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miss me motherfuckers? -- return - Printable Version

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miss me motherfuckers? -- return - guts - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]//this is retro to his capture in the meta thread ofc i just wanna Post w/ my boy again

Church hadn't been around nearly as much anymore, though he wasn't around a lot to begin with. He was always doing something, since he was always being worked with patrols and gathering whatever they needed to work on their way back. At this point, he was doubtful that they would ever return, as sad as it was. Besides, he would be reluctant to with Caboose gone. He didn't want to leave him behind, even if he was an annoying idiot--and even if he didn't care about being a dog. Seriously, who wouldn't want to go back to being a human?

Speaking of the retriever, his disappearance had taken somewhat of a toll on him. He didn't like the other male, no, but he felt like he had lost what little sense of familiarity he had. Besides Tex, he was the only person he was familiar with. He didn't want to be alone around these backstabbing Freelancers and weird animals with powers. He was pretty much in a new world without anyone to confide in, he couldn't even really trust his own girlfriend after what she did.

The border collie stepped out of his room in the Observatory, peering about with glassy eyes. Exhaustion hangs off his body like a blanket, slowing his steps as he walks down the corridor, maw opening in a long yawn. He hadn't been sleeping well still, what little sleep he got usually being plagued by nightmares and flashes of things he couldn't understand. Nevertheless, he doubted he would be doing any good by sitting in bed.

He came to stand out in the middle of the building, sitting back on his haunches and glancing around. He wondered how much he had missed. "Hey, anyone around?" he calls out to anyone who's listening, his helmet rattling as he shifts himself.


Re: miss me motherfuckers? -- return - Suiteheart - 07-25-2018

The white feline was no stranger to losing friends - and not just in the form of death. Suiteheart had experienced friends and family members walking out into the territory one day and never returning. Time after time she had been left to deal with harboring the disappearances of those she loved and cared for. It hurt. It still hurt. It would always hurt.

Soft baby blue eyes fell onto the form of Church, and she wondered how he was holding up with Caboose's disappearance. The two of them had been friends (even if they didn't act like it publicly). They had both came from the same plane of existence; the both of them were somehow bound together. To lose someone like that... It had to hurt.

"Hey, Church," the fae called, moving forward with a smile in tow. His tone hinted at the weariness that painted his hidden expression, and concern flickered to life in her eyes. "How're you feeling, dude?"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: miss me motherfuckers? -- return - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-26-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Familiarity was the only thing that remotely kept him sane. That was because he didn't want to be in this crazed world and feel like he was the only one that slowly felt like he was actually going insane in the first place. Washington didn't want to be the one guy that was marked insane because his mind couldn't exactly grasp what was even going on. So, when Carolina died he wasn't exactly sure what to do. With the mention of Texas coming in, Washington wasn't sure what he would be capable of doing. If the lion got out of hand, there would be no way he would be able to manage to control her. That would be impossible. The Freelancer knew that he would be in trouble since Carolina was only a serval right now. Although, Church did seem to have some form of connection with the female, and maybe he could use that to his advantage.

Washington had of course taken note of the disappearance of the other and wasn't sure what to think of it. He knew that he was tough on the guy but he had to be if they wanted to get out of here quicker, instead of spending years in a place like this. The former human knew that losing Caboose meant that the other was going to be surrounded by Freelancers that were probably just going to order him around. It was a tough decision to deal with and Washington was just glad that the other hadn't gone off on his own trying to find the retriever. Washington hadn't had the time exactly to go out and find the other simulation trooper, as there was far too much that was even going on. Which probably wasn't an excuse, but considering that he had buried Carolina when she died, it just meant that he was dealing with his hallucinations again. The appearance of Texas meant that his mental health had plummetted to an all-time low.

Everything that he had worked with to try and get himself better was made to zero, and he had lost all of the progress that he had made. They weren't closer to becoming human, they were closer to being stuck in the damned bodies that they were in. Washington needed technology for his next project, which was to get the radio inside of his helmet to work. The armored smilodon constantly hid the emotions that were going through his body, but damn was he tired. He wanted so badly to just finally get some sleep, and he knew if he did it would just be memories of Allison that he could see over and over again. He still didn't know which memories were his and which memories were not. The armored smilodon had arrived at the observatory to eat some lunch before going on his daily patrols that he went on.

As always making sure that he always went on his patrols alone. As soon as he entered the building his head seemed to be looking at the ground as he was on autopilot. He tilted his head to the side until he heard his neck pop as there was a constant headache that plagued his mind. He couldn't get the damn thing to go away. If only there were some actual human medications that he could take that would be more powerful than the plants that he had been forced to eat. He refused to talks to the likes of a medic either. He didn't trust them, even if Imperia was a medic. He didn't have all that much level of trust when it came to others that were for damn sure. He blinked his gaze though when he heard familiar voices. The Freelancer raised his head and stopped where he was walking, his armor rattling as he did so. seeing the familiar helmet and body of the border collie.

Oh. It was Church. Where had he been? Washington didn't believe it was his job to try and make the other comfortable around him. He wasn't his responsibility as the other was an adult and capable of taking care of himself. He flicked one of his ears in his helmet as he watched Suiteheart also approach the simulation trooper, the domestic cat asking him how he felt. Washington wouldn't bother to do something like that though and would make his way over. He stopped at the usual distance he did when it came to talking to others. "Where have you been?" His voice wasn't scolding, instead, it was calm. The implantation scar on the back of his neck usually started to express phantom pains while he was around Church, causing him to raise his left arm and scratch the area that was slightly hidden by the back of his helmet. The former human would sit himself down, any expression that he was wearing on his face completely hidden by his helmet. If anything, the tone that he used sounded more quizzical. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: miss me motherfuckers? -- return - pallid-i - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — Being an animal had its perks, but Pim greatly missed walking on two legs.. Or well, when she got tired of drifting around. She had never been a human before, but that didn't make her an animal either. Rather, she had been an alien. A mineral alien hailing from space, in fact. Though that was just her little secret for now. People didn't need to know of what exactly she was. Not yet, anyways.

