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GOOD IS NOT A THING YOU DO / o, joining - Printable Version

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GOOD IS NOT A THING YOU DO / o, joining - COSMIIX - 07-26-2018

Well, he had decided to leave Snowbound for several reasons; one his "kids" weren't dwelling there anymore and two, he had originally went to Snowbound to settle down with Steve but it had never occurred thus he didn't think of even sticking around any longer. He saw no point in doing so as he walked to the border trying to get used to his new body, the wolfdog trotted about on robotic legs with his "wings" on his back. Stark never had these type of wings but he quite liked it though it almost felt like it was holding him together and then near his chest was his reactor, the thing that was keeping him alive and breathing. Surprisingly enough, once he halted at the border with his rounded ears flicking back before he would finally take a seat with a sigh escaping his slightly parted jaws. New life here we go.

"Stark Ferro, here to join," He blinked his blue eyes remembering back whenever he was the one to greet joiners into his clan. Oh, how that had been interesting meeting all those people. Some faces stuck whilst others didn't but Stark was a decent leader for five months, he supposed. His thoughts eventually were interrupted as he lifted his leg up to scratch behind his ear only to wait patiently once more.

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Re: GOOD IS NOT A THING YOU DO / o, joining - pallid-i - 07-26-2018

PIMOSTRA[/td][td][div style="width:270px; height:275px; overflow:hidden; margin-left:-130px;margin-top:12px;"][div style="width:287px; height:275px;text-align:justify; font-family:times new roman; font-size:13px; color:#FF5A6E; line-height:10px; overflow:auto;"]As soon as the familiar scent hit her, Pim found herself recoiling and her fur standing on edge. It was him. Why did it have to be him. Did life just want to make her miserable? Was it doing this on purpose to remind her of her past sins? Not to mention the punishment that came from those sins? The large feline found herself feeling somewhat light headed, though she made her way over to the border. She had recently joined herself, so maybe she should be exploring rather than greeting new people.. However, a small force gently urged her towards someone she was not looking forward in seeing again.

"Stark." She said bitterly as she glared at him, candy red eyes smoldering with anger. "What brings you here?" Perhaps she should at least feign happiness for the sake of being appearing kind to the others, but when you've been traumatized by someone, you can't really help but be bitter and scared.
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Re: GOOD IS NOT A THING YOU DO / o, joining - COSMIIX - 07-26-2018

Well, he was certainly surprised to see Pimostra of all people here,and when he saw her he was so certain that he was hallucinating yet he didn't do that little pinch to see if I'm dreaming test no, he would look stupid in front of his former clanmate. His ears would twitch for a,moment as his scarred lips were held down into a frown "Pimostra," He finally uttered with his nose twitching softly, he remembered what he had done to her and he regretted it but if anyone thought about it it had just been,a,simple slap to the paw and a "no no no" don't do that again kind of thing. If anything, Ghost had gotten the bitter end of the stick. . . He could remember biting down on his best friend's scruff and crushing a bit of the nerves, the thought made him feel a bit sick. It took him a moment to realize that Pimostra was talking to him as he shuffled his paws looking at the feline with gigantism. Why was he here? Well, he thought he made it clear enough.

"To start a new and make amends. I am gonna dwell on the past and well, Snowbound didn't really suit me. . . Too much snow and I heard there was an observatory here. I decided to bring my studies with me."

He was mainly here for the observatory and being able to check it out, anything that had to do with science peaked his interest yet seeing Pimostra here was certainly a surprise he hadn't been expecting. I mean, it wasn't his birthday though he was a month older today. He glanced to the ground for a moment only to shake his head forcing a small smile onto his scarred lips and face "Uh, it's nice seeing a familiar face again. . ." It felt nice not feeling like he was aimlessly wandering around and searching for familiar faces, one of them were here yet it didn't seem like Pim fancied him though he didn't blame her. Sure, if he had been more confident in himself or actually liked himself, he probably would have brushed off Pim being bitter at him for touching her ass to be ridiculous but he hated himself so, he felt guilty instead.

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Re: GOOD IS NOT A THING YOU DO / o, joining - pallid-i - 07-26-2018

PIMOSTRA[/td][td][div style="width:270px; height:275px; overflow:hidden; margin-left:-130px;margin-top:12px;"][div style="width:287px; height:275px;text-align:justify; font-family:times new roman; font-size:13px; color:#FF5A6E; line-height:10px; overflow:auto;"]Why are you really here? Came to the forefront of her mind, but the feline bit her tongue (quite literally) to stop herself from snapping the question out loud. She was not going to be responsible for driving a potential clanmate away, no matter how much she hated him. The others would chew her out for it, and she didn't want to be stupid. Her whiskers twitched and her frown only deepened.

