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price — open, rejoining/returning - Printable Version

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price — open, rejoining/returning - lilyspoise - 07-26-2018

♕ — i am going to be
the deadliest piece on this board
lilyspoise - the typhoon - tired witch - tags
Lilyspoise would fight every part of her that wanted to admit it, but the feeling of getting her feet wet as she walked along the railroad tracks once again felt like coming home to her. She missed this place and she missed the sense of security that came with it. She missed the companionship she refused to admit she'd even had until she up and left. It was simple: one day she was here, the next she was gone. She left almost every remnant of herself to decay here, save her scissors and medicine. That was all she needed out in the world -- that was all Crowborough needed to out in the world; as much as the notion of taking up a life of blood and gore once again disgusted her, she wasn't given the option anymore. Not then at least.

The cream tabby rolled her shoulders slightly, one aching to serve as a reminder to her that she shouldn't have been returning this early. She hadn't fully recovered, and it would be clear to anyone who she was previously close to (as few and far between as they were) that when she left she did not do so by choice. Still, the notion of offering herself neck first to the wildlife no longer interested her. The notion of offering herself neck first to the wildlife stopped interesting her long ago, but it didn't seem even remotely interested in relinquishing its hold on her. She doubted it would until there was nothing left to her save bits of viscera and sinew. She supposed that was what she deserved after everything she had done.

Lil shook her head as she approached the border, one of her twinsouls commenting, concernedly, on the fact that she was trying to quite practically shake her own memories out of her head. That was an issue for later, Lil decided, because there was a bigger matter at hand right now. It was dripping from her paws, essentially. She knew she likely could just cross the border -- she never officially left, after all -- but she wasn't looking to be rude. Especially since Pincher and her hadn't been on... great terms when she needed to leave. She was sure he was still around, because he was too damn stubborn to die, so she didn't want to go agitating him any. Not more than she had already, at least.

"Lilyspoise, here to rejoin slash return." Lilyspoise called aloud, acutely aware of the fact that there could be others around. Whether they were shapeshifted, or just beyond her detection through the use of another power, she didn't care. She was just looking to make this as quick and painless as possible. "If you'll have me, of course."

Re: price — open, rejoining/returning - ARGUS - 07-26-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;text-transform:lowercase;"] Argus remembers lilypoise, of course she does.

Remembers the timid kinship they felt when they saw the horror/comfort in the small tabby when she picked up the pair of scissors. Remembers the trust they impassibly gave when lilypoise healed them despite the near savage nature that had taken over- and how when argus attempted to do the same in the typhoon's graveyard- filled with ghosts and huanted memories- lily fled- and after that?

Afterwards, argus did not attempt to follow after someone running from their own demons.

It hurt having to wait for pincher to dismiss lilypoise in a meeting- instead of by the face lilypoise. It hurt to hear it from someone else, and argus was resigned to the fact that in the beginning of a clan like this- that they would loose many more- that lilypoise had become one of them. It hurt, but argus was not obscuro and they would not wallow in self pity then come back and spit in lilypoise's face.

At the moment, argus was patrolling- keeping their own distance from the empty train carts until nessisary- and it was suddenly necessary. A familiar voice- and a very different soul (or perhaps, a little fuller) soul- was from the border, and the white lupine landed nearby. Dull red eyes bright and a grin slowly spreading across the beast's features.

"Of course, lil'." It was the first time they smiled so earnestly in... a while. "Welcome back.- welcome home."

Re: price — open, rejoining/returning - bubblegum - 07-26-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the sick girl was drawn by an unfamiliar scent. she'd been trying to focus her daily walks around the border lately, since they'd been having so many joiners and...visitors lately. the visitor part generally not so friendly. snowbound was a pain the past few days, so she was especially wary of them. she wanted to make sure her crewmates were safe - all of them.

she was glad to see, though, that this was no snowbounder or enemy at all. instead, it was a returning member. she vaguely remember lilyspoise. the female disappeared when she was quite young, similar to her mama, so she only held a few, hazy memories of the female. her ears perked upward and she approached with a small smile.

goldie coughed a couple of times, wearing the sweater mister dad made for her to help with her shivers. she felt cold today. the injured girl seemed a little tired, and that's because she was. she had certainly been better about sleeping and resting, but she was avoiding it these past few days. she didn't want to panic anymore. she hated the feeling of waking up. it was so scary. and it'd gotten really bad a couple of days ago, so she didn't want to sleep again.

she stood near argus, eyeing the familiar crewmate before turning her attention fully to lilyspoise. "welcome back," she said kindly with a nod. she wondered why the female left - goldie could never imagine leaving herself. the typhoon is her home and while she did crave adventure, her family was all here and they were more important than that. "i remember ya from when i was real young! have you been alright?"

