Beasts of Beyond
PLOT WITH TOKOYAMI - Printable Version

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PLOT WITH TOKOYAMI - dead chars - 07-26-2018

↠↠hewwo im meghan / megiji and this is the Bird Son tokoyami
he needs some relationships established bc right now all of his friends are in snowbound without his knowledge and hes a lonely kid? so it's PAL AROUND TIME

tokoyami is OPEN TO:
- basically everything thats not on his closed to list? tbh just ask if youre not sure
- some ideas could include....
- i have literally no idea
- tokoyami is v much a voice of reason tho so if y/c is super crazy he'll probably be like "yo. chill out" or smth along those lines
- private threads are fine but i dont do well without like... a plot to loosely follow so
- he also really likes medic stuff and is Constantly searching for knowledge so yeah

tokoyami is PICKY ABOUT:
- best friends! he is not v social and VERY selective abt his friends already, so a strong bond is a bit hard to find with him. i also MUCH prefer these types of things to develop icly rather than just saying "oh they should be friends" and then bam they are friends? so yeah
- getting injured

tokoyami is CLOSED TO:
- capture
- torture
- litters
- romance

Template by Quill

Re: PLOT WITH TOKOYAMI - Cheeters - 07-26-2018

gASP HEWWO MEGHAN <333 its so great to see you here!! i'll be replying to toko's thread soon <3
but maybe they could become friends?? it would be neat for pinch bc he is usually a very chill guy but he's infected with a virus right now that tends to make him aggressive at times so maybe toko can try to calm him down when it happens?

Re: PLOT WITH TOKOYAMI - dead chars - 07-26-2018

and yeah that sounds great !!!! :- ) toko is usually pretty level-headed and a good judge of character so i think hed be super good at that!!!! would u want a thread or just let them interact in open threads for now or something?

Re: PLOT WITH TOKOYAMI - purgatory - 07-26-2018

birb son birb son birb son birb son birb son birb son birb son birb son birb son birb son birb son birb son birb son birb son
i love the emo birb son <3333
a national icon
a real Good Boy

idk about plots he and crona could have just yet. they both have mellow personalities. kind of. tokoyami is mellow because of his personality and crona is mellow bc they don't have a personality. lmao. but uh, yeah! maybe they could just chill with each other once in a while or something? they just happen to be going to the same place so they decided to go together?? like,, not friends cos crona is incapable of making friends rn but they just feel each others vibes??? idk my dude

Re: PLOT WITH TOKOYAMI - dead chars - 07-27-2018

tbh? that would probably work really well
toko thinks a lot of ppl in the typhoon are crazy so finding a couple really chill people he can just like, almost hang with but not quite? would probably help him chill out even more?

also since crona seems rly curious about stuff maybe they could get tokoyami to talk about literally anything sometime

Re: PLOT WITH TOKOYAMI - Cheeters - 07-27-2018

we could have them interact in a few open threads and then have a private thread if anything happens, maybe pinch can be somewhat of a fatherly figure for him in the future?? 00: