Beasts of Beyond
SOLO / open - Printable Version

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SOLO / open - COSMIIX - 07-26-2018

It was dark outside and the skies were dark, he was within the observatory and his eyes were locked onto the starlit skies. He was currently working on something, some kind of helmet for himself and well, he had already burnt himself multiple times and he would listen to the sound chirps that came from his robotic kiwi companion, Dum-E. "What? No." He said with a sudden scowl glaring the the robotic bird using a paw to push them away but they only came back with a few chirps and pecking at Stark's large paw "Hey, stop that or so help me, I'm going to dismantle you." This made Dum-E step back a bit only to squint its camera-like eyes at the wolfdog trying to figure out what was wrong with Sir Ferro yet it wasn't like he was able to talk especially since Stark had yet to make such an installation and he was sure that the canine wanted to keep it that way. Stark stared down at his small project reaching underneath it to try and turn it on but it ended up burning his paw, he shook it a bit only to glare at the piece of headgear "Fucking shit." The kiwi would let out a few robotic chirps taking the time to crawl into Stark's shoulder to nuzzle into the other's cheek, Stark wasn't amused by this at all though he didn't say anything else as he worked some more on the helmet.

Finally the lights in the eyes of the helmet lit up and Stark felt a happy all of a sudden, had it really worked "LOOK DUM-E! IT'S WORKING! IT WORKI-" That's when he felt a few sparks fly off of said headgear and soon enough one of the eyes popped and it went completely down. Dead. He let his head hit the table he had been working on covering his eyes with his paws and started muttering out curses what he didn't notice was that his back was on fire. He was so accustomed to pain that he barely even noticed it nowadays as he put his paw on the helmet "For fucks sake. . . Let it work. . ." Dum-E began to screech at the sight of the fire and proceeded to get some water in an attempt to extinguish it. It only partially worked though Stark eventually dumped some water onto his back not seeming to care that it smelt like burnt fur now, he took a deep breath staring at the helmet. 'Maybe, you're just a failure. . . Like man like his inventions, I suppose. . .' He thought hiding his face in his paws and pressing his claws into his cranium in a bout of frustration. "Failed." He muttered scribbling it down in his journal.

/take this as a type of meet n greet

Template by Quill

Re: SOLO / open - Luciferr - 07-26-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

the smell of burning alerted to him that something was wrong but by the time he'd rounded the corner to where the scent trailed from, it seemed to have been taken care of or was out at least - still Anz winced slightly at the burnt smell of fur, ah that would be unfortunate,

mismatched eyes narrowed briefly - oh this was the new joiner yes? the one that had seemed to walk off after some sort of conversation with another he'd yet to properly meet.

Anzarel hummed in concern, padding closer to the wolfdog and kiwi - though the former seemed more absorbed in his own feelings - failure? - his eyes trailed around the fried circuitry and the like frowning slightly before he turned back to "It's Stark yes?" the deity queried "Are you quite alright?" he was aware he dwarfed the other but he did so with most among them, hopefully stark wouldn't mind that - he knew others didn't like more giant creatures, washington was often wary of him for example.


Re: SOLO / open - MirrorEdge - 07-26-2018

//retro to capture
Thea was a bit more interested in the robotic helmet and kiwi than whether the male was alright, the young Fireball inspecting it for a few moments, then turning to Stark. "What he said. Are you okay?"

Inventions were something Thea had never really thought about much, but looking at the broken helmet, it only added more fuel to the leopard's curiousity. "What is that for, anyways?" She asked, tilting her head.

Re: SOLO / open - pallid-i - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — She was bitter towards Stark, but seeing him like this made her gaze soften for a moment. This was the look of a broken man. She stood near the first two that had shown up and watched quietly, emotionless for the time being. Of course she wouldn't say anything.. Just in case she said anything stupid. Stark was already looking down in the dumps, no need to make it any worse.

Re: SOLO / open - cyantist - 07-27-2018

It was broken, what a shame. Lucia herself would of love to pick apart the machinery at her leisure, examining and fixing. Still, she doesn't really feel like being that much a dick at the moment, sitting down and curling her tail around her paws as she tries to figure out the purpose of the machine. No words are said either, her tone perhaps too biting and bitter for the occasion. Lucia was, if nothing else, a bitch. And as much as she didn't care, if she was going to get a look at those machines, she'd have to be... Better.

Not nice. She didn't do nice.
[div style="text-align:center;width:55%;font-size:11pt;font-family:times new roman;padding-TOP: 3px;"][color=#ff6666]LOOK HOW THE STREETS TURN COLD WHEN I WALK IT

Re: SOLO / open - COSMIIX - 07-28-2018

He shoved away the headgear in a sudden bout of anger only to pin his ears against his head ready to cuss out the damn thing though a voice broke into his thoughts and killed the silence before Stark could with sharp words. "Yes, I'm Stark. . . Wow, I'm that popular already?" The last bit was half a jest and half a sneer at himself, his eyes would stay on the damaged helmet not uttering much of a word before hearing Anzarel ask him if he was alright. Was he alright? Fuck if he knew. All he knew was that he wanted the stupid piece of machinery to work, he grabbed onto the soldering iron ready to just scrap the piece of headgear though he only proceeded to put on his mask again to not hurt his eyes. Stupid piece of shit. So stupid. "I'm fine. Can't you see I'm in the prime of my life? I'm happy, happy, happy. . ." The last happy was muffled by the welding mask as he concealed most of his emotions, which were pissed the fuck off, frustrated, and destructive. He wants to just throw away and scrap most of what he had ever created. He paused for a moment still holding onto the soldering iron but only stopped because he felt a few tears blossoming at his eyes. He wasn't taking the mask off for sure, he didn't want anyone to see him like this. He didn't even know this people. He got distracted for a moment and ended up shocking himself "Son of a b-bitch!" He shook his paw a bit to try and get a feeling to it before hearing more voices.

He didn't bother turning in their direction only to say "I'm fine." His voice blunt and sharp, though the next question made his ears twitched "It's for me. It's headgear and when I go into a fight, it'll provide some form of protection," He said quietly wanting to demonstrate all the features he managed to get into it yet he was unable to do so because it wasn't even working at the time. Once he had gotten rid of most of the tears, he lifted up the welding mask to see who was there. He mentally winced at the sight of Pimostra though he didn't stay on her for too long as he glanced at the other three.

Template by Quill

Re: SOLO / open - pallid-i - 07-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Looking at this.. it was depressing. It really was, and a small part of her wanted to ask him what was really going on. Why was he pushing himself so fucking much? Are you really that stupid? She thought as her ears flattened. However, Pim continued to say nothing. There was nothing to be said that would help the situation. Not from her anyways. She would just be rubbing salt into an open and bleeding wound.

Re: SOLO / open - Luciferr - 08-02-2018

the future is not a river to carry us,
it is the ocean in which we drown if we are not prepared
oh this one was snarky no? but he had the feeling it covered something over, but no he wouldn't pry not unless the engineer wished to speak of it instead the feline cocked his head watching - no he didn't seem so happy no matter his words.

he did however startle forwards to help when Stark near electrocuted himself, stopping when it wasn't severe - and simply nodding to what he then said "a wise choice, though would you require help at all?" he'd like t offer at least some assistance if he needed it - clearly Stark was still ill at ease among them - both due to newness and whatever it was with Pimostra.

/late + low muse oof
