Beasts of Beyond
I've been searching // open // for a trail to follow - Printable Version

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I've been searching // open // for a trail to follow - vellichor - 07-25-2018

[/td][td][div style="width: 1px; height: 60px; border-left: 1px solid gray; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: -5px; opacity: 0.5;"]
[/td][/tr][/table][div style="width: 330px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: microsoft sans serif; padding: 2px; margin-top: 15px;color:black;"]Compared to some other towns, Morgan Heights came out relatively well in the wake of the destruction of nearly the entire world. Most of the buildings continued to operate, the government had changed so it was better suited for their new environment but it had changed long before it had the opportunity to fail, and they leaved in relative safety. They lived in an area with fertile land so the loss of some imports wasn't anything but an inconvenience and the unfortunate situation that Eliora had come to really like mangoes in recent years but they didn't grow well anywhere near here. Then again, that still wasn't much of an issue for her. If she wanted some mangoes, she just grew them herself. They might not last very long but they didn't really need to. However, there were still some problems with the town but not all of them were related to recent events. There was one particular section that had fallen into disrepair long before the entire world seemed to shut down and Eliora had been debating what to do with it. Now that there were no real rules as to what the government could do and couldn't do with land, it was like a blank slate. At least it would be once she got someone to tear down the buildings. Or find a way to re-purpose them. She wasn't so sure yet.

There were two major ideas. One was an open air market. This would just involve knocking all of the big, ugly, old buildings down and starting over with a land. Maybe she'd grow a nice park to go in the center of it so they'd have natural shade and trees that looked centuries old, as though the buildings had never even been there. There wasn't really a use for many industrial shops now. Most of the clothes were gone by now and new clothing could only be bought from locals with the loss of imports and the loss of factory produced goods. Eliora didn't mind but, then again, she'd never bought very many pieces that were factory made. Over the many years she'd lived, she'd grown used to tailoring most of her own clothes and even when factories became the preferred method, she often would rather put her money into the locals that she adored so much. She'd worked as a seamstress for quite some time for a few years during her life. It'd been a short time but she'd genuinely enjoyed the work, although it got hard to get anyone to come in when factory clothes were so much cheaper. So, after that experience she had a great respect for anyone that picked up the trade when they were no longer necessary. But now they were necessary again so she supposed that sort of thinking didn't really matter.

The second idea was an indoor mall with a garden inside. That was essentially what the gigantic building was always intended to be anyway but the only problem was that no one manufactured enough goods to justify having this large of a building. If they were to keep all of them, they'd need some other purpose for it. Besides, the buildings weren't particularly close to the center of town and she wasn't so sure it was a good idea to constantly have resources just sitting so close to the edge of town. They'd never had problems with invaders or scavengers or animals coming too close to them but that wasn't to say they'd never have problems in the future. Whereas if it was an open market, everyone would be able to pack up their goods and take them home if they wanted it. It wouldn't all be stuck in the same place. Maybe she could find a way to make an open market with some sort of covering so it'd be able to remain open even in bad weather.

The woman sat on a bench just in front of the buildings, holding a sketch pad in her hands and looking between two pages, each with a picture of her separate ideas and the pros and cons listed of each. Maybe she would hold a town forum or a vote or something about it. Maybe someone would even have a better idea. She just didn't want to leave all this space unused when they could be utilizing it. Besides, she knew they needed a new hub for shopping and finding necessities. Most of the department stores had closed down and there wasn't an easy place to access local farmers or butchers or tailors and everyone still needed food and clothing.

Re: I've been searching // open // for a trail to follow - Quill - 07-26-2018

Okay, it was no secret: Alianna doted on her mother. Whenever the girl had nothing to do (which was a few moments of most days), or rather, she didn't want to do anything at the present moment, she usually went seeking her mother. Of course, Eliora was usually busy doing things for Morgan Heights, but Annie liked to think- no, she knew- that being together with her mother made them both happy. Skipping cheerfully through the grounds of Morgan Heights, her blue sundress swaying with her little hops, it wasn't long before she saw her mother's beautiful figure sitting nearby in the courtyard.

Annie liked to attribute her mother to a summer's day. The warmth of the sunlight, the brightness of the sun, yet all the sweetness of the summer flowers and birds. Of course, her mother wasn't all that delicate and bolstered the sweltering heat and seriousness of the summer itself, but it was her mother. Her mother, in her mind, was perfect. After all, why shouldn't she be? She recognized the familiar dressing choice of her mother and the familiarity of her hair and the way in which she held herself, turning her path quickly to step up behind the bench that Eliora had settled herself at.

With little warning, Annie reached out to drape her arms around her mother, pressing her left cheek to her mother's own as she hugged her from behind. "Hi mama! What are you doing?" she would chime suddenly as her gaze traveled down to the two drawings that her mother was seemingly mulling over, her gaze flickering from the paper to the courtyard and buildings in front of them as the similarity became apparent. "Going to build something?" she continued, looking at the papers a moment longer before she stretched out a hand to tap the first one- the open air concept- with her fingertips, "I like that one."

//oof this is bad sorry
