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acting almost worse than ever | joining - Printable Version

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acting almost worse than ever | joining - pallid-i - 07-25-2018

PIMOSTRA[/td][td][div style="width:270px; height:275px; overflow:hidden; margin-left:-130px;margin-top:12px;"][div style="width:287px; height:275px;text-align:justify; font-family:times new roman; font-size:13px; color:#FF5A6E; line-height:10px; overflow:auto;"]Something brought her here. An unknown force just tugged at her paws. The large feline wasn't sure why she listened to the force, but here she was, and there was no turning back. She was sure people had already caught her scent in the wind, and besides.. The archivist didn't want to be rude. She was trying to better herself, and being a jerk and leaving as soon as you arrive.. It just wasn't cool. So the abnormally tall domestic feline stood at the border, waiting with anxiety eating away at her.
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Re: acting almost worse than ever | joining - adomania - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]A similar unknown force had been what had carried Myliu's paws towards the Ascendants, as if this was exactly where he was supposed to go and be. He didn't fit in, not perfectly at least, and after what he had been told was a rather... chilling display of power a few nights back... he fit in even less. The unknown forces seemed to be wrong in bringing him here. He belonged somewhere else, somewhere where they wouldn't look at him strangely or with fear (was it fear? He wasn't good at telling) and live his life.

He was strange. That much he knew, or at least had steadily begun to realize. No one else acted like him, no one else seemed to see the words and the faces or hear the whispers in their ears. The fires that burned before his eyes were seen only by him, and each night when he woke up in a cold sweat there was no one there to make him feel better, for no one else knew what it was they could save him from.

Not everyone felt this way, it seemed. Pimostra, for one, appeared content enough to have appeared at the border, to join like countless others had. That's a new word he had learned: Join. It meant someone was coming here and staying. He hadn't ever joined, hadn't ever stated he joined... but he was here, wasn't he? That meant he was subject to this place's rules.

"Hello. Help, or join?" still, his vocabulary was limited, and this was all he managed to sharply grit out as he approached her, unnervingly still gaze boring into her.

Re: acting almost worse than ever | joining - ★ HAZEL - 07-25-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Hazel wasn’t far behind Myliu; though frolicking behind her was her colt, Arion, finally getting that long-craved freedom. Golden optics swept over the massive feline, blinking in surprise. This was...certainly an interesting person if she’d ever seen one. No matter; this stranger seemed like a gentle giant. Hazel could practically see the anxiety pulsing in her aura.

Coming to a halt next to her clan mate, Hazel offered what she hoped was a reassuring smile to the newcomer. “Might we get your name as well?” She tacked on.

Re: acting almost worse than ever | joining - Suiteheart - 07-25-2018

Suiteheart wasn't sure what placed her in the Ascendants. Blistered and aching paws had crossed thousands of miles, and somehow, she ended up here. She liked to play it on fate. Fate had controlled her very move thus far, so who was to say it did not push her to the group of the stars?

"I'm Suiteheart," the white feline introduced as she came to a halt beside Myliu and Hazel. She offered the newcomer a lopsided grin. Pimostra was extremely large compared to the rest of those gathered, which was an interesting case. As someone who was a polar bear at one time, she could relate.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: acting almost worse than ever | joining - imperia - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]If asked, Imperia will say that it is the Maker who brought her to this place. She followed something that was a little more than a feeling, but not exactly a driving force either. It was like a string had been tied to her chest, and it gently tugged and tugged at her until her paws started moving in the right direction. She will also claim that her goddess is responsible for the prime conditions which allowed Imperia to escape her natal pack without any harm. But the girl does not offer up this sort of information to most people. It is not hard to gather that many people are not fond of believing in a higher power, much less the idea of devoting themselves to one. Religion is a tricky subject. Faith, as well. Peri prefers to keep her beliefs to herself so to avoid any unnecessary conflict in beliefs.

On this occasion, it is not divine intervention but restlessness which puts Imperia in the right place at the right time in order to spot a stranger on the border. The girl is the sort who wanders. Whether spurred on by duties or simply a case of wanderlust, the young female can often be spotted roaming the vast rolling plains of the Ascendants' territory. In her defense, it is hard to stay put when one lives in a place this beautiful. Is it so bad that all she wants is to enjoy the scenery and possibly meet some new folks in the process?

