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again — o, powers - Printable Version

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again — o, powers - Belladonna - 03-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt][ okay, so this is gonna be my re-establishment thread for belladonna's powers! it's basically conjuring but she can only conjure from dreams + and if she tries to conjure anything animated, it becomes a plush instead!! ]

Belladonna often had dreams. Grandeur, sometimes. Tormenting, almost always. If you were to walk in to Bella's room as she was in the middle of one of her nightmares, you'd see her tucked in tight, as if she was cold, despite that the only thing cold in the nights of the town was the hollow wind that blew through the windows - and they were all but shut that night. Her body shivered profusely, and she whimpered in the dark - easy signs of the pain she was about to go through.

Her nightmares always had two things in common; they were realistic, and they happened in this dark, swirling abyss of curling darkness, like a monsoon of shadows above her head. The floor, however, was reflective; she could always look down to see her face, but even sometimes she'd see someone else. Her mother, maybe - it varied.

It usually started the same way, with a recount of her mother's death, as her old clan tore her to shreds in a blend of blood and gore and sinew, but that was the same every time. Her mother gasping her name and telling her to run as she died; her paws reaching out towards her. Belladonna flinched and looked away.

At that moment, back in reality, her conjuration triggered, and suddenly there was a plush at her feet. It didn't wake her, but it was a pretty little cat plush, a calico cat with yellow eyes like Belladonna's own. Bella had no proof of her mother anymore except her memories - but at least now she had something else, from her subconscious, but she had no clue yet.

But back in her dream, the shadows drew closer, moving to suffocate her - and as she recoiled backwards, she heard voices in the storm. Her mother, in her dying wails, was harmonizing along with the screams of new voices, people she'd met recently; and in the storm she heard Happycamper.

"Happy?!" this was wrong. So, so wrong. Why was he screaming? was someone hurting him? ...was she the one hurting him? no, that wasn't right. But why was he here? she could hear some of her clanmates in the screams already, but she heard Happy most of all, loud and clear - and she pushed through the shadows, worming her way, feeling bodies push back and forth against her and pull her back; but she had to find him.

And she spotted him, with his tan fur and his yellow bandanna, torn and dotted with blood - his or someone else's she had no idea, but she couldn't see him doing something like that, fighting anyone, even fighting to save himself - and the idea made a lump in her throat. He turned to face her and she moved to barrel into him, but right as she was about to collide with him, to meet his face as he turned, his face was blank, his warm gaze and his smile gone, nothing but bleeding fur left - and in the split second the dream-Happy was there, he was gone.

Her eyes opened up to the roof of her room, her throat already feeling sore. Had she been screaming in her sleep? probably. She slowly got to her feet, to find two plushes by her feet. She recognized the one of her mother, eyes shut in a smile, her face gleaming with laughter, but there was a new plush there, and for a moment her heart sunk.

Her nightmares had a tendency to show up in the plushes she conjured, and while she normally tore them apart, this was her first time making one of someone who wasn't from her old clan. Her first time making one of Happycamper. She reached out, and with a swift claw she turned the plush over to face her, dreading to see a recurrence of the faceless nightmare -

and she was greeted with a wide smile and two small, beady eyes that peered up at her. Belladonna let out a breath she didn't realize she hadn't let out. She laughed slightly, and as her face contorted in relief, she felt the damp fur around her face - she'd cried as she slept, too. She arched over as she started to cry again, pulling both plushes close to her. In the moment she had no clue if anyone had heard her screaming, but she hoped they hadn't - they didn't need to see her like this.


[ tl;dr bella has a nightmare of her mother dying and a faceless happycamper, she's conjured two plushies that both look like each of them and she's cradling them and crying, she's also been screaming in her sleep. ]

Re: again — o, powers - happycamper - 03-27-2018

happycamper didn't have constant and reoccurring dreams at night. whenever his body hit his bed and he allowed himself to dose off, the feline had a wide assortment of dreams waiting for him in his sub-conscious - if they were there in the first place. most followed a theme of being tame and simple, such as him walking through densely packed trees with lovely canopies that allowed sunlight to touch his fur and illuminate other things as well. many were, ironically enough, of him being involved in camping activities. they'd all span between different dreams in different nights. one could have him dip his paw into a cool freshwater river and fill a sticker-covered canteen with the clear liquid. another was filled with the relaxing crackling of a warm fire. making smokes, strumming his ukulele, fishing with his paw, telling ghost stories to ghostly figures, and watching the night sky through an opening in a tent. overall, happycamper stayed happy even in his dreams.

though there were those few bad seeds within the sweet apple. rarely would happycamper be hit by corrupted dreams, but whenever they did take the place of the sweeter ones, they were horrifying. copper taste and smell would hit him in any nightmare he'd have, even if blood was nowhere to be found. he'd be shoved into a tight space, filled to the brim with anxiety and fear, squeaky voice of a child escaping his adult body as he cried out for someone to get him out. sometimes a nightmare would be disguised as a nice dream, only to have a shadowy figure, so out of place in the calm surroundings, would come and kill him in his sleep with an eerily familiar knife. but the most terrifying of them all were the happy faces of his parents, smiling down at him. those made him wake up in feelings of cold sweet, anxiety, and sometimes breaking out in dry sobbing. though he faced those more ever since he joined tanglewood, the ginger feline always managed to put his cheerful smile on and ignore what he'd felt at night, praying that nobody would ever see him in such a vulnerable state.

