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RED WINE / open - Printable Version

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RED WINE / open - Character Graveyard. - 03-26-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
It was a quiet morning. Luna was awake and she was wandering around. The white feline was at the flower fields, taking notice of a few blue flowers growing. How beautiful. Blue flowers had been common to grow in where her first-ever home had been.

The female took a few steps forward- only to stumble a few steps forward. Suddenly, a strong blast of wind from her fore-paws pushed her back into a straight position. Startled- she panted before focusing. Another blast of wind came from her paws but this one was weaker.

Luna could only sit there in her awe.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: RED WINE / open - BASTILLEPAW - 03-29-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Bastille had never actually discovered his powers, per se. He had inherited them from Grimmkit, and Grimmkit had come with the bonus of complete and utter control over his powers. It seemed to be a perk of hosting the spirit of Wilhem Grimm: knowledge sort of just came as a given from day one. So, he'd always just sort of known, and always been in control. It had come as easy as breathing. Which was... interesting. Convenient, of course. But it meant he didn't really know how to explain it to others, how to teach his control. (He'd had a few ask, but all he could say was it was natural. Not very helpful, that -- and it tended to sound smug.)

Perhaps that was why he had yet to notice slightly abnormalities with his powers recently. Sometimes his invisibility would quick in for a few steps, or things would appear at random without him realizing they hadn't already been there. Every since he passed out, his fur would occasionally glow that deep black... but Bast wasn't paying enough attention. All he could focus on lately were the throbbing headaches that plagued him nonstop, or the restless energy that had him twitching for hours, no matter what he did.

He was in a restless state just then, headache thankfully faded to a very faint throb. The Fireball had taken to trying to patrol it out of his system, even if he knew it wouldn't really work, and after some frustrated laps he started to head back towards the Observatory. When he noticed Luna's aura flickering nearby, he paused before heading towards it. Maybe her calm demeanor would rub off on him if he pretended hard enough.

"Yo," he greeted as he approached, having missed the little bursts of air from her paws. He inclined his head slightly, paws shifting about slightly as he was unable to keep still. "Whatcha up to?"

Re: RED WINE / open - Character Graveyard. - 03-29-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna had other powers- but they still had yet to have been discovered. They would have to be discovered one day. And she'd be patient.

In Luna's opinion, Bastille was very out-going and he seemed to be extremely carefree- but he was young, she couldn't blame him. As the Fireball approached, the female let out another weak blast of air from her paws as she watched him with her pretty-blue eyes. "Practicing to learn how to control my power." She said, letting out a blast of air that would possibly tickle one of the apprentice's ears as it went by- in a teasing manner.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: RED WINE / open - FINNEGAN F.M.R. - 03-31-2018

[Image: xWinQeE.gif]
I'VE BEEN WRITING ON YOUR GHOST PAGE, BABE — Vinny had always known there were those with strange powers in the world- after all, he was one of them. Of course, he considered himself nothing special in comparison to those who could control the elements or move shit with their mind. All he could do was change into a duck, and an Arcanine when he was feeling emotional. Ah well, he was fine with that- for now at least. “You can control air, huh? That’s cool.” Mementomori said as he padded over, taking a seat near Bastillepaw. “Sorry- I didn’t introduce myself, I’m Mementomori, or Vinny. It’s nice to
meet you.
” Although he had seen Lunafreya around, he didn’t remember if they had met properly or not. Better to introduce himself now rather than later, right? — I'VE BEEN WAITING BY YOUR GRAVE


Re: RED WINE / open - BASTILLEPAW - 04-01-2018

BASTILLEPAW AURELIUS ✧ ascendants — fireball — tags
[div style="background-color: #e3dfdf; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: black; padding: 10px; text-size: 10px"]
Bastille cocked his head to the side in question, but her demonstration was quick to explain. His ear flicked slightly in response to the gust of air, and he offered an idle grin. ”Nice. How long has it been since you learned about that?” It was a foreign concept, discovering and training with powers, but Bast was willing to hear about it. He inclined his head to Vinny in greeting, intrigued to see that the other guy hadn’t met Luna yet. Bast seemed to run into her constantly.

(Well, she was his mentor now, but even before that he’d seen her frequently.)