Beasts of Beyond
SHE GOT ME GOING CRAZY / open - Printable Version

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SHE GOT ME GOING CRAZY / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-26-2018

The night was rather cold. The moon and the stars were hidden by black clouds and a cool breeze ran throughout The Typhoon's territory. Vanessa had come across her old hut on the beach, discovering it in ruins and full of water. It wasn't a proper place for her to live- so she mainly slept out under a tree at night. If anyone happened to call it pitiful, she'd probably snap at them in her defense.

The black she-wolf was sitting at the beach, a frown on her maw and her eyes focused on the ocean.

Re: SHE GOT ME GOING CRAZY / open - ANDRAS - 07-26-2018

rinto enjoyed midnight. nobody questioned what happened in the middle of the night, of course.

he liked long walks on the beach, as cheesy that was. he was a deep thinker, not evidenced by his fake cutesy personality. no, rinto was two people. one was a mask- a cute and harmless child-like figure, who just wanted everyone to love him, and then hidden behind the mask was a manipulative intellectual who had very clear goals in life. make luca his, kill anybody who thought otherwise.

he was deep in thought. rox and luca were awfully close... but rox was probably a lesbian, judging by her demeanor, and so rinto wasn't too concerned. while walking on the beach, he ran into a dark figure and thought it was luca, and almost ran into his arms but stopped. no, that was a she-wolf.

he put on the metaphorical mask. "oh, hiya!" he said enthusiastically, trotting over. "what's wrong? isn't the ocean pretty?" he asked, acting oblivious, and he tilted his head. "my name's rinto! what's yours?"

Re: SHE GOT ME GOING CRAZY / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-26-2018

Ha, Luca was pretty cute- she had to admit. But, she wouldn't be ready for a relationship with anyone else right now, she believed. Wade was a ass for disappearing right after they had started dating. What did she see in a heavily scarred and fur-less guy like him? She looked past his appearance and to his personality. She'd dated ugly but sweet guys in the past, so it was normal for her.

She would let out a small huff of surprise when Rinto ran over and almost hugged her. Both of her ears would flatten to the back of her head before she responded to the stranger's questions. "Vanessa Carlysle-Roux."

Re: SHE GOT ME GOING CRAZY / open - Luca - 07-26-2018

And here was the aforementioned Luca. Unlike the other two, long walks on the beach weren't his speciality. In fact, before he had joined the Typhoon, he had preferred to avoid beaches altogether. He disliked being so close to such a large body of water, the way the sand stuck between his toes and the constant smell of salt. He supposed it was pretty beautiful, though, and he had always held an appreciation for the aesthetically pleasing. Besides, it was about time to get over his half-baked fear of deep waters. It's not like Jordyn was around to drown him anymore. As fun as it was to not fear for his life at every waking moment, that though did make him a little sad. As much as he feared his childhood friend and as much as she found enjoyment in killing him in increasingly gruesome ways, she had always been one of the few constants in his life. It felt lonely without her, and he almost missed the constant teasing by his ear.

He walked to get his mind off the past. The moonlight that glimmered on the ocean's waves was calming, and Luca stared into it as he continued down the shoreline. If it weren't for his other senses he would have walked smack-bang into his crewmates, but luckily their scents gave them away before that could happen. The hellhound came to a halt, rose hues fixing on the pair in front of him. He recognised both of them pretty quickly, a smile coming to his lips. "Heya," he greeted them, an amused puff of smoke escaping from between his lips. "What're y'all up to?" If they were having some sort of date, he definitely wanted in.

Re: SHE GOT ME GOING CRAZY / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-26-2018

Ah, here came Luca. She could recognize the hellhound from any distance away. A coy-smile would plaster on the female-lupine's maw and she fluttered her eyelashes in his direction. Sure it may seem like she was flirting, but she was only intending to tease him.

"Just walking around." She said, before looking at Rinto, wondering why he had been out here for.

