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HOWDY DO | open, weekly task - Printable Version

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HOWDY DO | open, weekly task - NUI HARIME - 07-25-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
though nui wasn't inherently competitive in herself, competition was perhaps one of her most favorite things to watch.

this has been her weekly task for today, and so she would carry it out with glee.

she had chosen a remote spot outside of camp; an open rolling field full of snow. the race itself was a straightforward one, for the most part. the track ran around the field and back, the starting (and ending point) an old, gnarled tree by a hill, it's nimble fingers stretched towards the sky. the racing track was marked by deep gouges into the snow, traced by one of the tree's limbs. throughout the track, various obstacles were scattered. boxes, logs, trash. you name it. something to pose a challenge for the racers and give everyone equal footing.

a red flag lay by her feet, it's colors like blood against the freshly fallen snow. she had chosen to dug the lines and grooves of the racing track right after the snow had feel, as to not have the frozen water erase any of her hard work. as insurance, the racing points were also marked by stones strategically and periodically placed just by the track's lines, guiding them from start to finish so that should anything go wrong, competitors would still know where to run.

"come one, come all my lovely snowbounders, to our glorious race!" her high-pitched voice, so full of grand bravado, sprung through the air.
"this will be an all out race-- with obstacles, of course. rules are that you cannot assault other competitors, nor can you leave before i drop the flag. you also may not go outside of the track's bounds. if you do any of this, you are disqualified. you may either watch, or if you wish to participate, you may line up in your own lane," the track in itself was wide-- there would be plenty of room for racers.

// i will start the race when we have enough runners. the winner will be determined on the detail and writing skill in one's post Big Grin

Re: HOWDY DO | open, weekly task - Character Graveyard. - 07-25-2018

A competition. Something that he was used to. At UA, there had been many competitions between every classes, many schools including UA and the festival happened to be one of those events. The tall, maned-wolf had hurried over to Nui, stumbling every few steps he ran, due to his missing limb, though a lopsided-grin remained on his maw and a cheerful-expression in his red-eyes. Clearly, he was excited for this.

He would blink before turning all of this attention to Nui, his grin growing larger by every second. "Sounds fun and interesting! Count me in!" Sure, his leg was gone, but he was certain he'd be able to handle something like this.
tags :: updated 7/24:

Re: HOWDY DO | open, weekly task - arcy - 07-26-2018

Izuku had figured Nui seemed like she'd like competition in some form. If not participating herself, then in some way. Look, he'd done his best with his tasks. So, Izuku had been wandering around a lot of the day seeing what people were doing. As per usual. A lot of things happened around the village, when people didn't have a lot to do. And maybe some people would figure out other things to do, but these people went above and beyond. Contributed. A lot of how well a clan functioned revolved around how much the members contributed to making stuff to do around the clan, and wasn't that neat? .. There was other stuff to do to support a clan, too, like the obvious hunting and stuff, but that's not important.
"I'll --!! " When Izuku had heard Nui announcing this, he'd been excited. A track race! That was fun! A good competition! Not even too generic! So he'd grinned as he limped over, about to agree to participate, and then he stops dead. His legs. Neither of his front paws were in any condition to be letting him run. .. Izuku scowls, subtly. How bothersome. "I'll watch," Izuku sighs, defeated, and trots over for soemwhere to watch safely. It really was a nice course. A shame he couldn't participate. But he still really, really likes it. Izuku makes to curl up on the ground. "This is really cool, by the way!" Izuku decides to add, speaking up and tail giving a sweep as he lifts his head back up. He's glad she did this, really!! So, now grinning softly, Izuku lays his head on his injured paws, and prepares to wait until the race is set to start. Preparing, as in just shutting his eyes because he was sleepy but god he wasn't going to fall asleep. His tail curls around himself, and he settles in, then.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: HOWDY DO | open, weekly task - NUI HARIME - 07-26-2018

nui harime — female — snowbound — eaglehunter — hard physicality
her single good eye is locked onto the approaching form of the maned wolf, flashing kirishama a toothy grin.
"i'm so excited you'll be joining the race. can't wait to see you run," she pushes a pick tongue through the gap of her teeth in excitement, eye shining as the next one to arrive; the frosthealer, is made obvious through the crunching of snow.

"hi izuku," pearly whites shining at him. "thank you. i'm glad you're pleased with my effort," praise, in any way or form, has especially known to set a pleased satisfaction running through her, bone deep. nui doesn't bask in it for long, but damn does it feel good.

Re: HOWDY DO | open, weekly task - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-28-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Izuku would probably kill Atbash if she participated in this, wouldn't he? Atbash made her way over upon hearing Nui's call. Actually, she vaguely remembered Izuku giving her this task and she remembered being quite excited over it. Unfortunately, things happened and she was kind of stuck with injuries right now. "I'm watching," Atbash tried to tell Nui telepathically, frowning as she took a seat next to Izuku.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi