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THE YAWNING GRAVE / o, joining - Printable Version

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THE YAWNING GRAVE / o, joining - bubblegum - 07-25-2018

[Image: snappin_woof_f2u_by_babezord-dajc8hl.gif]
natriumguard (nathan "nate" milia) — male — tanglewood
well, this was not what he had in mind when planning out today.

but, things didn't always go as planned. he tried to make sure they did, however he was no psychic nor was he a god by any means. he can attempt to control fate but he could only do so much. things change, after all. he cannot possibly predict every single outcome. and, things had certainly changed today. finding alternate versions of him not far away is not a regular occurrence and he wished to investigate. he hopes his other version hasn't fucked up shit too much.

the wolf's research, even after everything, was more important to him than anything else. well, everything besides survival, perhaps. he had learned of the groups from word of others and he personally felt an interest towards tanglewood. its reserved, slightly chaotic nature felt suitable to him, as much as roy would attempt to protest. bo didn't seem to pay much mind to the idea, though. it didn't matter either way. he was the host - not them, even if their memories and thoughts were now attached to him.

nate thought it wise to go by a different alias now. he did not want anyone to mistake him for any other potential versions of himself. besides, roy seemed to enjoy the idea of getting one of those tribal names. so, he picked one out for himself. simple enough. now all that was left was to join. roy liked being in groups, but bo and himself preferred isolation. perhaps roy would excel here.

the male stepped upon the border of the marsh, scanning the territory silently. there would be much to explore. he already was aware of some of the dangers that lurked within it and was curious about them. he personally liked that it was such an unwelcoming territory. he didn't desire others to easily access his own shit either. despite this, he didn't really like swamps. it was fine though. he'd get over it.

he'd clear his throat, hoping someone would arrive soon. he wished to get to the point. "greetings," nate called, his deep voice blank as he did. his expression was neutral as he looked upon the territory. "my name is natriumguard and i've come to join." hopefully this would be worth it.

Re: THE YAWNING GRAVE / o, joining - SOCKING - 07-25-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
natrium's deep, cadenced rumble is what first alert's stocking to his presence.

she shouldn't be out here, wandering alone in the dangerous marsh, where gators lurk and bare their sharp, jagged teeth. there are other dangers here, too. suffocating muck. mutated creatures and plants. but stocking would rather die than avoid doing what she wants to do for fear of being weak. she likes to think she can handle herself.

she needs food for plip anways. he is a hungry, demanding thing. ravenous in his weight. she supposed it's not so strange for him to crave so much food. he is large, after all. maybe even growing.

so in lieu of finding food for plip, she finds a wolf as well.

a joiner, at that. he's straightforward with his arrival and he knows what he wants. perhaps it's a good thing she's found him across the border.

stocking's approach is made known by the none too quiet squish of paws against moist ground. she's not trying to hide her presence anyways. owlish, cyan eyes blink appreciatively at natrium.

"welcome to tanglewood. i'm stocking. do you need someone to lead you to camp?"
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: THE YAWNING GRAVE / o, joining - delphinium - 07-26-2018

- The marshes were certainly a new sight to Delphinium. The girl had experienced many things in her short lifetime, from creatures hailed as Gods to their clones, the sensation of countless needles under her skin, wind beneath her wings: but the outside world had so much to offer her that she had never seen before. The dampness of the bog beneath her paws, while disgusting to trek through when she strayed off the paths, was also exciting to walk through. Her view had been limited for so long with only books to rely on for knowledge of lied beyond the walls surrounding her, and now that Delphi had a chance to explore it on her own, she was taking full advantage of it. Traveling without Iota at her side almost held the kitsune back, but Delphinium had to trust that her companion was safe. She had to trust her new home as they trusted her with their Nurse. It was odd to try to familiarize herself with such a large area. This was not the meandering halls of the laboratory nor was this like the walled garden. This was expansive.

The sound of two unfamiliar voices were what drew the kitsune over, eight tails curling around each other as she slipped between the foliage to approach them. She had heard of this ritual. "Joining" Tanglewood. Delphinium had been blessed by having to skip this ceremony, following Iota to the heart of their territory. Olive eyes flicked curiously between the large lupine and the small feline, slowly coming to stand alongside Stocking as her ears flicked back. What unusual names. Stocking was simple enough, although odd, but Natriumguard was truly unusual. "Welcome to Tanglewood," Delphinium parroted the other Tangler, casting a quick glance toward Stocking before flashing a bright smile toward Nate. Was that really all there was to joining? What had she been so intimidated by, at first? "My name is Delphinium. You said your name was, ah, Natrium...guard?" She spoke slowly, careful in her attempt to pronounce his name correctly.

Re: THE YAWNING GRAVE / o, joining - DELILAH. - 07-26-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Delilah didn't have much.. Courage when it came to newcomers who looked like they could eat her in one bite. She was small, fragile. Such a feminine charm, though. Not that it really mattered in war. The pastel pink feline made her way over to the group, deep magenta irises watching with curiosity as the other two females approached the hulking canine. Delilah was surprised, surprised that the two girls would even go up to this.. Being.

Cherry blossoms seemed to fly from her pelt, her more aesthetically pleasing power showing in times like these. She liked to be greeted kindly, to be smiled at, despite her own empty expression.
"My name is Delilah, it's.. A pleasure to meet you." Spoke the elegant, almost divine voice, poised and practiced. She was practiced in the art of language, but she couldn't really remember why. Why was she so.. She couldn't think of the word, but she'd find it later.

The pastel feline dipped her head to the male in greeting after she introduced herself, moving over to seat herself beside Delphinium, tilting her head slightly as she listened in to the conversation the group had with each other.

Re: THE YAWNING GRAVE / o, joining - bubblegum - 07-26-2018

[Image: snappin_woof_f2u_by_babezord-dajc8hl.gif]
natriumguard (nathan "nate" milia) — male — tanglewood
the sound of squishing paw steps would cause the male to turn his attention towards an apparently injured feline. he felt a sudden rise from roy, the male's herbal knowledge and doctoral habits trying to overtake nate's own decision-making. but, he did not know the female nor did he know this territory and she appeared to be holding her own just fine. roy's desire to help and heal would not be anything more than suggestions, and he saw no reason to take them right now. surely the group had their own pair of healers anyway.

her own response was to the point as well, which he would appreciate. he saw no need to make small talk with all of the dangers lurking around. he hated small talk, anyway. her offer to show him to camp would cause his ears to perk upward, a bit of a pensive look entering his features. "hmm," he'd let out quietly at first. sure, why the hell not. it'd be faster this way. "a pleasure. and, yes, i would appreciate that - if it's not too much trouble." he responded, though the wording was much more to roy's suggestions already. he knew better to be rude, so he saw no reason to deny roy's manners.

the next to arrive was a kitsune, seemingly smaller than average. he twitched his ears at her welcome and then introduction, nodding slightly. "thank you," he'd say at first. perhaps it was a little irresponsible of him to pick out a name ending with "guard", seeing as he mainly chose it for royalguard. he did not like to admit that he held some sort of fond feeling towards the male - that was bo getting to him. nonetheless, her pronounciation was correct. "indeed, natriumguard. i also go by natrium or nate, if you desire to call me that."

and, finally, another feline with blossoms flying from her pelt. interesting. her name was as delicate as she seemed and he would nod, letting a small smile enter his features. he figured he should be a bit friendlier if he was going to be living with these folks. "it's a delight to meet you all, i appreciate your welcomes." nate would say politely, looking to all of them now. the small smile he allowed slowly dropped back into a blank expression once he finished.

Re: THE YAWNING GRAVE / o, joining - SOCKING - 07-27-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
a few unfamiliar faces were there there to aid in the welcoming of the newcomer. she did not know them, but they offered their names, and stocking quickly stored the knowledge away for later.

at the confirmation of her offer, stocking was quick to turn away, flicking a slim tail in a gesture. "this way," she didn't want to seem too brisk or impatient, so she began to pick herself at a reasonable pace through the thick foliage. mud sucked at her heels, and prior to this meeting, stocking has swept back her long hair into an elegant bun. she'd rather not get her mane dirty. stocking had worked so hard to keep it neat and tidy.

"i'm not sure if you know this already, but when navigating through the swamp, be careful. there's all sorts of creatures here, mutated too. the plants can be dangerous as well," all in all, this place was a death trap, and it was only a wonder she had managed to survive this long without getting snapped up in the jaws of a crocodile yet.

to be honest, it was dangerous. but it was her type of place.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: THE YAWNING GRAVE / o, joining - aya - 07-27-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]As if to prove Stocking's point, from the swamp came Aya, the little tortoiseshell slick with mud. The only way you could tell she was a cat at all were the bright yellow eyes and dark angular ears. "Oh, hey!" She greeted Natrium, tail twitching as it trailed behind her. "Are you a new joiner? I'm Aya, nice to meet you!" She hopped out of the main swamp, flicking mud everywhere behind her paws, and added before scaling a tree, "Welcome to Tanglewood!" She'd save species questions for when she wasn't covered head to toe in mud and swamp.

Re: THE YAWNING GRAVE / o, joining - bubblegum - 07-28-2018

[Image: snappin_woof_f2u_by_babezord-dajc8hl.gif]
natriumguard (nathan "nate" milia) — male — tanglewood
the male would quickly follow as stocking began to move, his head held highly. he scanned their surroundings, trying to take in as much of the territory as he could as they would pass through it. the territory would certainly be interesting to explore later, despite the messiness of it. yes, he would have plenty to do here, and he was actually eager to start as he began to get more glimpses into it. it was not often the male felt excitement. perhaps that was bo and roy getting to him. he didn't exactly mind it, either way.

as the female began to speak up again, he'd turn his attention back to her politely. ah, she was informing him of the dangers. he nodded. "yes, thank you. i'd heard word of them before i came, though i believe it seems more interesting this way." nate would reply simply, allowing a bit of a contented tone to enter his speech. dangerous research was more fun in his experience...minus roy and bo's existence. that was a mistake. but, he knew better now.

the wolf turned his gaze as another approached, twitching his nose as he noticed how much mud she had all over her. gross. nonetheless, he would offer a quick, small smile - she seemed friendly enough. he ought to be friendly back. "yes, hello. it is a pleasure to meet you too. i'm natriumguard. thank you." he responded, sort of quickly.

Re: THE YAWNING GRAVE / o, joining - Luciferr - 07-29-2018

Smewhat exasperately came Fen, the massive beast following on Aya's heels at a steady sedate pace and a resting face which screamed 'I am so done' to the world - curiously he seemed void of the scent or muck of the swamp they all dwelled in, instead the scent of cinders followed the firey canid.

just so really, any muck that got on him usually ended up being burnt away anyway - War Inclined his head to Natrium, ah, another canine to balance the felines - though he wasn't sure he counted considering he looked like a distinct cross between what would happen if a wolf grew too big and started half turning into a dragon.

"Fenrisulfr Grimm, Fenris or Fen is fine however - welcome to tanglewood, i'm sure everyone else has already warned you about the dangers navigating the way home?"
