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IT'S MY OWN REMORSE // open, q+a session - Printable Version

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IT'S MY OWN REMORSE // open, q+a session - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-26-2018

Was Caesar stealing this idea from Rosemary and Keona? Oh, yes, absolutely. But it was deserved, was it not? Maybe by asking questions, people would like and trust him better. At least, that's what he was hoping for. "Yo, come over here and ask me a question." The demon called as he finished setting up a pile of sticks near the beach. He flicked his tail, setting his body ablaze, before he transferred the fire over to the sticks. Could he just have used a match or something, or hell, a fireball? Sure, but he wanted to just enjoy the flames on his body for a few seconds. "I've got marshmallows." Which he found stored in his room somewhere and dragged over here.

Re: IT'S MY OWN REMORSE // open, q+a session - dead chars - 07-26-2018

↠↠Tokoyami wasn’t especially curious about anyone in the clan. While he did wonder why so many of them seemed a bit... edgy... he was in the same boat, he supposed. He had controlled a shadow demon for a while. While he didn’t quite know where Dark Shadow had gone, it was a part of him still.

It was probably in his best interest to meet new people, though. The ebony crow-cat hybrid had managed to stumble across Ceaser, and he blinked at the other as he set himself ablaze. Maybe it was some sort of Quirk? But if Quirks worked in this world, where had Dark Shadow gone? Though he showed hardly a visible expression, he tiptoed over with a cautious but curious energy to him.

What is your name? How did you set yourself on fire?” he questioned, tail twitchig.

/ mobile and rushed sorry

Template by Quill

Re: IT'S MY OWN REMORSE // open, q+a session - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-26-2018

The first person to approach was a newer member of the Crew it seemed, and Caesar tilted his head at him. "Officer Caesar Cipher." He responded, though seemed to be slightly disappointed that Tokoyami didn't know him. But then again, why should he? It wasn't like Caesar was there for his joining. At the question about his fire, Caesar shrugged. "It's something I've always been able to do. It's an ability."

Re: IT'S MY OWN REMORSE // open, q+a session - rochelle - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]Fischer was sure it would take a lot more than a few questions for her to trust the Officer. She valued trusting and liking someone in different lights. If someone was likable, it was just that she enjoyed the presence of them, no certain circumstances to it. Trust, however, was very different. Did she trust that Caesar was loyal to the Typhoon? Of course. Did she personally trust her life in his? Absolutely not, and that;s where she drew the line. However, being distrustful in others was something she often struggled with, as paranoia had been a regular checklist on her every day routine back in the day. Still, she actively tried to fight her instincts, and padded up to the session.

"How about this: what's one of your life goals?" The wolf asked timidly, glancing over at the fire, as well as Tokoyami, whom she'd not gotten the chance to know that well yet. The Striker would contemplate eating a marshmallow for a moment, but would resist, always bothered by how the snack stuck to her pelt so easily.

Re: IT'S MY OWN REMORSE // open, q+a session - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-26-2018

Caesar's loyalty to The Typhoon was debatable. After all, he had been the old to injure Goldenluxury, although she had no memory of the event. He was only loyal to the group because he had to be to become leader. Caesar truly did not care for any of his Crewmates. "Life goals?" The demon echoed, shrugging slightly. "Pretty simple, probably the same as everybody else. To become Captain." That was one of them, for sure. A less extreme one.

Re: IT'S MY OWN REMORSE // open, q+a session - ADAKIAS - 07-27-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:georgia;font-size:11px"]"Yeah, I got a question for 'ya." The voice of Sylvina could be heard from behind the Savannah cat, a small ebony pelted kitten showing up with somewhat of an irritated expression plastered upon her face. Furrowing her maw into a frown, the daughter of Pincher and Aphra would plump her frame right down in front of Caesar while green hues glared up at the much larger male. Sure, she was excluding Fischer and Tokoyami, but in truth they probably wouldn't want to get in the way of the feisty girl and her inquiry that needed to be answered. She'd move, but only when the Officer gave her a satisfactory response. "When were you going to tell me you're my grandpa?" It was so odd how she was learning something new about herself every day.

Re: IT'S MY OWN REMORSE // open, q+a session - JUNJI - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]oh, the grouchy man who had found him. junji padded over after sylvina, ears perked toward caesar as he answered the questions thrown at him. he wasn't exactly sure what they were all doing, but the man wasn't protesting against the queries, so he thought of one after a moment's silence. "are you always so grumpy?" the child asked, sea green eyes peering up at the savannah cat. an innocent question, not meant to be rude or forward, but to others it may come off that way. he had no way of knowing, really, having been raised in isolation, not learning key social skills. but, he was curious about it. the man always seemed to have a sour attitude, and junji wanted to know why. perhaps he would be able to help.

Re: IT'S MY OWN REMORSE // open, q+a session - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-28-2018

Caesar didn't look spooked by Sylvina's appearance, though he did have a strange spark in his eye whenever he turned to face her. A spark of interest, to be more exact. "I suppose it never came relevant." He replied with a small shrug. Usually he would have jumped at the chance to mention that, though he wouldn't outright state her was their grandfather. Turning to Junji as he came over, the Officer gave a snort. "Was that an answer for you?" He retorted before quickly adding on, "Yes. I am."

Re: IT'S MY OWN REMORSE // open, q+a session - Luciferr - 07-28-2018

"do you have much family roaming around the other clans?" he was mostly curious due to wondering if they'd ran into two of his own family members - that and the large dragon could still well remeber the days of yore where large families were the norm and you couldn't go a yard without tripping over a relation in some way , adopted or no.

He'd been guilty of that once, Surrogate father to half a dozen adopted children that he had been - all gone now though, he did sometimes wonder what became of many of them if ever the fleeting pas sings had been.

His long tail swished behind him cutting furrows in the sand, joining them and then settling as he did caused him to take up almost all the space on this side and act almost like an unnaturally cool to the touch barrier to the rest of the beach while they all pestered Ceaser with questions - Lucifer idly laying his head down to rest and watch quietly content in his own way.


Re: IT'S MY OWN REMORSE // open, q+a session - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-28-2018

As Lucifer lumbered over, Caesar looked rather happy to see the guy, however as he spoke his question, the Officer's features fell. "I have a sister." He responded, although his words were a partial lie. Everyone here knew of Atbash, but Vigenere? He was pretty sure nobody knew of his brother. I'm keeping it that way. The demon thought to himself. Vigenere was stronger than him, physically speaking, and if his Crewmates learned of this? Oh, he was done with. "She's in Snowbound." Leader, actually. He added bitterly.