Re: price — open, rejoining/returning - CLEO R. C. - 07-26-2018

It's the snake wrapped tightly around Cleo that greets Lilyspoise first, hissing something rather unintelligible and yet, seemingly understood by its companion. She giggles, red eyes glowing in that almost unearthly way of theirs before her tiny head bobs up and down. A welcome. She doesn't know who this is and admittedly, doesn't particularly care, but it's okay. If anything, she's emulating her older sister, a quick glance being stolen at Goldie. So she knows her? That's interesting, she guesses, but once again, she really doesn't care. Cleo presumes that people come and go all the time and this stranger, well, she's no different. Why make it into something she wasn't?

[color=#445544]"Cleo," The bengal extends breezily, her voice quiet, wispy. She's a soft spoken one, Cleo is, and yet, she sports such a loud personality- and venomous fangs too. Her quietness gives her the advantage though, and Cleo loves regarding herself as better than everyone else. Nobody suspects the quiet ones, the soft spoken ones, the ladies, and she plans on tricking them all into believing she's something that she isn't. [color=#445544]"So you jumped ship," She paused to laugh briefly at her pun, [color=#445544]"And then decided to come back?" Her inquiry wasn't accusatory, merely curious, but there was no denying the underlying edge of wickedness that laced her words. [color=#445544]"Welcome, then."

Re: price — open, rejoining/returning - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-26-2018

Oh yes, Caesar remembered Lilyspoise. The demon didn't appear to be too fond of seeing the female once more, and his eyes narrowed as he came limping over. "Hm, welcome back." He hummed. "You do remember me." His words were a statement rather than a question, almost as if he was expecting Lil to remember him - and he did! It was just his damn ego.

Re: price — open, rejoining/returning - rochelle - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]"Sometimes leaving is ... not that simple, minnow." The tall figure would join the gathering welcoming party, stepping from the shadows of the abandoned train cart. Her eyes, fleeing the darkness, were relaxed but full of flint, as she looked down to Cleo as she spoke. That must be one of Pincher's, she figured, who were already so full of character, especially this bengal. She always wondered how children could be so defined at such a young, undeveloped age, while others that were much older, were stale and one-dimensional. At least that's how Fischer tried to view the minnow's upfront demeanor, as well as that ... snake?

Her eyes fell upon Lilyspoise, and the dark brown wolf smiled a little bit. She always wondered what it felt like for people to return to their old homes ... she knew she could never do it. "Welcome back. I'm Fischer, we've never met." The Striker wasn't too sure how long she'd been gone for, so she gave her a comforting look, hoping that the returned Typhooner wasn't too weary from their travels.

Re: price — open, rejoining/returning - ROXANNE R. - 07-26-2018

CANNIBAL QUEEN { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Walking over with a small headache, the chocolate Siamese would offer those there a smile and apparently one of them was a returning member. The winged feline would take a seat only to mew with a dip of her cranium "Uh, I'm Roxanne Roux. A pleasure to have you back in the Typhoon," She would sit down curling her fluffy tail around her forepaws as she let out a soft breath with her ears pinning against her head only briefly.
"character's speech."

Re: price — open, rejoining/returning - lilyspoise - 07-26-2018

♕ — i am going to be
the deadliest piece on this board
lilyspoise - the typhoon - tired witch - tags
Of all the people to greet her first, Lilyspoise could not be more relieved that it was Argus. There was a brief moment where Lil had instinctively stiffened, on guard before she noticed just who was greeting her. And in that moment, she thanked every god (that she knew wasn't listening-- she did not deserve the guardianship any deity provided, and she had accepted that long ago) before a smile broke out across her face. It wasn't wide, or giddy, but it was soft. Warm. Everything Lil had not been since she left. Everything Lil had no option to be-- and oh lord, she was so happy.
"Argus..." Lil said, smile growing wider. "Thank you. I'm glad to be back."

