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FAMOUS LAST WORDS / open, joining - Printable Version

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FAMOUS LAST WORDS / open, joining - dead chars - 07-26-2018

↠↠ Tokoyami knew he had died. He remembered it rather... vividly. Froppy had been rescuing him, and then there was a flash of light, and there was water in his lungs and now he was here, coughing it all back up. The crow-headed boy heaved a breath, knowing full well he had just been drowning, but now he was... not. Not drowning. He wasn't wet at all, which was weird, because he... well, he'd just been drowning. He was lying on his back, looking up at the sky, beak slightly agape. Tokoyami went to sit up only to realize that was suddenly not how his anatomy worked. What the fuck.

He was breaking his usual level-headed composure. The raven hybrid's eyes widened, glancing down at his body and oh my god he was a cat. Somehow he still had his almost cartoonish bird head, but these halves did not fit together. Cats and birds were mortal enemies. How was this supposed to work? He swallowed but said nothing, hoping that perhaps his dark shadow still worked and could help him make a bit of sense of this. While it was almost midday, he could at least try to summon his quirk- if he was successful, Dark Shadow would be a tiny wisp of shadow in the bright sun. And one, two, three...!


"...Right," the hybrid muttered, finally setting himself up with a notable amount of effort. This body would take some getting used to, but he'd always liked watching cat videos, even if he was a bit scared to face them in person. Tokoyami said nothing more, simply glancing around him, trying to get a feel for his surroundings. It was much too tropical for his tastes, but he wasn't complaining. A wave of fatigue had just hit him, and if he was honest, he would much rather just plop down in the shade of a palm tree to take a nap than find someplace a bit cooler.

The feline stayed rather silent, trying not to give his position away to any potential threats nearby. After all, Dark Shadow didn't seem to be... working, if that was the correct term for it? He was pretty defenseless.
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Re: FAMOUS LAST WORDS / open, joining - ANDRAS - 07-26-2018

rinto didn't like being alone. he rarely ever left the comforts of barracuda bay, surrounded by people. there was no chance for him to go do questionable things if he was around others. still, though, he had slipped out in the early morning, needing a chance to clear his head to be ready for today.

then he saw it. a horrible bird-cat creation. immediately, he took off his backpack, and brandished a pink-hilted knife, its silver blade glimmering in the light.

"l-let me put you out of your misery," he demanded, narrowing his eyes. 

Re: FAMOUS LAST WORDS / open, joining - dead chars - 07-26-2018

↠↠ Tokoyami didn't mind being alone- in fact, most of the time, he preferred it. He liked sitting in the dark, and just kind of... hanging out. Of course, he did love being around his friends, and he wasn't sure he liked being alone without some sort of consolation from them, but he would survive. He had this far. Er... well, he guesses that he hadn't, but... that didn't really count. But that was besides the point. He really enjoyed being on his own, and doing things like meditating or just reading books or something. It was all good and fun.

But, well, now he was here.
The glint of a knife caught Tokoyami off guard. The hybrid leaped back from the sudden threat, his reflexes still... alright, for having just become a cat, though he nearly toppled over for a minute. Put him out of his misery? While being a hybrid wasn't an optimal situation, he sure as hell wasn't going to die. Again.

"Don't try it," the crow-cat warned. His voice was deep in his throat, rumbling almost in his chest at that point. He'd taken an incredibly defensive stance. It was clear that this wouldn't be his first fight, even if he'd just gotten a new body. His tail lashed in defiance without his noticing.
"Don't you have any decency? Or do you try to kill every stranger you meet? Learn some manners."

Tokoyami's string of questions sounded less like they wanted to be answered and more like a straight-up threat. Of course, he didn't want to fight right now, especially not when he knew he had the lower hand, but... well, he didn't take kindly to murderous intent.

