Beasts of Beyond
but your soul you must keep /-/ open, intro \-\ totally free - Printable Version

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but your soul you must keep /-/ open, intro \-\ totally free - deimos - 07-25-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: palatino; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]VIVIAN
Vivian had realized, not too long ago, that the world didn't want to go her way. She had spent her life traveling about, learning medicines and working with witchcraft. Her fingers had long since been dyed back by the salves she made, and in a way, Vivian only found those to appear like talons. When she was a young child, a harpy eagle had taken her doll and flown off. She had tracked down the harpy eagle, not too long after, slaying it and taking her doll back. Vivian didn't let things be taken from her, she realized shortly. That day, she had stolen one of the harpy eagle's children and disappeared from her hometown.

As she stood on her porch, her fingers extended, the metal claws she wore glimmering dully in the sun as her crow's talons wrapped about her hand, her head of black hair tilting as she watched the white winged crow watch the world about them. Her eyes glanced past the crow, to the outside world, her harpy eagle settled on the railing about the porch. She thought about it a moment, before lowering her hand down, settling the crow on the railing as well. She gathered her skirt, moving back towards where incense was burning gently on her porch.

Vivian sat, making neat notes in a notebook. Her writing utensil was not that of a pen, but rather a feather quill, dipped in dark blackberry juice- thickened, almost, to write with. Her hand writing was quick, yet neat, her eyes flickering towards the birds that rested on the porch time to time. When she wasn't looking, of course, the two of them would peck at each other, as if competing. Her fingers tapped on the quill, before she shook her head and quickly continued to write. Nay, taking care of two birds at once was not easy, she decided.

Eventually, Vivan leaned back in her char, eyes resting on the sky. She hadn't taken the trial yet, she had realized, after thinking a moment how she had come to rest in this city- this small town, hidden almost in the middle of nowhere. Vivian nodded to herself, deciding that would be what she did soon.

Re: but your soul you must keep /-/ open, intro \-\ totally free - vellichor - 07-26-2018

[/td][td][div style="width: 1px; height: 60px; border-left: 1px solid gray; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: -5px; opacity: 0.5;"]
[/td][/tr][/table][div style="width: 330px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: microsoft sans serif; padding: 2px; margin-top: 15px;color:black;"]Eliora had a connection with nature that she knew many others simply couldn't experience. She was a part of it. Her people were born among the trees, relying on animals and nature for everything they had. They manipulated it but they had to have an understanding of it. While many would look upon her abilities and simply see it as her telling the Earth to do her bidding, it was more like a negotiation. She tried not to do anything to upset it too much. She wasn't sure if it was a necessary precaution but it was one ingrained in her by her upbringing and by her very nature. It wasn't as though the trees and animals had a real voice but she swore she could hear whispers of them in her mind. They didn't communicate with words but with emotions. They did not mourn for the natural order of things, where death was sometimes necessary, but only for the unnatural. Things that were never intended to happen, that the Earth had not foreseen. Prey killed for the nourishment of a predator, for example, may be in distress but the Earth did not mourn it's passing because it had gone for a purpose. It even tolerated humans to some respect. There were towns like Morgan Heights, who had been built slowly over many years. Humans and human-like creatures were also a part of the ecosystem after all, and they did have needs.

However, there were plenty of cities and towns that held little respect to the natural life around it as it grew. Morgan Heights had always carefully tended the woods that surrounded it, even as they moved into a more industrial time period. The made sure to use all the land they had first before clearing a new section of the forest. Eliora had the pleasure of seeing the little town grow throughout the years and they had, for the most part, done it as responsibly as possible. However, she knew there were other places without this regard to the natural life around it, the life that gave them all they had. She didn't understand it but she had grown to appreciate other people that had an affinity for natural life, whether it be plants or animals. She understood not everyone felt the Earth in their bones as she did, that they may not feel every ache and pain and joy and sorrow, but there were many that took care of it anyway.

When she was young, she didn't understand how anyone could not feel what she felt. She didn't understand that humans didn't have the luxury of drawing their strength from the environment around them, and that neither did many other species. Now that she had lived among them for so long, though, she found herself disagreeing with her family. It wasn't that humans didn't feel the consequences of their actions, but it was whether they chose to care about those consequences. Sometimes the Earth could take very much before complaining to it's caretakers, and sometimes they did not mind pushing it right to the edge. They could look around and see the damage they caused but some chose not to care until they knew it'd affect them. She'd seen it happen over countless generations and she knew that some immortal beings were the same way. While they may not feel the physical pain she had, she didn't understand how they could be unbothered by the destruction of life.

