Beasts of Beyond
question !! - Printable Version

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question !! - adomania - 07-25-2018

multiple actually c':
1. if I were to have two of my characters have a mental bond, do I have to buy both of their bonds? Or would one suffice? Or would there be a possibility of both but they would look different?

2. If I were to have one of my characters possess the mental bond + possession, would I be able to have my character possess a bird that travels with my other character? Back in FF you needed to have clear sight of the creature you are possessing and I just wanna know if that's a thing that's here as well !

Re: question !! - rakue - 07-25-2018

1) you would need two, one for each character!

2) i dont see why not!! this would also work fine with just possession unless you wanted the character to connected to the bird regardless of being possessed. this would function like warging in the game of thrones world, sort a "remote takeover" of the body