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Re: FAMOUS LAST WORDS / open, joining - purgatory - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:110%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"]If Cronas possess bountiful knowledge, they wouldn't mind being alone. they flourished in solitude; only their thoughts to keep them company sounded blissful. They enjoyed nothing more than the silence that allowed them to hear their own thoughts, their own breathing, their own heartbeat. Of course, minor noises like birds and crickets chirping as well as bees buzzing are also nice. But because they lacked knowledge, they were forced to be around others. Absorbing their values, experiences and knowledge and molding it to try and make it their own. Their ignorance was a problem they were trying to solve and it seemed residing in the Typhoon was able to steer them down a path. They weren't sure if it was the right path - what made something right and wrong? - but they decided they needed to start somewhere. They could have just as easily woke up in Tanglewood or Snowbound but because they were here, they were going to make the most of it.

On one of their usual walks, the tired feline came to a stop when they seemed to have come across something interesting. Whiskers twitched in curiosity as the feline they were able to identify as Rinto held a knife against a strange looking cat. Blinking slowly, they approached the two though sided with Rinto. "Cronas thinks the stranger is correct." They spoke monotounsly, turning head to look at their crewmate. "The stranger looks to not pose a threat and are not from Snowbound. Cronas thinks it would be impolite to harm another who has no hostile intentions." They then turned their vacant blue gaze to Tokoyami before adding, "It would be unreasonable and inconvenient for the stranger to pick a fight on clan territory." A warning? Casual advise? Their flat tone made it impossible to differentiate. Though, should Tokoyami become a threat, they would turn and leave it for Rinto to handle. He seems to know what he's doing when it comes to blades. cronas, on the other hand, doesn't know where to begin in combat. But until that moment arises, they would remain civilized. Sitting down and wrapping their tail around their paws, the apathetic child meowed. "Cronas would like to know who the stranger is and the stranger's intentions with the Typhoon?" Came their just as monotonous inquiry as their head tilted to the side.
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:10px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*

Re: FAMOUS LAST WORDS / open, joining - PINCHER - 07-26-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher had experienced death before and to be completely honest his life had been surrounded by the deaths of others. Sometimes it would be of loved ones. Other times it would be victims of Pincher following orders or just out of a bitter fight of drunken rage. He had gotten used to seeing the light of life drain from the eyes of strangers and he lost the nausea that would fill him when he would be the one to take another life. He wasn't playing god or being the Grim Reaper's replacement, he just was used to seeing death lurking around the corner. Then, he had been killed. A cursed bleeding wound had been his demise as well as his pride to not seek help when he needed it most. It had been his own damn fault and he blamed himself for what it had costed when he had broken through the line between death and life. He had left his crew without someone to claim the leadership and push through the hard time and when he had returned, Pincher had made sure to fix that mistake of his despite now being immortal and considered a demigod. It was ironic how he was some 'almighty' powerful being yet was encaged to do the bidding of water spirits during certain nights.

The jaguar was resting in the shade of a jungle tree that edged the border of sand and volcanic earth, his lean figure hardly visible as it was hidden in the vegetation of the tree. He didn't really enjoy climbing but after a while in the wildcat form, he found it to be quite pleasing and it allowed him to hide and smoke without getting his ears get blown off by the scolding of his fiance or his siblings or simply other crewmates that knew better. His long jet black tail twitched back and forth in the air as he gnawed softly on the end of a ink black cigarette, cool aqua blue eyes locked onto the crashing salt waves that reflected the bright summer sun's rays. He let out small rings of smoke out of his lips casually before hearing commotion from nearby, bloodshot gaze snapping towards the direction. The fuck was happening now? A low sigh bubbled out of his lips as the male jumped down from his branch and struck the ground, small grains of sand sticking to his bone-white paws as he trekked a few yards until reaching the figures of Rinto and Cronas. He glanced towards Rinto, aiming to gently bump his paw against the male's shoulder. "Oi, don't need to poke an eye out. He doesn't seem like a threat." Pincher ordered flatly as his piercing ice blue gaze locked onto the odd hybrid that appeared to take a stance of defense. The male glanced down at Cronas as he heard the child speak, giving a light nod of agreement as he added "Cronas is right. You don't seem like a troublemaker but of course, looks can be deceiving. Anyways, who the hell are you and how'd you get here? Got stranded?" Pincher inquired as the towering male went into a relaxed sitting position, his back left leg aiming to claw at an itch on his neck while he waited for a response.

