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far too many notes for my taste / open, meet and greet - Printable Version

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far too many notes for my taste / open, meet and greet - cherrypaw. - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]cherry had been here a while. or he hadn't. depends on what your definition of "a while", and that's a non-specific amount of time, so the arguments on semantics of this seemingly unassuming post could go on for hours on end. but that's not important-- time to meet people.

" hey, i'm new around here," cherry said, ever so slightly contradicting himself. " so, i'd like to get to know a few people. come over if you want, tell a fun fact, or something," he continued, mumbling just a few more words at progressively lower volumes until he eventually fell silent, a vacant, tired smile on his maw.

Re: far too many notes for my taste / open, meet and greet - SOCKING - 07-25-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
"name's stocking."

meet and greets are a fairly new business to the chaser. she's never been too keen on tossing around her name. she doubts it means anything to others. they'd probably forget, but if it'll somehow help her roguemates identify her in the long run, then she didn't see the harm in it.

"fun fact? i used to be an angel," stocking stalks forward on light paws. back leg still healing, she gingerly steps over, attempting not to put far too much weight onto it.

stocking knew full well that there would be creatures on this earth that didn't believe her-- but that was fine. she just was, and either people could take her word for it, or they wouldn't. it didn't matter anyways to her.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: far too many notes for my taste / open, meet and greet - Luciferr - 07-26-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

well two birds one stone so to speak - he hadn't officially met either of them after all - they had an awful lot of new faces lately, made him feel old again - not that even familiar faces didn't to be fair.

the nine foot canid padded up to the two with a wry tilt of the head "Fenrisulfr Grimm - and I'm not sure any of my facts are fun, maybe tragic" he seemed pensive "But I have been told I make a great heater - more for the cold weather" considering he exuded and kinda was a living furnace that much was true.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: far too many notes for my taste / open, meet and greet - delphinium - 07-26-2018

- Oh, this was truly unusual. Introducing oneself so openly - was this customary? Delphi supposed new members had to introduce themselves somehow, a procedure she had avoided doing. The majority of the kitsune's time in Tanglewood had been spent in Iota's greenhouse, helping the small feline nurse some of her plants back to health: she hadn't exactly carved out the opportunity to introduce herself to the other members of the community she now called herself apart of. Evergreen eyes wandered curiously across her settings, drawing in the sights of the town as well as the small congregation that was being drawn toward toward Cherrypaw's introduction. How odd it was to speak to no one, knowing someone would answer regardless. Her gaze slid over the familiar form of Stocking, hitching on Fenrisulfr momentarily before continuing to rest on Cherrypaw. Weird was the best word for this place, no softer synonyms fit as well.

"I'm Delphinium," the ashen kitsune introduced herself with a slight smile, instinctively bringing her wings in tightly at her side rather than letting them sit loosely alongside her. It gave her a much more proper appearance, she felt. Cleaner, more professional. A hidden part of Delphinium found it important to impress the members of Tanglewood, to win their approval being in their presence. "Or Delphi," she continued, the nickname warm on her tongue. She treasured it. "And a fun fact? I, uh..." She didn't have one. Not one she was comfortable sharing, at least, and otherwise Delphinium was rather boring. Stocking introduced herself as an angel - something Delphi didn't give much thought, unsure whether or not to find it true- while Fenrisulfr called himself a furnace. "I love stuffed animals, I used to have a whole collection." So bland in comparison to the others, so childish, but at least it was something.

Re: far too many notes for my taste / open, meet and greet - cherrypaw. - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]three people had arrived, which meant that cherry had three new people to greet. the feline greeted them one by one, taking in their information as he went down the line.

first was stocking, who claimed to be an angel. cool. cherry had no reason to doubt her statements, and despite never being the most religious, he was not one to strike down the possibility. how could he know? he didn't. " hello," the male replied, dipping his head in greeting.

the next to arrive was a veritable giant, especially to the cat who had been below average size for his entire life. fenrisulfr, he called himself. fenrisulfr grimm. not communicating the spelling of his name, cherry had an entirely incorrect spelling of fenrisulfur grim in his mind, and would likely think that until the end times.

