Beasts of Beyond
EVEN IF THE WORLD IS VILE — intro - Printable Version

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EVEN IF THE WORLD IS VILE — intro - guts - 07-25-2018

He could remember when he first came to this small town.

He was young then, only seventeen or so. His sister was cradled in his arms, though he struggled somewhat to carry her, blood quickly seeping into his own clothes and sticking to his skin. Panic had begun to settle in quickly, but he tried to keep his cool the best he could. He was used to playing such a role. He had been the parent to his younger sibling ever since their parents died, though they both passed in very different ways, both of them dying just before mankind fell.

He had brought her there to treat her, a mixture of tears and snot dribbling down his face. He didn't want her to die. He couldn't be left alone, not again. Collapsing just as they reached the town, he held his younger sister close to his chest as he cried out, pleading for them to help her. Much to his relief, they had accepted her and did their best to save her--but the bullet wound to her stomach inevitably claimed her life.

Of course, in any cliched backstory fashion, he blamed himself for it. He obsessed over what he could have done different every day for a long time, driving himself crazy with all the possible outcomes where she didn't die. In the end, as he grew older, he came to accept the fact that she was gone. The self-loathing was still there, just underneath the surface, but he was still improving bit by bit. It was better than wallowing all the time.

As rain lightly drizzled down from the sky, Charlie sat outside on the steps in the front of his house, cigarette held between his lips. The smoke filtered up into the air as he stared out, growing wetter with each moment he stayed there in the rain. But he barely paid any mind, even as the clouds gradually parted and the rain stopped.

//this first post is so sucky im srRY
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Re: EVEN IF THE WORLD IS VILE — intro - vellichor - 07-26-2018

[/td][td][div style="width: 1px; height: 60px; border-left: 1px solid gray; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: -5px; opacity: 0.5;"]
[/td][/tr][/table][div style="width: 330px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: microsoft sans serif; padding: 2px; margin-top: 15px;color:black;"]Eliora could remember when Charlie and his sister arrived in town. Not much happened in those days and such news spread fast in a little town. That was just before she'd eventually come to terms with who she was and what had happened in her own past. She'd still thought she was a human then, barely suppressing her abilities and in constant pain from hiding everything. She'd tried to help as much as she could, as had the rest of the community, but the wound was too much for anyone to fix. She'd left fresh flowers in the room every single day and hoped she'd get better but it was too far along for her to be saved. It was odd now seeing how old Charlie appeared compared to how he'd been before. Humans were so strange, they aged so fast. She could remember when he was little more than a child, yet now he stood as a man. He was a kind, good man, and for that she was glad but it was still so strange. It reminded her that in only a few decades, her little Alianna would be an adult. She'd probably even appear older than Eliora. While Charlie was an adult and had clearly aged many years, Eliora appeared just the same as she had when he'd first arrived.

It was strange but she tried not to think about it too much. This was her first 'lifetime' as an immortal. Before, she had convinced herself she was one of them, her mind bubble wrapping itself after the trauma that her long life and powers had caused. She was afraid that losing these people would do that to her again but she told herself she'd be better this time. It wouldn't be so sudden and she'd come to terms with the short life of humans. She would be fine this time, she told herself. With such short lives, she wasn't sure why humans did so many destructive things that hastened their demise, such as smoking. Eliora had been on a walk, holding a bright blue umbrella above her head as she walked down the street. When the rain cleared and she was able to see further down the street, she folded her umbrella and noticed the light stream of smoke coming from a nearby porch. As she came closer, she looked to see the occupant was Charlie himself and she gave a smile, raising her hand to wave. "Hello Charlie! How're you today? I'm glad things seem to be clearing up, I have to visit a few buildings today and I didn't want to put them off," she called, stopping so she could talk to the man. 

Re: EVEN IF THE WORLD IS VILE — intro - Quill - 07-26-2018

Annie didn't know Charlie when he came to Morgan Heights, nor did she know anything about the situation surrounding his sister. She was thirteen as of this year, and Charlie, having been seventeen, now in his late to early thirties, had been present in Morgan Heights likely before she had even been born. Of course, she saw his face around, and perhaps meant to talk to him, but the opportunities never seem to arose. Rather, she often found herself whisked away handling some other task, trying to help her mother and look after the people of Morgan Heights as best as she could. No, her mother knew more about Charlie, though it was her mother she had been seeking that afternoon.

The rain soaked into her gentle blonde curls, of which was held at bay in two braided dutch pigtails that laid across either shoulder. A hair clip, a white butterfly, was pinned near her right ear amidst the braids. She had a habit of wearing these hairpins and clips on her deaf side, as an idle reminder to those around her just which side was deaf. Sometimes, people forgot, and it was awfully funny, as much as it was terrible, to have people speaking into your deaf ear trying to make sure you could hear them.