happycamper had been drinking some home-brewed coffee well into the crisp-air night, reading a old book he often enjoyed reading during this type of weather. halfway through sipping the liquid inside, a scream pierced the air. the sudden noise made happycamper jump in his seat and narrowly put his cup back on the ground next to him as it burned his tongue. although his tongue was hurting, he was already racing to the corner of the room he was in, messily shoving the bags of herbs and bandages he planned to organize later into his satchel. worry quickly kicked out any pleasant thoughts as he pulled the bag over his shoulders and bolted out of his house. did someone get hurt? did they accidentally step on something sharp? did they fall down and break a limb? did someone hurt them? were they still getting hurt? messy scenarios filled his mind as he listened to the continuous screams that guided him. yet, as he got closer, the more familiar the voice was, and the more dread he began to feel. "oh no, no, no." he anxiously whispered to himself, all the way until he got to a somewhat familiar building.

it wasn't too hard to get into the building, and it wasn't anymore harder to pick up the sobs that were getting more and more louder. eventually he'd entered an unfamiliar space, but laid eyes on a very familiar heaving body. the feline dropped his bag to the ground and made his way over to bella, a sad and concerned look on his face. "bella?" he murmured first, voice extremely soft and cautious. happycamper sat down besides her, inching his head closer as to show that he was there. covered objects caught his attention, and green eyes moved lower to see two possible toys that she was holding. he couldn't see them much due to his angle and bella covering them, but happy could see one of them who had something yellow around their neck. briefly he was too aware of his own bandana, but his mind quickly was pulled back by the concern over his friend's fragile state. "hey, hey, it's okay, bella. i'm here... i'm here." the more he watched her, the more his heart ached. he never liked seeing anyone crying or distraught, or both, but seeing bella like this made it hurt more than it ever had before. "you're safe here."

Re: again — o, powers - BUGGEDOUT! - 03-29-2018

Pleasant dreams if he had any were such a rare treat for the adolescent who laid curled up in his bed with heavy lids threatening to pull him into a deep slumber as he blinked over a a small, framed picture on his side table that was of his mother and his grandfather who he knew very little about for the most part besides him being Russian and a bit overboard when it came to his temper and protectiveness. He wondered if he and his mother helped him by having blank nights of nothing but sleep or even burdens because of his lack of anything that made him happy was partially due to his dreams. Or not. The wolf let out a sigh and curled into a tight ball under thick, warm blankets that hid the soft glow of the amethyst crystals on his body so he could actually sleep for once, though it didn't always help when his mind was always racing and ready to send him into a fight or flight mood. Especially now what with the loud noise that sent his body tumbling out of bed, his eyes wide and chest heaving as Buggy whipped around his room with a panicked expression clearly splayed across his face as he finally had the gall to poke his head outside of his own room to see that idiot ginger boy passing by quickly without having seen his own figure stiff with fear. Shit, did this guy finally snap and hurt someone? The wolf thought with much surprise as to how fast he was to start hurting his clan, which caused Bugs to carefully pursue his cheerful clan mate with his paws carefully padding onwards with wavering determination with each placement of his paws that drew him closer, confusion ebbing into his young mind as the short time that led him to where he was no felt like hours. To the last place he expected to go on that night and to a rather strange sight of Happy quickly moved to the delicate form on their bed cradling who knows what in their hands

" Miss Bella? "

For the first time, his voice was soft and seem almost like a normal child as he carefully crept forward with the amethyst on his back glowing softly onto the three from where they stood. Each of their chests rose at different rates with Buggy's own staying still as he held his breath for a moment, waiting for his own mouth to blurt out something cynical and never came. His smaller form crept closer and it was almost strange to feel the sudden urge of wanting to comfort and protect this woman he had tried to belittle on so many occasions, though it was now on this dark night that he was now moving quite closer to Happy as he held onto Bella's form with his own now on her opposite side as he sat carefully  beside her without even asking if this was what she wanted. " You can calm down, y'know. You're safe here." Buggy's hardened slightly and yet still kept that sympathetic ring that he hated to hear in so many others, ignore his own hypocritical self in order to pull a blanket onto her that laid besides them. " We all have bad dreams, but this one won't get you today. You've just gotta take deep breaths. " The wolf had no idea what to do at this point with Happy taking care of the emotional stuff and yet here he was, the asshole who was trying to be nice to the weeping woman beside him. All he could do was hope he was doing something at this point.


Re: again — o, powers - Belladonna - 03-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]There was a small part in the back of Belladonna's head that thought that, no, why on Earth would Happycamper rush to her aid; she'd expected him to be asleep by this time, surely having some sweet dream - but he was here. She had no clue why, of all things, did Happycamper become her nightmare - maybe because she was scared, that his kindness was some facade, like her old clan did? that he would learn to loathe her too?

In that moment, her fear overwhelmed her, and she spun around, plushies still swept up in her paws, and she crashed into Happycamper, wanting nothing, in that moment, for someone to just - hold her close. Her face was streaming with tears, her face damp and her breathing catching in little hiccups.

Alarmed, she glanced up as she heard Buggedout; she normally expected something bitter from the child but, for once, he was right. She stifled her tears for a moment, taking in a deep breath as she nodded, her body still shaking from the shock - she hadn't had a nightmare like that in ages. "I-I'm s-s-so-sorry," she stammered, her voice hitching as her body struggled to breathe normally. Her yellow eyes anxiously darted between both Happy and Bug, and she realized that she must have woken them up. Damn, she might have to consider moving further away from the others if her nightmares kept doing this.