The three foot domestic feline made her way over and she looked down at Church. "Hello there! I'm Pimostra." She would have asked her name, if not for the fact that she overheard Suiteheart saying his name. Church. What a simple name. Kind of like hers! "I'm new here, but I'm guessing you're an old face since the other two seem to know you." Hopefully she was correct in her assumption. She didn't want to come off as dumb or something.

Re: miss me motherfuckers? -- return - BASTILLEPAW - 07-26-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille wondered sometimes if any of these humans would ever return to their lives. He doubted it, frankly. Maes hadn’t made it back when he tried, and Bastille would bet that the rest of them wouldn’t, either. Maybe fate wanted them to complete something here, maybe there was a point of it all, but whatever was going on, Bast would bet it took a while. Longer than they were interested in, likely.

It was none of his business, though. And he didn’t care. He liked Church just fine, Wash he fluctuated on, Tex was chill, and he thought Car might be alright underneath all that stubbornness. Caboose had been... interesting. Bast was content if they stayed here forever, but he wasn’t attached enough to be too broken up about it if they made it home. It was all just... information to him.

[b]”Yo,” he greeted Church, glancing to Wash and the girl he didn’t recognize whilst ignoring Suiteheart entirely. He offered the soldier a nod and added lazily, ”And here I thought you might have finally escaped that one.” He shot an amused glance in Wash’s direction.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: miss me motherfuckers? -- return - HEARTEYES - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:verdana"]Like Pimostra, Hearteyes is a new member in The Ascendants. She's seeing a lot of new faces around, but this one seems to be familiar to her clanmates. The molly was sunning herself by a window when Church appeared, eyes staying firmly shut until he spoke. Hey, a voice she didn't recognize! That meant she had to get out of the sun and into her friend-making zone.

She hops down from the windowsill and makes her way to the group, offering a smile to the others before she turns her attention to Church. "Hey there! I'm Hearteyes, and I'm new here too! Your name is Church, huh? Are you religious? Did your mom give you that name? Your helmet is really cool." Simply saying her name and then being quiet the rest of the time would have been boring; asking questions and a few compliments was sure to get her more friends. The albino sits down beside her clanmates, flashing the canine a smile, pink eyes glued to the top of his helmet. That sure was an interesting fashion choice.

Re: miss me motherfuckers? -- return - Roy Mustang - 07-27-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Roy didn't know know Church that well. Roy definitely had a conversation with the guy before, but that didn't mean Roy was suddenly Church's buddy. Roy didn't come to trust people very easily here in the Ascendants- generally if people want to become Roy's friend, they have to work for it, prove to him that they can be trusted. So far, quite a few people have gained Roy's trust, which was surprising(considering Roy didn't like anyone when he first joined). One thing that he and Church had in common was that they were both former humans. Roy wished there was a way to go back home, but in the end of it all- it was impossible for Roy(and Riza). They're dead back in Amestris- back there, the dead can't come back to life. It's been proven different here, but it is impossible there.

Maybe Church and his friends will find better luck than Roy and Riza. Maybe one day they will return to their human lives.

Roy was the next one to pad in, making his way over shortly after Hearteyes. Roy hasn't seen Church around in the past few days- while Roy didn't know him that much, he still wondered where the canine wandered off to. It seemed like he found his way back to the Ascendants, he'd probably be more comfortable with people he knows. Like Washington, Carolina, etc. Blue eyes blinking slowly, the bobcat's gaze locked on Church, unable to see the male's eyes through the helmet of his. "Where did you run off to?" The Flame Alchemist questioned, as his ears drew back to his skull.

Re: miss me motherfuckers? -- return - guts - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]He was glad to see a friendly face approach first. He didn't know Suite that well, but he still liked her, mostly because of that motherly aura she had about her. It was comforting. As she asks how he's doing, he blinks, slightly caught off guard by the question. He knew he probably looked like shit, but he had still been hoping it wouldn't be that obvious. Or maybe it was all the time he had spent isolating himself. "Hey. Uh, yeah, I'm..I'm good," he says, only being half-truthful. He was feeling better somewhat, yet he had a ways to go before he felt like himself again.

His expression grows slightly sour at Washington's approach, though he doesn't seem nearly as hostile as usual, resigning himself to his fate with these Freelancers. It could have been worse, he could have been completely alone--or maybe he would have preferred that. "Places," is all he says in response to his question. Really, the only place he had been to was his bedroom, and some random other places in his search for Caboose. Of course, he had given up on looking, deciding that wherever he was, he was probably alright. Hopefully. The least he could hope for was that whoever found him pitied him too much to kill him.

Church had somewhat expected there to be some new faces, considering how many joiners they apparently got on a daily basis. It was kind of refreshing, really. As Pimostra and Hearteyes came over, he nodded at the first female's assumption, then turned to the other. Her questions were weird, but it was to be expected of someone who didn't know him. Maybe. "Well, uh, my full name's Leonard Church--but I just go by Church. But thanks," with that, Roy comes over, asking the same question Washington had. So he shrugs and repeats what he had said earlier. "Like I said, I've been places,"