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plummet to your death | stark - Printable Version

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plummet to your death | stark - pallid-i - 07-26-2018

PIMOSTRA[/td][td][div style="width:270px; height:275px; overflow:hidden; margin-left:-130px;margin-top:12px;"][div style="width:287px; height:275px;text-align:justify; font-family:times new roman; font-size:13px; color:#FF5A6E; line-height:10px; overflow:auto;"]She was wandering around the observatory wait her tail dragging along the ground, ears flattening against her head. She was expecting a fresh new start, but with Stark being here now, that changed things. Whatever anxiety she had was now amped up because of that.. that brute! Pim took a seat on the cold floor and sighed, tail curling around her flank. There was pink exposed and vaguely shaped like an "s". A sign of former trauma. Yes.. It was her fault she got this scar, and yes, she should have not tried killing her clanmate as revenge, but carving an s into her flank.. It made her want to cry just thinking about it. Stark had taken her ability to dance.. the humiliation and pain she had experienced... It wasn't something she didn't want to happen again.
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Re: plummet to your death | stark - COSMIIX - 07-26-2018

Pimostra hadn't been the only one that had wanted to start a new life, Stark hadn't been expecting to run into Pim during his adventures. He had mixed feelings about her, part of him was happy to see her and other part was guilty for what he had done to her. He didn't blame her for being angry at him though a part of him was angry that she was mad at him, if she hadn't decided to sleep with Dean when she was in a relationship then maybe it wouldn't have happened at all. They would be friends right now. He wouldn't have gotten his claws near her but both Ghost and Pimostra had made their decision thus the two of them had paid for it. It wasn't even a huge punishment, just a small slap to the hand and a lil "don't do it again" kind of thing. He didn't know Pim wad humiliated because of it and if he had known then he wouldn't have done it. If he had known that he was taking away something she enjoyed. . . He wouldn't have done it at all, he should of just. . . Yelled at them and demoted them to kittens. His head was already pounding at the thought of it, he was in the larger observatory dome still working on his helmet with a large mug of coffee sitting next to him. His robotic kiwi was running about getting a few glimpses of the helmet that spit out a few sparks of electricity.

He had to fix the glass in one of the eyes and had cut himself while doing it yet he didn't seem to care as blood flowed freely from his pawpad. He felt exhaustion trying to take a hold of his body but he resisted as he took a good swig of his Joe, he kept bleeding yet he bit down on a few wires to shape them properly to fit into the helmet flinching only slightly when he was electrocuted "Y'know Dum-E. . . I enjoy being a simplistic old man working on his dumb science shit than having to be some big honcho over a whole group. I don't make the calls anymore and I'm fine with that," He would blink as he tried turning on the helmet itself watching as the eye lights flickered on for a moment then went dark "Mmm. Almost." He began to mess with the helmet once more listening to the robotic kiwi screech at him "I don't need sleep, Dum-E. I'm working on this and its more important than sleep. . . Besides, my mental issues won't allow it. . ."

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Re: plummet to your death | stark - pallid-i - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — After five minutes of sitting and moping, she stood up and stretched. There was no point in self pity. It would get her no where. It didn't get her anywhere the first time, so there was no point in doing it now. So the feline simply started up her exploration once again, and made her way to the larger part of the observatory dome. That's when the stench of blood hit her nose and she visibly recoiled, fur standing on end. She didn't want to follow the scent to its source, but a small part of her urged her to just in case someone was hurt. She quietly made her way over but when she noticed who was hurt, she froze. Why.. Why did it have to be him? He didn't see her right? Maybe she could back away? She quietly took a step back, holding her breath and hoping for the best option: going unnoticed.

Re: plummet to your death | stark - COSMIIX - 07-26-2018

Stark eventually pushed Dum-E away when he tried to intervene in his work though as soon as the robotic kiwi was shoved away Dum-E could make out the form of someone leaving and he would start to let out robotic chirps to alert Stark. Stark believed that the other saw some fucking moth but once he turned he realized that it was no moth but rather Pimostra, he could feel his throat dry up a bit as he stood there looking at her "Uh hey there, Pimostra." Fuck. What was he supposed to say now? Dum-E didn't seem to hesitate as he leaped off the table only to land rather stupidly onto the ground in a daze for a brief moment before running over in the direction of Pimostra. The robotic kiwi didn't seem to hesitate in pecking the female in a attempt to get her into the room and ensure she didn't escape, he wanted her to know how cool mister Stark was. Even if Stark didn't want to necessarily want to run into Pimostra of all people at the time, he took a deep breath only to gesture to Dum-E with a frown on his face "Hey, cut that shit out." Once Dum-E was close enough, the wolfdog would scoop them up and place them on the table they were currently working on.

