub huddled in the grasses just beyond Conquests border. I sighed and shook my head, knowing I couldn't just leave him there. I might have had a rough road ahead of me, but I wasn't a monster. I forced myself into a relaxed step as I made my way toward them, not wanting to scare them even more than they obviously were.

"Your a long way from home. Where are your parents?" I asked, tone firm but trying to be gentle. I was annoyed with the thought that someone would just let their child wander in unknown territory like this, and it was a little hard not to let it show.

dark silver jaguar - male - very difficult - homoromantic/bisexual - will show mercy/will kill

civil - formal - appears aloof - fair
thoughtful - protective - merciful - loyal
emotionally driven - stubborn - born strategist - determined
angsty - burdened - possessive - jealous

Re: CALL ME A THIEF && open, lost in conquest territory. - YUUKI. - 07-27-2018


Everything was painful, so utterly painful, and the kitten hadn't even noticed the larger cat's presence until he was right There. In front of him. Speaking. Lifting his white, spotted head, the bengal blinked violet eyes for a moment, adjusting as his breathing calmed down finally. The sight of greyscale fur calmed him, strangle. Who was this?

Oh, right, he was asked a question. What was it again? Oh, yeah.. His parents. "Uuhm.. They're back in the Typhoon.. I was.. Searching for a friend." He muttered softly, blinking wide purple eyes up at the leopard with such beautiful amber.. They were amber right?- Eyes. "Have.. Have you seen a bird-cat hybrid around? He has a head of
a bird.."
Stuttered the anxious child, glancing around for some kind of hint. He kept a safe distance away from the much larger creature, distrust radiating from his snow white pelt.


Re: CALL ME A THIEF && open, lost in conquest territory. - Kink - 07-28-2018

I knew what my cause was. Knew that I was dedicated to it for better or worse. Moments like this though had the power to ruin me. I knew that the path I had to take, for as beautiful as the outcome would be, was one that was drenched in the blood of the evil and innocent. By the end of it I would be a despicble person  whose only real end destination could be the pits of hell, because the things I would have to do were unseakable. And looking at this polite, scared, totally fucking innocent kid was just reminding me of the inevitable. Would out paths cross again in the future if he left here? Would his blood join the thousands and his ghost haunt me as surely as the rest would?

I had to shake those kinds of thoughts out of my head as the replied, ignoring the guilt those wide purple eyes made me feel. Instead I tried to focus on his words, because in truth they were words of interest. I was new here and so was my group, so the already existing groups still had a lot of recon to be done on them. I knew the bare basics of the four groups that were largest in these parts, and from memory I could recall the Typhoon being on of the more wicken clans, though it was hard to imagine the skittish, polite kid in front of me belonging to a group of tyrants.

"Have.. Have you seen a bird-cat hybrid around? He has a head of
a bird.."

My brow would furrow in a look that probably looked something like confusion as I tried to imagine the picture he had painted for me, and I was clearly having trouble with it.  "No, nobody like that's been through here. I'd remember someone like that." I'd say, shaking my head. "How long ago was it that you lost track of them?" I asked, wondering if there was another Typhooner I should be worrying about. It occured to me that this kid was possibly a decoy, and while that thought tempted me into leaving to check my borders, I wasn't really keen on ditching someone this young out here alone. An eagle could swoop and take him out in a heartbeat. Still, I let my gaze sweep the grassland beyond him, jaws parting to taste the air only to find it empty of another intruder."My name's Openfire, by the way. What's yours?"