Re: SHE GOT ME GOING CRAZY / open - purgatory - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:110%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"]How long has it been since Cronas last seen the pretty wolf? Yesterday? The day before that? Perhaps the day before the day before yesterday? Two hours ago? Yes, two hours ago. That seemed logical considering the canine hadn't been buried in their subconscious. Unbeknownst to them, their sense of time was as terrible as usual. They could have recently met Vanessa a couple minutes ago for all they know. It wasn't true, of course. Though the logic they used behind this is they hadn't forgotten about her. You don't just suddenly forget people you just met and because she was still clear in their mind, they must have met recently. So when pale eyes landed on her form, the child did not hesitate to walk over to her. They didn't miss her due to meeting with her recently - we already debunked this - and them not registering emotion. They saw her as a source of information. Nothing more, nothing less. Well, maybe slightly more. It was possible the affectionate licks atop their head and nudges with her muzzle broke through to them ever so faintly. It was a small, unknown feeling in the pit of their stomach, right next to the emptiness that never goes away. But, they didn't want to think about the void they harboured within them. They should greet their adoptive mother.

They would flick their ear in greeting to Rinto and Luca though didn't pay them any mind beyond that. They weren't here for them after all. Walking past the two, the child would walk towards Vanessa and stop in front of her. Rising to their hind legs, they reached up to rest there small paws on her chest. Due to the size difference, the feline had to stand as high as they could and extend their forepaws to their maximum length. Even then, they were barely able to make contact with her fur. Cronas stood there for a couple seconds, pale luminaries gazing into just as icy blue optics before they lowered themselves and made themselves comfortable in their self-claimed spot between her front legs. Sitting down, they'd wrap their tail around their paws neatly and without saying anything, would stare into the distance. It was hard to tell, but they were feeling quite blissful at the moment. Sitting close to Vanessa on the beach... perhaps the tired child will be able to get some sleep. Hopefully.
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:10px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*

Re: SHE GOT ME GOING CRAZY / open - Character Graveyard. - 07-27-2018

Vanessa would blink as her adopted-child made their way over, a look of motherly-love in her icy-blue eyes. She felt awful for leaving for a short amount of time and leaving Cronas on his own- yet they're a strong kid. They could probably handle being on their own for some time. As Cronas approached and rose up on their hind legs and plant their front paws on her chest, she would place a paw on their back for a few seconds, before they sat down- between her front-legs. She would then shuffle her fore-paws carefully, trying her best to not disturb her child before she glanced back at Rinto and Luca.

Re: SHE GOT ME GOING CRAZY / open - SÉAMUS - 07-27-2018

I will not take this anymore; these words will never be ignored. you want a battle? here's a war
Interesting.  Seemed the crew was full of more nocturnal creatures.  Naturally speaking, many of them were, indeed, nocturnal, but the group-life seemed dominated by the daytime hours.  It made little difference to the pirate.  While he was fond of the ocean, he preferred looking to the sky when it was this late and he could get a fine view of the stars from on board the Tempest, where he often spent his nights.  It was restlessness and the fact he could spot others that brought the small feline towards the shore, walking right along the line where the ocean kissed the sand.

To Luca - who seemed to be someone else's target of teasing tonight as well - he offered a quick wink.  The fae was not surprised he was out and about in the later hours - he pretty much expected it.  The others were unfamiliar to him.  Granted, he had spent minimal time getting to know anyone since his arrival a few moons ago. He had other interests.

Something akin to jealousy flashed briefly in his sea-green eyes as the present child decided to use the wolf as a place to rest, so fast it was almost never there.  He would not admit he was envious of other parents - and parental figures - or much less his brother and his status as a father.  After all; Seamus had loved Haliaka too, just as Kian had.  Did he not have just as much claim to... No.  It was more a conspiracy theory than realistic possibility; something that had to wait for more, and better, information.  He could wait.

"It's a nice night," the Irishman murmured, offering a smile.  Hard to tell if it was truly friendly or not.  "Nice view of the stars out here."
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #009E60; font-size: 15px;"]— SÉAMUS Ó FAOLÁN