Re: FAMOUS LAST WORDS / open, joining - ADAKIAS - 07-26-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:timesnewroman;font-size:11px"]Sylvina was a young soul, new to life and the vast adventures and twists that came with it. She wasn’t a reincarnation of anyone and nor was she some ancient goddess taking a mortal form. She was just .. Sylvina. Plain, old Sylvina. The young Bengal did happen to be half-demon so that was somewhat interesting. She wan’t quite sure what that title entailed, all the knowledge that was brought to her attention was that Aphra, her absent mother, was a demoness. Perhaps she’d acquire more qualities of whatever that meant as she grew.

Following after her father, Sylvina would curiously cast her eyes upon the strange creature. He was odd, and not just by his unknown purpose on the island, but also by his hybrid appearance. A bird’s head on a feline body. How weird. ”You look different.” The young Minnow would point out, her blunt mind obviously not registering how the foreign male might take her statement negatively.

Re: FAMOUS LAST WORDS / open, joining - YUUKI. - 07-26-2018


male ♦ sin of sloth ♦ clan unknown ♦ TAGS
[div style="background-color:#F0D53B;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Abaddon wasn't pleased with having to go out into the sun, at all.  He just wanted to stay home and sleep for once! But nope, he had patrols to do, and he'd be damned if he just let Pincher kick his ass for not doing anything. Slowly, the white and golden lion padded over to the group, a loud yawn leaving the sin of sloth's mouth. It was obvious he had been sleeping before he came here.

"Maybe he's here to join?  Ever think of that?" Came the sarcastic, almost inaudible comment from the lion as he sat down, his broken halo moving in thin air over his head. Ah, yeah. He'd need to find a way to fix his halo, but then again, why did it break in the first place?

Oh yeah, he was a sinner. Sinner's had to pay the price for the crime they committed, and Sloth was quite the major crime in his time. Watching his comrades die without a single word was his crime; he just let them die. He was too lazy to move in that damn war.

But enough of himself, he had to focus on the now. Abaddon moved over to seat himself beside Cronas, his body shifting to get more comfortable. Turning his gaze towards Sylvina, the lion let out a soft snort of amusement. "Yeah, and everyone is supposed to look like bengals." He muttered, shaking his head as he went into deep thought once more.

Once his bit of being an asshole was over, the Lion finally introduced himself. "My name is Abaddon, and yours.. Is?" He asked, his sassy tone exhausted, his golden eyes narrowing slightly as they threatened to shut.

Re: FAMOUS LAST WORDS / open, joining - ANDRAS - 07-26-2018

rinto was about to reply to the hybrid's words, not standing down despite tokoyami's and cronas' words. however, at pincher's suggestion, rinto immediately stood down, relaxing and moving his paws together. suddenly, it was like he was a different person altogether, as he dropped the knife and put it into his backpack skillfully. "hiya there! sorry i gave you a little scare, i'm just antsy!" he greeted in a cutesy voice, whiplash from his previous demanding tone. "my name's rinto! it's real nice to meet you!" he said, eyes shut as he was no longer a threat. "do you wanna join?" 

Re: FAMOUS LAST WORDS / open, joining - bubblegum - 07-27-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the girl had been following close by her papa, disliking to be too far from him for very long. but, she still kept a distance as she didn't want to make it seem like she was bothering him. he had much to do as captain and she was well aware of that. she had much to do, too, but he wanted her to rest, so she tried to be busiest when he wasn't around. she just wanted to make life easier for him, after all. that's also partially why she followed him now.

she seemed mostly focused on her harpy eagle, lynn, and her papa as she began to approach. she perked her ears as she realized he was speaking to a stranger, though, and the sickened girl quickly stumbled next to him and her half-sister. her green eyes peered towards the stranger, curiosity within them. lynn squawked at her a few times as she stopped, trying to land on her back. she winced and shook him off quickly - he always seemed to land right where her worst burns were. she felt kind of bad for having to do it, but she'd rather not have talons digging into her already injured back. besides, he was basically her size which meant he was kinda heavy.

but, once she shook him off, he simply sat next to her, his feathers slightly ruffled. goldie turned her attention back to the stranger, offering a small smile. she hoped he was a joiner - they'd been getting enough trouble with snowbound as is already. "are ya part bird? that's what ya look like. that's cool." she'd say with a nod, her voice friendly. she figured even if this wasn't a joiner, she should be friendly - he hasn't caused trouble yet.