Eliora had taken a liking to Vivian. It was likely because the woman had birds who seemed relatively happy with her care. She could tell that she cared for them. Eliora held a great deal of respect for people who chose to have animal companions and look after them.  There were plenty that tried to have them when the other was unwilling or never paid them enough attention or simply didn't take care of them. She could tell Vivian wasn't like that and she appreciated that fact about the woman. She'd been out on a walk when she noticed the woman sitting out on her porch. The peony smiled and raised her hand as to wave before making her way up closer to the porch. "Hello Vivian. How're you doing?" she asked with a polite smile before looking towards the birds. "Your birds seem to be in a good mood. What'd you say their names were again?" she asked, letting a soft chuckle escape her during the first sentence. 

Re: but your soul you must keep /-/ open, intro \-\ totally free - deimos - 07-27-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; font-family: palatino; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]VIVIAN
On the subject of nature, Vivian was very attuned to it- but not like Eliora. She cared for the animals, and used the plants and natural rock formations for her magics. The animals had taken to her naturally, listening to her and acting as if she was one of her own. Her metal claws tapped at the table as she thought of that briefly, writing again. Her eyes flickered upwards as Eliora approached, and she rose. The crow hopped to her shoulder, crying out as it's wings fluttered. She came to stand upon the top stair.

"I'm quite alright, Eliora, and yourself?" As she spoke, her elegance read quite clear. Vivian held herself in high standing- but not in a snobbish kind of way. She treated being able to fit in naturally with the animals as a gift given by mother nature, and she didn't want to waste it. Her eyes shifted to her hawk as Eliora spoke of them, before looking back over gently. "I didn't. I do not name these birds, as they are wild animals and choose to remain by my side, not me keeping them here."

She stepped down the porch, lifting her arm. The white winged crow hopped to her arm. Sure, they weren't held there by force, yet it seemed both birds enjoyed Vivian's presence. "But if I had to choose.. this one would be named after the greek messenger, Hermes." Her eyes shifted to the white harpy eagle. "And he, would be Ares." Yes, she was clearly aware of their separate pantheons, but she didn't seem to mind.

Re: but your soul you must keep /-/ open, intro \-\ totally free - vellichor - 08-01-2018

[/td][td][div style="width: 1px; height: 60px; border-left: 1px solid gray; margin-left: 20px; margin-top: -5px; opacity: 0.5;"]
[/td][/tr][/table][div style="width: 330px; height: auto; text-align: justify; font-family: microsoft sans serif; padding: 2px; margin-top: 15px;color:black;"]"Oh, I'm well. I'm thankful the weather's nice today, I'm supposed to go out to survey some old buildings and I don't have much of an interest in standing out in the rain all day," she answered with a smile. When the woman spoke of the birds, she nodded as she looked towards them. "Well, they must think you're a very good friend to stick around this long. Most birds tend to be so fickle with their affections. When I was a child, I wanted nothing more than to help look after the birds near our home. They were a lot like these ones, I think. They'd come around often enough and plenty of people from the area took care of them but they never seemed to like me very much. My mother was so good with them, though. I eventually gave up on that when I was a little older, though, and just got a dog." She'd initially gotten a dog because Alexander hated her birds. She looked after them and a creature such as them wouldn't ever hurt her, though they didn't have a particularly special bond.

They seemed to despise her husband, though, and once they passed she got a dog that was meant for the two of them to share. In those days, the dog was really little more than a domesticated wolf but the point still stood. Since then, she'd always had one around to keep her company. Their lives were even shore than a human's but maybe that made them even more special. Part of that had been due to her lost memory for many years, where she was forcing herself to keep nearly every detail of her existence the same after her husband passed and her child was stolen from her. Her son returned eventually, though, and all was well these days. She'd spent many years alone before that point, though, and she had no doubt that she'd still be stuck in her state of melancholy and ignorance if it weren't for him coming to find her. It frightened her toknow that one day she would lose all the humans she currently lived with, including her daughter. She was afraid that she'd regress to her days of depression and forgotten moments. She told herself she wouldn't, that she would be strong enough to face when tragedy struck. Besides, Alexander's death and Ivy's disappearance had been very sudden and unexpected. As Alianna grew older, it was only natural that she would one day pass away in her later years. She could prepare for that. She just wasn't sure that she'd be able to bear another tragedy.