Her arms wrapped slightly around herself against the little chill of the rain in her light blue sun dress, the sound of her mother's voice made her steps hasten forward, "Mama," she began, but just as quickly as she had made it to her mother's side, and underneath the protection of the umbrella, did her blue-eyed gaze snap to Charlie on the steps. So that's where the smell of smoke was coming from. Annie had to admit it was... disgusting, but she held her tongue, instead flashing Charlie a bright grin. "Oh, hello mister Charlie! Good afternoon," the greeting would come, her face lighting up cheerfully as if seeing Charlie had suddenly made her day all the better. She knew enough of the man to knew he was rather quiet and introverted. That was okay too.

Her gaze turned as her mother spoke, but once she was done her gaze turned back to Charlie curiously, eyeing the man briefly, "Aren't you cold, mister Charlie? You'll catch a cold if you let yourself get soaked!"


Re: EVEN IF THE WORLD IS VILE — intro - guts - 07-26-2018

He could somewhat remember Eliora, though at the time he had been so consumed in his grief he barely gave any mind to those around him. He was moody back then, full of anger due to the unfair hand life had dealt him. He was a bitter person, and now that he had bettered himself, he felt bad for all the people he had wronged while he was in such a state. But he was doing his best to make up for it all. He liked to think that was what his sister would have wanted.

His eyes left the sky they focused on at the sudden voice, instead turning to settle on Eliora. She was a familiar face now, one he was always pleased to see when he was out and about. She had a very cheery atmosphere about her which never failed to rub off on him. Charlie did find the youthful look about her to be a bit off, especially since she barely looked any different than when he first came to the town, but he never voiced such thoughts out loud. It would be rude, after all. Maybe she just had that natural beauty about her.

"Ah, good morning, miss Eliora," the man greets back, grasping his cigarette between his fingers. He holds it off to the side as to not get any smoke in her face. "I'm doing pretty well. Where are you off to, if I may ask?" again his face lifts up, noting how quickly the clouds had dispersed, leaving a sea of light blue hanging over them. It was nice, mostly because he wasn't going to get any wetter now.

Charlie looks back then, suddenly noticing the little girl at the leader's side. His smile only grows wider at the sight, despite the uneasy feeling he got in his chest. It wasn't that he didn't like children--quite the opposite, really, he was actually fond of the youngsters--it's just that they always reminded him of unpleasant times, of a certain person he had failed to save. But that didn't stop him from putting on a happy face.

Squishing out the lit end of his cigarette, he had learned that children generally didn't like the smell of smoke, even though he himself had come to pretty much ignore it all together. Besides he didn't want to cause any illness with secondhand smoke. "Hello there. Annie, was it? A beautiful name," he could slightly recall getting her name in the past, though they hadn't spoken much before. At her comment, he chuckled softly, a low and hearty sound. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I quite like being out in the rain,"
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Re: EVEN IF THE WORLD IS VILE — intro - vellichor - 08-02-2018

[/td][td][div style="width: 1px; height: 60px; border-left: 1px solid gray; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: -5px; opacity: 0.5;"]
[/td][/tr][/table][div style="width: 330px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: microsoft sans serif; padding: 2px; margin-top: 15px;color:black;"]She smiled at his response before answering, "Well, I'm certainly glad to hear that. Oh, nowhere particularly exciting, I'm afraid. There are some old buildings in the older part of town that have been clogging up a street for quite some time. They haven't been occupied in years but the former city council wouldn't approve they be taken down. Now that we don't have to operate with any sort of council, my plan was to go down there and find a way to either remove or re-purpose them. I don't like having so much unused space when we could be using it for something. There's a few areas like that and I just want to make the area little more livable and maybe a bit nicer." Her attention was then grabbed by her daughter, when she was suddenly clinging to her leg and looking up at her. "Oh! Alianna, dear, was there something you needed? You really shouldn't be running around in the rain with just your dress. I have a jacket and some umbrellas you could use back at home, if you want one," she stated, her voice raising in concern. Eliora was painfully aware of how short her daughter's life would be in relation to her own.

The thought that she could suddenly be taken by some sickness caught by being a little too cold or a little too wet for a little too long terrified her. She tried not to be so worried over the little girl but she supposed it was only natural, especially given how long she'd lost Ivy after he'd been born. At the same time, though, she wanted to look after her. Because she knew the girl's life would be pitifully short in comparison to her people's, she wanted her to experience and see everything she could but she also wanted to keep her for as long as possible. Were all mothers so selfish? She hoped so or else she'd feel more awful than she already did. She knew she was doing a good job with Alianna and she was looking forward to being able to see her child grow up, something that she hadn't been able to experience with Ivy after he'd been taken from her, but she was so afraid of how fast that'd happen. Humans were so unpredictable, both in behavior and in health. She just prayed that all would be well and her daughter would get to live out many happy, exciting years, full of whatever Alianna wished for herself. That was all she could do though. In the end, Eliora didn't have the abilities to heal or sustain a human body and she could only do her best at being a mother and then hope and pray that all was well with Alianna as she went through life.