Curious, Imperia approaches silently behind Suiteheart. Luminous sterling steel eyes sweep over the unique appearance of the large feline, but her gaze lingers on something else. The unknown female's aura is...grey. She is anxious about something. Or stressed, perhaps? Peri still finds it strange that she can see the colors of people's emotions, but it is just another gift from the Maker. One she nearly drowned to receive and was severely concussed afterwards. A friendly smile dances upon the silver she-wolf's lovely visage. "Bonjour," greets the cleric in a pleasant voice. "My name is Imperia. Welcome to the Ascendants."

Re: acting almost worse than ever | joining - pallid-i - 07-26-2018

PIMOSTRA[/td][td][div style="width:270px; height:275px; overflow:hidden; margin-left:-130px;margin-top:12px;"][div style="width:287px; height:275px;text-align:justify; font-family:times new roman; font-size:13px; color:#FF5A6E; line-height:10px; overflow:auto;"]Candy red eyes look to the source of the voices, and she takes in each of the new faces. Four people showed up. That was nice. This could work out, if she wasn't a dumbass. She opened her maw but quickly closed it, unsure. She mentally willed herself to speak. This wasn't a time for cowardice.

"I'm Pimostra. Uh.. join. Yeah." God that came out super shady, but whatever. She was joining. She wasn't here to kill people, or steal children, or whatever. She was here to join and get back to work on her archives. Pim needed some place to set up a little station, after all. What better place than here? A group that was close to the stars? Space? A place where she once came from.
Template by Quill

Re: acting almost worse than ever | joining - Tex - 07-26-2018

tex as well, suddenly found herself appearing within a massive thunderbolt right in the middle of ascendants. the only differences about her appearance was that she was a lioness instead of a human now - not that bad she figured, better then being nothing but ash. it may never not intrigue her of what kind of inhuman power it was that brought not only her but several other freelancers to this peculiar world. she wanted to know more and everything about it; she just wasn't sure where to start yet.

seeing how there was a new face being confronted by other of her apparent clan members, the agent guessed she would join in the fray as well [her main motivation is so that she can possibly receive some more information about how this world operates and who may be "in charge" of it all] - she really wasn't planning on making acquaintances with too many people. she could only hope that one day soon, her questions will be answered. both heavy and soft pawsteps would be heard due to the upper half of her body still having it's armor on. even as an animal, her armor was still comfortable and nicely fit; surprising to say the least.  she would have thought since it was made for a humanoid body, it all would have been lost - guess whoever [or whatever] brought her here can be...considerate. when she made her appearance next, her oculars looked at the newcomer up and down, moving her head in the very similar motion. since she had her helmet on, it probably looked as if she was nodding. pimostra's response made the lioness extremely suspicious due to how shady it sounded, but she didn't plan on showing it. "welcome then, tex is the name." she'd respond nonchalantly. normally, people would refer to her as tex so that's what she went with instead of letting her full name be let out to the entire universe.
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Re: acting almost worse than ever | joining - pallid-i - 07-26-2018

PIMOSTRA[/td][td][div style="width:270px; height:275px; overflow:hidden; margin-left:-130px;margin-top:12px;"][div style="width:287px; height:275px;text-align:justify; font-family:times new roman; font-size:13px; color:#FF5A6E; line-height:10px; overflow:auto;"]She looked at Tex and then her armor, interested. She would have made a comment but she held her tongue. She should get to know the person first before she said anything, really. Didn't want to come off as a creep, now did she?
Template by Quill

Re: acting almost worse than ever | joining - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-26-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Freelancers. They were all part of one central group. They had once been close enough to even be considered the likes of a family with how long they had ended up working together. Washington himself had been the rookie when he had joined the project that had plenty of other soldiers already registered and ready to go. Being a rookie meant that he wasn't treated all with that much respect, but he was good enough to actually end up on the leaderboard. Which was a big deal when there were 49 other soldiers that he was going to have to compete again for the spot. He wasn't really competing like some of his comrades though, as he was just there to help better the lives of the human race during the time of the Great War. He knew that the humans were losing and that they needed another different strategy to keep themselves alive.