the last of the bunch was delphi, who had perhaps the closest thing to a "fun fact" out of the three of them. cherry had never owned a stuffed animal, and didn't really remember ever even seeing one. he assumed that they were terrifying, because there is no such thing as being too safe.

cherry then decided to follow his own rules and give a fun fact of his own. " nice to meet all of you!" the pastel tom smiled. " for a fun fact about myself..." he thought for a few moments, disregarding the fact that no one asked. " i've died, uh," he had too pause, and made a clicking noises with his tongue, his eyes looking upwards in thought. "thir...? twelve times? eleven? at least around a dozen times. that's all i know."

Re: far too many notes for my taste / open, meet and greet - arrow - 07-26-2018

She'd seen this Cherry guy around a few times, never spoke two words to them though. Now was the time to fix that little problem, after all, what use was it to have a fellow rouge you didn't even know? At least at this point in time, she had no excuse now.

Striding over to the slowly growing gathering, Arrow let her gaze fall over everyone already placed before settling on Cherrypaw. Funny, his paws didn't look like cherries. Then again, she didn't look like her namesake either. Her whip like tail twitched a few times, a silent indicator of her intrigue in the mostly unfamiliar member of Tanglewood. "Arrow." Not an interesting name, nothing that slipped off the tongue elegantly like Delphinium, just....Arrow. Couldn't seem to find any interesting fact about herself either, which was not the best realization to have. "Shit, what's an fun fact...?" She frowned, wracking her brain for something. You could almost see the smoke coming out of her ears. "I like creepy things. Bugs and the like."

She shook her head, eyes widening at Cherry's own little fact. "Just don't stay down, huh?" That seemed wild, dying and not staying dead. She wondered, vaguely, what allowed such a phenomenon.
we should be lovers instead  ━

Re: far too many notes for my taste / open, meet and greet - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 07-27-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
They hadn’t seen the bear dog for a few days. Maybe something was going on with him. Or he was just being lazy and dozing around. Maybe his mind adjusting to new memories.
"Zimavich.” That was the name he went by. In his mind... Ivan and Zimavich weren’t the same creature anymore.
Just a dog with an old soul waiting to die.

"A fun fact.... I’m trying to remember knitting...” He admitted, ears peeking at Cherry’s mention of dying. "I think.... I have died more than that.” He believes, anyway. He was getting snippets of lives and dates and events that each passing day.
Maybe, he was ready to die someday. Maybe quickly and quietly.
© madi

Re: far too many notes for my taste / open, meet and greet - cherrypaw. - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px;"]" i don't," cherry mused as he turned to arrow. " it's a quality i take pride in," the pink tom said, putting on a false, self-satisfied grin.

the feline then turned to the bear dog, looking rather concerned. " that must've sucked," cherrypaw replied, rather bluntly. he couldn't say much else. if zimavich had really died a similar (or greater) amount of times than he had, the two had similar experiences, and sharing probably wouldn't do much in the end.

Re: far too many notes for my taste / open, meet and greet - calliope - 07-28-2018

It was no secret that Mira was bad with people. Unless she had felt particularly scared to go places, the serval had stuck to herself. Though, this led to her constantly blanking on nearly everyone's names, only making it even harder for her to come out of her own shell. For a bit, Mira had only sat a small distance away from the gathering group, listening in on their conversation. Did she have an interesting fact to share? Not really. She never really considered herself an interesting person, but still, she decided to join in anyways.

Slowly padding up to the group, Mira looked down towards her paws. "Hi. I'm Mira, and uh-" her voice trailed off as she continued to wonder about what she should even say. She really had nothing. "I collect lots of cleaning chemicals." If it weren't obvious by the chemical scent that had clung to her, or by the faded bits of fur that she obsessively cleaned, then it'd be clear now. "Uhm- it's not as interesting as dying- Sorry about that." The sorry was more directed as a "sorry you died" type of thing, though she wasn't sure if she got it across well enough.


Re: far too many notes for my taste / open, meet and greet - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-29-2018