"I didn't think I'd see you again. . . Let alone the same day. . . Especially after our lil encounter," He finally said with a shrug turning back to his helmet unable to make himself have some form of eye contact with Pimostra, he would then apologize for Dum-E's actions "Sorry about Dum-E." There was a brief pause before he continued with a light shake of his cranium "He doesn't think before he does something. . . He's stupid sometimes," The robotic kiwi didn't seem to pay any close attention to this as he climbed on top of the helmet with a blink of his camera-like lenses.

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Re: plummet to your death | stark - pallid-i - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — She made a small squeak as the robotic kiwi pecked at her. She would have swatted at it if not for Stark calling it back. Pim looked at Stark and she made a face. "Little encounter huh?" She murmured, tail lashing back and forth. The tall feline looked at the helmet and back at Stark, taking note of the blood. So the bastard was overworking himself again. She would say something, but she didn't want Stark to think she suddenly cared. Because she didn't. It's just that she didn't want to see him turn up dead one day because of exhaustion or something. She wasn't comfortable seeing dead bodies.

Re: plummet to your death | stark - COSMIIX - 07-27-2018

He held onto his soldering iron as he continued to work on his headgear with his eyes half closed listening to what she said offering a small shrug "Nah," He squinted a bit not uttering any words for what seemed to be ten minutes before be rose a bit glancing down at the helmet turning his gaze to Pim "What even brought you here?" He glanced at the slightly open observatory though he didn't pay much attention to it for too long before he was messing around with the soldering iron again "I mean. . . I guess, the stars look nice tonight. . . But there are other domes y'know." The idiot didn't even notice he had cut himself though then again, he was so used to physical pain that it never seemed to bother him anymore. He recalled back in his old clan how he had gotten hurt several times, emotionally, mentally, and physically that it just grew old. Sure, he had developed several things because of it yet he thought nothing of it even if his anxiety began to pester him making it a bit harder for him to breathe. All he could think now was how much he had fucked up as a Visionary, he lowered his head a bit pressing a paw to his forehead feeling a bit dizzy. God, he couldn't have one of these now. He pushed away the soldering iron and headgear as he stood there taking deep breaths.

"L-leave. . ."

Horrible father. Horrible Visionary. Overall horrid. The building. The rumble. Everything falling apart. Crumbling between his paws. His breathing quickened. "Stark! Stark! Stark!" The voices. "He's over here!" How they all seemed concerned and caring. "How could you." That voice. It made his head throb and his throat grew dry, the wolfdog shook a bit on the table with his body trembling only slightly. He made sure the soldering iron was disconnected before he finally sat down pressing himself to the table still not looking at Pimostra. He let his chin rest on the table as he closed his eyes in an attempt to ignore the throbbing headache. He didn't even realize Pimostra was still there.

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Re: plummet to your death | stark - pallid-i - 07-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — She watched him, at a loss of words. Did.. Did he not realize the scent of his blood was strong? Did he not even know if he was bleeding? Her fur bristled and Pim watched as his breathing got deeper and he told her to leave. She would have if not for the fact that he was visibly having a hard time.

"Stark.. Stark do I need to get a medic?" The tall feline finally said, voice emotionless but her gaze soft. She couldn't just leave when something was clearly up. It would go against her morals, and if anybody else found out.. Well, they would get on her ass for sure. Pimostra took one step closer but stopped, knowing better. She didn't want Stark to freak out on her now.

Re: plummet to your death | stark - COSMIIX - 07-30-2018

His head was pounding and spinning, he tried to stand upright but he only ended up shakily leaning against the table trembling like some chihuahua. His ears pinned against his head and his teeth would grit down together as he stood there feeling as if his legs were Jell-o. He was losing blood and he hadn't eaten in two days yet this late night endeavor of his was going to become three, he would let out a few shaky breaths sitting on his ass for a moment and pressing his paw to his pounding forehead. He could barely make out anything as of right now so when Pimostra asked if she should get a medic, the canine would sit there with a dazed expression as if trying to figure out what Pim had just said.

"Stark. . . Stark do I need to get a medic?"

No. No. No. Medics would end up touching things that Stark would rather have no one touch, he shook his head furiously to the sides as he mumbled out with a growl "N-no!" He didn't want anyone touching his shit or him for that matter, he would paw at the table as if searching for something yet he didn't know until he took a grip of his coffee mug taking a few shaky gulps. "N-no medics. . ." He hesitantly tried putting the coffee mug on the table but his shaky paw put it on the edge and it fell onto the ground with a loud shattering noise. God, he started picking up at the glass, shallow breathing coming from him.

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