"The feeling isn't mutual, Ferro."
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Re: GOOD IS NOT A THING YOU DO / o, joining - GABRIEL - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]"Do I have to separate you?" Jesus, Gabriel hated walking into other people's baggage. The courteous thing might be to help them sort it out, or at the very least get it out of the way, but in all honesty, when it came to adults' personal shit, he didn't care to entangle himself in it unless he had to. Children he was more than happy to offer some assistance, because they had a whole path ahead of them, but in regards to grown strangers...not so much, and the hybrid settled his dark gaze on the pair, the muscles around slightly raised. Whatever history the pair had together, Gabe wouldn't go poking his nose in it. Probably. There was the possibility that he'd get bored and wouldn't be able to resist the tempation of knowing things not technically under his purview, but for now, he didn't want to see, hear, or smell it.

The matter at hand was the canine's joining, so after another weighted moment, he rolled his shoulders into a shrug. "Yeah, there's an observatory. You're welcome to it," because apparently the newcomer he hadn't met yet wasn't going to say as much, "so long as you don't fuck anything up. I'm Gabe. Try not to get lost in the grass."


Re: GOOD IS NOT A THING YOU DO / o, joining - BUBONICPLAGUE - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]"what is it with you and the grass?" bubonicplague couldn't help but mumble as he approached after gabriel, blind eyes giving stark and pimostra a fleeting glance. the dire wolf couldn't disagree, though. it wasn't his favorite thing to interrupt or overhear people's quarrels, but it only made it more annoying when they did it publicly and not somewhere exclusive to just them. not like he could help overhearing things anyway; he cursed his senses sometimes.

the demon twitched an ear and reset his focus on the newcomer. "bubonicplague. welcome, and all that. do you need anything?" he spoke monotonously, uninterested in the repetitive joining experience, but still forcing himself to be slightly courteous.

Re: GOOD IS NOT A THING YOU DO / o, joining - COSMIIX - 07-26-2018

"The feeling isn't mutual, Ferro."

He blinked his blue eyes for a moment not really effected by the response yet if Gabriel or Bubbleplague hadn't came over then they would have definitely seen the wolfdog flinch. His nose twitched as he would shrug slowly "Understandable," He wasn't going to bother Pimostra with an apology but his gaze turned over to Gabriel listening to his first question only for Stark to simply state in his own blunt, monotonous voice "No need. I was about to go on my way," If these two buffoons thought this was arguing well, that was just dumb since him and Pim were actually having a decent conversation. There was no argument at all just seeing an old face and the other saying they weren't happy in seeing the other, that was it but he kept his mouth clamped as to not be a smartass towards anyone there. Not yet anyways, he needed to at least, settle down before he mouthed anyone off. He was welcomed to the observatory, maybe he should thank Gabriel for the welcoming? Nah. He snorted quietly "Highly doubt it. Stark Ferro,"

His gaze turned to the other guy though it didn't last on the other for too long before he immediately lost interest in the other, the wolfdog would twitch his ears "Stark Ferro. Pleasure and no." Don't get lost in the grass. He doubted it. He would rise to his paws and proceeded to stretch out his hind legs behind him, he pulled out his cassette player and his small pair of headphones offering all those there a coy grin "Bye," Without another word, the canine had already disappeared.

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Re: GOOD IS NOT A THING YOU DO / o, joining - Luciferr - 07-26-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

Anzarel was last to arrive the group - now watching the wolf dog's retreating form with somewhat of a raised brow, eye flicking back and forth between the group and the leaving figure with a curious hum

"Something I missed?" e asked the others, wings idly shifting as he moved to join the trio - for one it seemed one had baggage with this new joiner, stark was it? hm.


Re: GOOD IS NOT A THING YOU DO / o, joining - pallid-i - 07-26-2018

PIMOSTRA[/td][td][div style="width:270px; height:275px; overflow:hidden; margin-left:-130px;margin-top:12px;"][div style="width:287px; height:275px;text-align:justify; font-family:times new roman; font-size:13px; color:#FF5A6E; line-height:10px; overflow:auto;"]She looked over to Gabriel but made no comment. After seeing Stark leave, she lashed her tail and stalked off. There was no point in staying here at the border. She was starting problems, so she should just leave.
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Re: GOOD IS NOT A THING YOU DO / o, joining - MirrorEdge - 07-26-2018

"Wait, what just happened?"

Thea had never really had a many relationships to worry about before she came here, besides her mother and father, and they were both gone. And she was quite new to the Ascendents, and only beginning to form relationships with people, whether positive or negative.

So she was a bit confused about what happened, as she watched the wolfdog trot away, tilting her head as she tried to work out why a joiner would come to the border, only to leave. Maybe she was poking her nose into something she shouldn't, but she pushed those thoughts away for now.