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Plot with the Leader of Conquest? - Printable Version

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Plot with the Leader of Conquest? - Kink - 07-26-2018

[Image: 2uzxhc4.jpg]
known as 'Ops' - male - very difficult - general of Conquest

I'm hoping to find a couple of people who are interested in roleplaying with Ops here. He's the young Leader of the new group known as Conquest, and he's on a mission to unite the world in peace by any means necessary. He tries to take his role seriously, and is a cunning strategist and fierce fighter. He has a strong set of morals and is fiercely stubborn, willing to do whatever he can to bring about his goals. Ops has a tendency to come off as formal and aloof, hard to get close to because he takes his work so seriously. He has a lot of angst from having to shoulder the burden of what he knows he must do to reach his endgame, an while he's generally protective and thoughtful he can give into the darkness that weighs down on him from time to time.

[b]He's open to jut about anything right now, friends, rivals, straight up enemies, <3 LOVE INTERESTS <3 , best friends, apprentices, sibling-like figures, etc - just no capturing/death/maiming. He's also mainly attracted to males, but females can try their luck Smile

Re: Plot with the Leader of Conquest? - OWEN. - 07-28-2018


owen is hyperhomosexual homoromantic. he's currently a traveller, keeping track of his four raptor children, but i need a place for him to settle for a while eventually?

i can totally see him and openfire getting along bc he loves other badasses lmfao

although if they did get together it'd be short-term because owen can never settle for one person

//also yuuki pls

maybe he could also join conquest??

Re: Plot with the Leader of Conquest? - Kink - 07-29-2018

That would be so great! I haven't really een able to roleplay Ops outside of my thread with Yuuki because he doesn't have anyone to interact with, so Owen and his raptors popping in would be perfect! And it's up to you, but over in the adoption area is an HP tryout that offers open Semi HP ranks for grabs if he wants one Smile

And we can definitely see where it goes if you want, but he's not really the flirty/playboy type so Owen would have to really clique with him to get something started, and yeah, short lived for Yuuki <3