Beasts of Beyond
I NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET [o, INJURED] - Printable Version

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I NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET [o, INJURED] - Dimitri - 07-25-2018

Oh, she was angry. Dimitri didn't even know what had happened yet- and even more, the host didn't want to know. Dimitri didn't want to be responsible.
Delta was in their tiger body, most of the blood coming from her hindquarters- a massive bite from some large reptile. Her mouth was slightly burned but smelled of blood. Someone else's blood. There was the smell of Typhoon, Snowbound, and more notably, Dimitri. Dimitri was in there somewhere.
The tiger growled and snarled, coming over the border and promptly collapsing on the snow. Delta growled as the snow turned red under her, stinging her wounds and growling roughly.
They called her a coward. She wasn't a coward. She wanted a duel- honor among men. Fight the one that wronged Atbash. Instead she got some giant fucking reptile biting her hindquarters, electricity coming at her, claws in her- overwhelmed.
"Dishonor....." The word was said with deadly hiss and she scraped her claws through the snow, snarling and feeling blood seep out of her body. That thing went for the kill, twice... She hissed again, thinking of the large lizard and thinking about how it was a perfect killing machine. Delta never had a chance. "Dishonor..... she hissed again, licking her burnt mouth and twisting around, licking the scratches on her back.
They just wanted to make an example. They never wanted an honorable duel.


Re: I NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET [o, INJURED] - Character Graveyard. - 07-25-2018

The heavy smell of blood had brought Kirishima over- a concerned look on his facial features. When he had gnawed his leg off from his instincts, his blood, flesh and bones had been on the ground and he'd been in slight shock. He knew he was a burden now, since he couldn't fight or walk properly- but he wouldn't ever tell his fellow Snowbounders that he felt like a burden.

The maned wolf stumbled over to the injured tiger, frowning as he smelt the Typhoon in the area. Did they attack her or did she leave the territory to provoke them? He wouldn't push the other though, she needed help. He would look towards a NPC standing nearby and yell. "Get Izuku!"
tags :: updated 7/24:



tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

Tsuyu was shocked, to say the least. While it didn't show it on her blank, childish face, the frog-minx hybrid was seriously concerned with this being whom was supposedly bleeding. A long, slimy tongue slipped out of the feline-hybrid's lips, before she turned to hop away and find their friend and classmate, who just so happened to be this group's medic.
"Midoriya, ribbit!" Tsu called out, her voice ragged and croaky.


Re: I NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET [o, INJURED] - arcy - 07-25-2018

It would seem that injuries were like the tide. There were periods of time where there was nothing major, and then suddenly there'd be a flood of people that got hurt. And everytime it happened, Izuku's claws would itch for someone to take it out on, to take the blame on. He wanted to pick a fight and make somebody hurt for doing this to a clanmate. And maybe that was wrong of him. Izuku knows it is. Revenge is bad and it gets you killed and blinds you. So Izuku never does. But .. well, with the thing with the Typhoon, at least Izuku has somebody to blame. God, he knew the Typhoon was bad news.
"What happened," Izuku strides over, having been called over by Tsuyu. He looks .. agitated. Ears lying flat and eyes slitted as he demands that of Dimitri. Blood and burns and the Typhoon. Izuku's claws curl into the snow for a few seconds, before he circles around the tiger, conjuring a bag of his herbs to be held. His tail lashes, but, then, he takes a deep breath. Easy. And then he approaches closer, ear flicking. "Alright, easy. I'm going to start treating this, please stay still," He requests, voice a strange mix of 'flat monotone' and 'distress'. God. Izuku isn't made for this stuff, he still doesn't know why he signed up. But .. well, at least he enjoyed it, even if his clanmates were going to kill him.
//elaborate on injuries bls
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: I NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET [o, INJURED] - Dimitri - 07-25-2018

// she has a big bleeding bite from a raptor on her hindquarters, lightly bleeding claw marks on back, burned mouth
They were here.
The tiger growled and tried to force herself to stand, remembering that now she had to act like Dimitri. ”I’m sorry, everyone. They called me a coward...” she stomped the Snow and snarled. ”I’ll- i’ll be fine, Izuku... I just need to shift back...”



tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

A soft croak of confusion left the frog hybrid's throat as she watched the tigress shift away from the medic's movements, the curious tilt of her head leading her to seem a bit confused, in reality.

"I understand that you don't want to be touched, ribbit." She paused, her tongue slipping out of her mouth, the long muscle aiming to gently hold the feline's neck, attempting to keep her still. "But Midoriya-san needs to check those wounds. They look pretty bad, ribbit." Croaked the minx-frog, her voice muffled by the fact that her tongue was hanging out of her mouth.

Re: I NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET [o, INJURED] - arcy - 07-26-2018

He says he'll be fine. Izuku, immediately, rolls his eyes. Regardless, the Maine Coon shuffles even closer, still, persistent. He's gotten enough people resisting treatment to last him a a damn lifetime, and he's just a kitten, see? .. Or. Nearly an adult. How scary. Regardless, Izuku's ear twitches. "Thanks, but I'll be the one to decide that for you," he huffs. His signature phrase now, it would seem. .. Honestly, with Jacob gone, he's remembering how to take care of patients from Recovery Girl. Who was .. quite the grouchy caretaker. But he got it now. He understood, he's so sorry, Recovery Girl. The feline's ear twitches as he Tsuyu moves, but he doesn't need to look over at her, seeing as the other's tongue is there. Regardless of if it works or not, Izuku offers Tsuyu a bright, thankful grin. He appreciates that she was trying to help. God knows Izuku needed all the help he could get, these days. Ugh. He'd really have to get to training somebody in herbs. Like .. not to join the medic team or anything, really, but just so they can have some people doing proper first aid. And like .. not just have everyone sitting around waiting for him as they hold the wound. Because then there were in the way. Uh -- anyways, right. While Izuku waits for 'Dimitri' to comply, he drops his back and starts rooting around in it to pull out the supplies he needs. I mean, the wounds were pretty bad, especially the bites. Uh .. he doesn't think they'll need stitching, at least? A poor consolation prize, but one nonethless.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: I NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET [o, INJURED] - Dimitri - 07-26-2018

The tiger’s fur rose as she saw the tongue come out, eyes widening as it tried to touch her. No. She still had some fight left. She raised her paw and and attempted to step on it, snarling and baring teeth that had been blackened by Ceasar’s dark blood. "Don’t touch me with that." She was losing losing control. Her voice was more feminine and very un-Dimitri. She didn’t feel remotely okay- she- she left out another snarl and finally slumped over to let Izuku do something.
He’s wasting herbs. She could just shift back and they’d only be sore...




tags ♦ snowbound ♦ hermaphrodite ♦ 8 m/o

The paw that stepped on her tongue made the frog-feline grunt in displeasure. Tsuyu gave the woman a glare of disagreement before yanking her tongue out from under the blood-stained paw, watching her as the tongue slipped back into her mouth with a shrug. Well, sucks for her then. She wasn't going to waste too much time on this. "Do you have everything under control, ribbit? Do you need anything?" Tsu croaked to Midoriya, bobbed tail twitching slightly.

Re: I NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET [o, INJURED] - guts - 07-26-2018

Aizawa could understand how they felt. He wanted to go and do the same to them himself, to rush in and teach them a damn lesson. They were being unfair, simply because they had dropped their alliance. He had never thought highly of them, and he sure as hell didn't now, not after that stunt they pulled. They deserved whatever the Ascendants dished out. "He should at least take a look at them," he states as he approaches, that being all he offers as he falls into silence, blank eyes observing. Hopefully they at least gave whoever it was hell.