He thought after reading what the project was about that this was going to be his best bet and so he had applied to join the group. Signing his life away for the second time since when he joined the military for the first time right out of high school. Washington didn't know what he was really getting himself into, but his show of skill prevailed to the Director and showed him that he was more than capable. Sure, the entrance exam into the project nearly killed him but he was used to working under pressure and used to working while he was injured. He had no reason to really worry for his life because it just meant that he was going to have to push himself further to get the job done. He was able to grow and actually be himself instead of hiding the personality he had while he was in the UNSC military.

He was allowed to crack jokes with even the best of the Agents, specifically Carolina herself. Everything had been perfectly fine until Agent Texas had arrived on a day after a couple missions that they had gone on. No one knew where she came from, it just seemed like she came out of thin air. He had been impressed the first time he saw her, mistaking Texas for being a male until he was corrected by South. Texas was able to take on Wyoming, Maine, and even York. But it was also the same day that York lost an eye when they were going against her. Not that it was necessarily her fault as she had saved his life that day by locking his armor up. It was then that everyone started to be competitive, fighting for the approval of the man that started the project. Washington wasn't one of them. He was satisfied with his position and never really attempted to climb the rankings. A tension grew between the likes of Texas and Carolina to the point where they would almost willing to kill each other.

It was hard to watch as everyone that used to interact with one another in a family manner started to break apart as they now suddenly needed to prove themselves to one man. Then when the AI's came into being, it made the situation harder as everyone needed them for some reason. Washington had wished that he had never gotten his, as it had revealed the truth of what Texas actually was. No wonder she was so good at fighting in the first place. The Freelancer knew that even now if he got into a fight with the female he would most certainly lose despite him being slightly bigger than her. The armored smilodon hadn't been in the best of conditions recently. Dealing with his new hallucinations that came up on Tex's arrival, and he still had his broken leg. Not to mention that Carolina had died only for her to come back to life. Something that didn't exactly happen either. Washington was going through a lot, and he would be lying if he said that he was exhausted.

It was during the day that he went on his solo patrols checking to see if there were any Freelancers that would approach this outpost. Considering that Texas had arrived, it just meant that there were more that were going to follow. He had been avoiding the female, and he hadn't exactly kept track of her whereabouts. If she wanted to destroy the Ascendants, then that was up to her as he wouldn't be able to stop her. He blinked his hidden gaze as he heard voices and began to make his way over, only to see.... a large cat. One that looked like a simple domestic cat that was just incredibly large, almost as tall as he was. Well... he certainly wasn't expecting that, but he had seen weirder things here. Everything almost seemed to be supersized, and the majority of the animals that lived here were felines. The pain started in his head again, and he caught sight of Agent Texas out of the corner of his eye, and his body language seemed to immediately change.

His jaw clenched behind his dark grey armor as he came to stop a little bit of the distance from everyone else, especially Agent Texas. He was barely able to catch the cats name, but it was obvious that she wasn't one of them and therefore no extensive introductions were needed. "Agent Washington." Washington said in a tense tone, as if he was saying it through clenched teeth as if he was experiencing some sort of pain. His metal armor was almost identical to the model that Agent Texas was wearing, his was just slightly modified to fit his more muscular body and it was a different color. A yellow stripe running down the middle of his helmet and his shoulder pieces were also yellow. The fur that he did have being slightly darker than the rest of his armor, almost as if his fur was imitating the undersuit he used to wear as a human. One thing that few people knew, was that the rest of the Freelancers now were no longer friends, and probably never would be. They were torn apart, and they didn't know who to trust anymore. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: acting almost worse than ever | joining - pallid-i - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — She looked at the new face to arrive, and again.. armor. Weird armor. She had to hold her tongue once again. She had to be respectful. She couldn't just ask questions to people who didn't know her, it would just be rude. Though she did stand tall and look at Washington straight in the visor. "Agent? Interesting." She said before flashing a toothy smile. "Your armor is neat. Very uh.. High tech." Maybe a bit too high tech. If she didn't know any better, she would even think it was alien in origin. Did these people know of aliens? She would assume so, since they lived so close to the stars.. but there was always room to be proven wrong.