Re: FAMOUS LAST WORDS / open, joining - dead chars - 07-27-2018

↠↠ Speaking in third person was certainly... unique. The feline leered at Rinto and Cronas, his gaze switching between them. Of course, Cronas had insisted that there would be no fighting, which he greatly appreciated, but he could never be too wary. After being... well, after being killed just now, and almost immediately reviving (or so it felt), Tokoyami was just a little on edge. Then, the new arrival sat down, and while he himself stayed standing, he allowed himself to relax a little bit. His name and intentions? Well, the first question was easy enough, but he'd just woken up here. He didn't exactly have any intentions at all other than staying alive. Still, he wasn't sure he wanted to trust these people just yet.

"My name is... Tokoyami," he finally answered. His voice was about as revealing as black crayon on black paper, and his posture was confident, but he was not doing too hot. Fear gripped his paws and froze them there. With Pincher's arrival there were far too many people crowding him and he really, really, really wanted to retreat into the darkness of his room, but that didn't really exist anymore, did it? The crow-cat hybrid stood stock-still as he listened to the jaguar's words, and one stuck out to him.

"I actually did get stranded here, yes," he lied, though he knew no one would be the wiser. His voice held no signs of dishonesty and he was tired enough that he was sure it looked like he'd been trying to find a place to rest for the last day or so.
"I washed up last night and made my way inland before I passed out, if I remember correctly. I don't have any intentions at all with the... Typhoon, but if there is an extra bed to sleep in, I can offer something in return?"

The bengal girl's words hit his ears (wherever those were) and he just sort of huffed. Even in a world where Quirks were normal, all throughout his life Tokoyami had been getting weird looks for his bird head. He realized that it wasn't a normal head to have on a body, human or feline, thank you very much, but he was just too used to it to be anything more than annoyed. The feline's tail flicked dismissively and he focused on the next arrival, a brilliant golden lion with... a halo? Maybe people did have Quirks here, then. It would explain that, he supposed. Abbadon, hm? Considering Tokoyami had already given his name, he didn't feel like repeating himself, so he didn't. Instead, he narrowed his eyes warily at the sassy sarcasm that seemed to ooze from the male. Tokoyami had never been a fan of sass, if he was honest. It didn't get people anywhere except in trouble. While he wasn't afraid to speak his mind, he had learned to do it with some level of respect, or at least enough self control that he wasn't punished for it.

Rinto had seemed to shed his old personality and stepped into a new one as if it were an outfit to be changed. He quirked a lip (don't ask him how his beak worked that way), put off by how easily the turnaround had happened.
"Right..." he muttered, the word hiding under his exasperated sigh. "Because 'being antsy' means threatening to kill anyone you see. Understood."
Perhaps he liked sarcasm just a bit more than he let on.

He ignored the rest of Rinto's words, not really wanting to deal with him after their first little exchange, instead turning to the new arrival. A girl and her harpy eagle? He supposed that was pretty cool- he had always liked birds, considering his whole situation, and birds of prey had always been his favorite (maybe besides kiwis, because those looked so stupid).
"I am part bird," he answered, tone placid though he was wondering if it wasn't obvious enough with the beak and feathers. Her friendly tone really did make him feel a bit better, though- this whole situation was really a bit overwhelming, but getting a compliment (however small) put him a bit at ease. "Ah, thank you. I like your eagle." For a moment he wished that the rest of them would go away, and he could simply talk to this girl about where he was and what the next steps were to finding a place to stay, but that was a bit unrealistic. Instead, he turned back to Pincher or Cronas, blinking at them carefully.

"If joining means a place to stay, I am willing to do so. Just tell me how."

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