The heartfelt moment between the duo was interrupted (not ended, no, Lil made a mental note to meet up with the other and catch up) by--
"Goldie, you've gotten so big." The cream tabby said, almost as if in awe, towards the child. "Things have been rough, but... I'm back now. And I'm not going anywhere." She affirmed, finally noting the other's cough and, by the instinct of the medic she still was, deciding she'd check in later just in case.

Lil glanced over as the others arrived, expression shifting in faux-amusement as Cleo openly joked about her return.
"Yes, if that's how you'd like to phrase it." The nomad healer bit back, matching the slightest hints of teeth and bone that Cleo had put into her own sentence. "I'm Lilyspoise, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Deciding not to waste anymore time with someone who had no interest in being cordial-- oh, no, it looked like she was just going from one... interesting creature to the next, because Caesar was here. "Yes, I do remember you, as unfortunate as that is." She shrugged flatly, moving on once again.

Lilyspoise shifted her attention to the two new faces -- although, she supposed she was really the newcomer in this case -- and smiled warmly once again. It wasn't the same warmth that radiated when Lil had first reunited with Argus, but it was still a genuine warmth nonetheless.
"It's nice to meet you two, Fischer, Roxanne." The tabby said, nodding as a greeting towards the two. "I'm Lilyspoise, but feel free to call me Lil."

Re: price — open, rejoining/returning - PINCHER - 07-27-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher's and Lilyspoise's relationship had been a mixture of emotions that he wasn't entirely sure how he could describe. He had trusted the female but had come into sour terms when the incident with Jacob had happened, the mistake that had scarred his lover and had tainted the growing platonic care that Pincher had held for Lilyspoise after she tried to make it up to him. Then she had disappeared and Pincher had felt a twist in his heart when he had to pronounce her as missing, no longer the healer by his side. Being unable to settle tensions with her had haunted him for the weeks that passed, reminding him that he shouldn't have let his stubborn pride blind him from making things better. It had been the cause of his death and the things he had never thought he would accomplish except it seemed destiny had decided to be "kind" with him and revived him with a cursed deal that he now had to go with. Perhaps it was for the best that Lilyspoise had disappeared, that she had left for a while so he could find something to do to make it up to her in any way he could if she ever decided to show up and become a part of the crew again.

That was when he had begun to tend for her garden after she had left despite his dislike for dirt and worms that ruined his appearance. The male didn't know why exactly he believed this would show his apologetic side since he wasn't very good at verbally apologizing but he hoped that one day she would arrive and see her garden was thriving without the risk of dying from the lack of care. The dark male had been sitting in the shade, biting down one a colorful reef fish that he had caught with the savory salty taste filling his senses and then his nose caught a scent that was similar to that of a ghost. His cyan bright blue eyes narrowed as he finished his meal, ignoring how the small bones pricked at his mouth as he rose to his pale paws and headed over towards the voices nearby. His forked tongue flicked out to taste the air and he stiffened when the scent was one that he recognized at the back of his head, causing Pincher to quicken up his pace as he noticed the figures grow larger as he arrived. He noticed Argus was there and greeting someone smaller, his breath hitching as he halted beside the others to look down at the figure of Lilyspoise. "L-Lil?" Pincher murmured, his low rumbling voice faint as the jaguar's eyes stared at the returning healer in disbelief.

Re: price — open, rejoining/returning - lilyspoise - 07-29-2018

i learned love is like a brick:
you can build a house
Lil knew that it was impossible to avoid this -- to avoid him -- but still, seeing Pincher once again definitely came as a shock. For one, he looked significantly different. If it weren't for his voice, she'd likely be able to deny it was him, but that wasn't the case, and she wasn't sure if that was for better or for worse.
Do you need me to take over? Eli inquired through the bond they shared, the more aggressive soul pushing in an attempt to reassure Lil. I can if you need.
No, I... I need to do this for myself. Lil replied, internally sighing for just a moment before she finally met eyes with the Captain.

"Pincher... hello." Lilyspoise greeted, focusing on keeping her voice steady despite her mangled ears having pinned back in shame. "There are many things I'd like to apologize for, but I believe it's best suited for a private conversation. Even if you will not accept me back into the Typhoon, please consider my request. If... if you will have me back, I assure you it won't be a mistake. I'm willing to work hard in order to prove myself again." Despite what Argus said, ultimately this was Pincher's crew, and if he did not want her here then she would not fight against it. There were more places for her to go -- not as homes, but rather, hosting more people she owed apologies to -- and it wasn't as if she was foreign to a nomadic lifestyle.
or sink a dead body.