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tread soft over a sleeping world && storage/codes - Printable Version

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tread soft over a sleeping world && storage/codes - chatelaine - 07-26-2018

remaking because my old one is outdated and cluttered!

feel free to track, but please do not spam with chatter! Smile
codes are mine unless otherwise stated, so please do not use without permission! if you would like to use one of my codes or if you need help with coding, feel free to ask! c:

Re: tread soft over a sleeping world && storage/codes - chatelaine - 07-26-2018

- trait
- trait
- trait
- trait
- trait
- trait

signature ideas:
"quote quote
quote quote."

color scheme:



Re: tread soft over a sleeping world && storage/codes - chatelaine - 07-26-2018

[div style="width: 320px; height: 280px; overflow: auto; background-color: #FFFFFF; opacity: 0.70; text-align: justify; font-size: 11px; margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 10px; padding: 8px; color: #000000"]text
"What part of her was frail?"

Re: tread soft over a sleeping world && storage/codes - chatelaine - 07-26-2018

♕ — i am going to be
the deadliest piece on this board
lilyspoise - the typhoon - tired witch - tags

Re: tread soft over a sleeping world && storage/codes - Florence - 07-26-2018


Re: tread soft over a sleeping world && storage/codes - grassina - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 70%; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]TRACKING

Re: tread soft over a sleeping world && storage/codes - chatelaine - 07-26-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: -1px; font-size: 16pt; font-family: arial; text-transform: uppercase; color: #917979;"]XVII. THE STAR
In the upright position, this card represents the discovery of belief, inner peace, and the willpower to continue on after hardship. The Star is indicative of someone who has gone through many trials — both internal and external — and survived, having gained wisdom and knowledge as a result. In the reversed position, this card represents hopelessness, where the darkness seems endless and the dawn feels as though it may never come again.

Re: tread soft over a sleeping world && storage/codes - chatelaine - 07-27-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: -1px; font-size: 16pt; font-family: arial; text-transform: uppercase; color: #353E84;"]II. THE HIGH PRIESTESS
this card in the upright position indicates quiet knowledge and wisdom of the unknowable. the high priestess’s inaction is a result of having done all that they can and knowing that the rest is in the universe’s hands. In the reversed position, this card indicates one whose judgement is clouded by stress and uncertainty, always concerned with the lives of others around them.

Re: tread soft over a sleeping world && storage/codes - chatelaine - 07-28-2018

i learned love is like a brick:
you can build a house
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam leo nulla, tempus quis ultrices eu, imperdiet at metus. Curabitur vel justo sollicitudin, condimentum enim id, aliquam ante. Ut aliquam magna mi, quis ornare mauris vestibulum et. Cras elementum dolor a vehicula vehicula. Curabitur pulvinar porta ipsum, in feugiat ligula pretium sit amet. Cras tempor tortor libero. Cras eget arcu vitae justo ultrices interdum. Curabitur ex tellus, semper id fermentum laoreet, tempor in justo. Sed sed pharetra erat. Quisque ac neque mollis, pellentesque velit eu, viverra lorem. Phasellus vel orci ac orci vestibulum sodales. Donec placerat, nisl et consectetur accumsan, nisl ipsum iaculis ante, quis porta nunc velit eu mauris. Proin consectetur ullamcorper tellus, varius eleifend ante bibendum et. Curabitur in ligula magna.

Cras ac massa eu ligula fringilla vehicula. Donec gravida dictum quam, at eleifend nisl tincidunt nec. Pellentesque et porttitor mauris. Nullam dapibus orci et turpis pulvinar, at hendrerit nisi fringilla. Nullam sed egestas arcu, fringilla luctus dui. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Ut mollis odio ac leo vehicula, euismod fringilla felis viverra. Nam tincidunt et erat tincidunt mollis. Vestibulum nisi justo, congue sit amet justo id, ullamcorper varius est. Maecenas semper, neque eu fringilla hendrerit, nibh turpis auctor tellus, et feugiat elit mauris nec odio. Fusce porta viverra leo sed accumsan. Nulla arcu ante, mollis eget lacus vitae, condimentum feugiat sem. Morbi ut ultrices mauris. Quisque mattis enim non enim suscipit condimentum. Pellentesque ut ex nec tortor bibendum gravida.
or sink a dead body.

Re: tread soft over a sleeping world && storage/codes - chatelaine - 07-29-2018

#353E84 / #7582E0 / #46628D
#353E84 / #7582E0 / #46628D
lil / lissa / eli