Beasts of Beyond
WATCH YOUR BACK // o, q+a session - Printable Version

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WATCH YOUR BACK // o, q+a session - ROSEMARY - 07-24-2018


Rosemary came to realize that, to most of the Clan, they seemed to not know much about her - which, she supposed, seemed obvious in hindsight. After all, she liked to keep strict divisions between her public life, private life, and work life. Perhaps that made her a bit cold to others, though that certainly wasn't her intention. Still, she wanted to make sure everyone knew she could be approached for medical matters or... even friendships, though her asocial tendencies made her internally bristle at the thought of it.

Taking a seat near the hub of the beach during sunset, she set out a small thyme-scented candle she'd made and used a small bit of flint to light it. "I'm holding a small question and answer session over here! If you have any medical questions, you can ask me now or in private. And, if you have any personal questions for me, I'll do my best to answer them," she called out to the crowd, ears twitching nervously. She wondered how the extroverted members of the Clan coped with all this interaction. A crowd hadn't even formed around her, but she still felt nervous enough to consider yelling 'never mind!!!' and getting out.

[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: WATCH YOUR BACK // o, q+a session - no more - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 420px; font-size:10px; font-family:verdana; text-align: justify;line-height: 110%; color:black"]To place the child within either category so soon would be a difficult task, their mannerisms falling into each for they seemed a ready conversationalist, as far as their vocabulary allowed for it might grow the more time that passed them by it still had holes, yet they found peace in time spent alone. Rather than one side they seemed to draw from both in somewhat equal measures for the moment, to a point they were comfortable in most situations, yet the flip of a switch could change that, their emotions seemingly running their actions over anything else.

In one of the various hammocks Aita had come to settle with a  book, the leather of its cover cracked and faded, showing its age. Frustration showed within their expression, brows furrowed and a hard stare set upon the pages. They had taken to each attempt to read with a slight hope, wanting to push beyond the minimal borders of their knowledge, yet each only ended in the same place, anger curling about their stomach in a haze of heat. With a snap they closed the book, shoving it aside roughly.

Unfamiliar to them was the voice, close enough their attention was quickly caught, head swivelling around in search of the speaker. Finding Rosemary they thought better of trying once more to read, slowly standing, weight balanced somewhat precariously, before they jumped. A clumsy landing but one they managed to stick they moved closer to where the ocelot had set herself, gaze set upon the candle. The smell of it was nice yet unfamiliar, a soft hum rising from pursed lips as they finally slowed, somehow resisting the temptation to touch the candle.

“Can ya brin back da dead?” An odd question to say the least of, and from a child no less, their gaze lifting up towards Rosemary only briefly before it fell once more, watching the flickering flame. To what purpose they posed such a question not even Aita knew, it had simply popped into their head and they had spoken without giving it much more thought.

Re: WATCH YOUR BACK // o, q+a session - ROSEMARY - 07-25-2018


As the charcoal bengal clumsily left their cozy perch, the ocelot tilted her head as she waited for the kitten to approach her. Her two smaller eyes drifted over to the abandoned leather-bound book, though, as Rosemary found herself interested in what this kid wanted to read - it looked like a musty old tome, and she somehow doubted it contained the usual childish fairytales. If Aita liked to read anything that the rest of her family preferred, then Rosemary supposed it could be anything so long as it contained useful information.

As the child stopped in front of her, the ocelot's four eyes converged on the smokey feline as she heard the question; an odd one coming from a child that probably experienced little death thus far in her life. The witch grinned, the expression nothing more than a slight twinge of her lips and nearly missed upon her face. "Necromancy isn't my field, but it can certainly be done. Ghosts appear from time to time, though they're a bit uncommon and tend to have bizarre abilities. Did you know that the Tanglewoods are led by a ghost?" Rosemary answered, her voice sounding disconnected from her words as her flat tone scraped against the excitement of her words. She genuinely liked answering questions about magic, but she never seemed fully capable of expressing so.

[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: WATCH YOUR BACK // o, q+a session - KATHERINE PRAELIUM - 07-25-2018

There was a lot that she didn't know, especially about family. Sure, she knew that Pincher was her father, Aphra was her mother, and Jacob was her adoptive father. But that was as much as she knew. It wasn't because that she didn't care to know, it was just due to the fact that she didn't even bother learning. But maybe she could change that, but meeting Rosemary. "Aren't you related to pop? Also i'm katherine, if you didn't know by now." of course it would be kinda dumb if everyone didn't already know who she was. She was the daughter of the leader, of course that fact was known. She wondered if anyone would want to be her friend? Of course ,it would be kinda dumb if they didn't wanna be her friend.
TAGSKatherine Roux-Cipher of The Typhoon PLAYLIST

Re: WATCH YOUR BACK // o, q+a session - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-25-2018

A question-and-answer session, huh? That was actually a great idea. Caesar made his way over upon hearing Rosemary's announcement and stood next to Katherine as he blinked at the Soothslayer. "You got a specific reason for hating me?" He asked, frowning slightly. He couldn't recall ever doing anything personally to Rosemary, and yet despite that she enjoyed playing pranks on him. He still had no idea she was the cause of the snail-eating thing, nor the whole thing regarding his heartbeat, but she did turn water into mud around him. Plus, he noticed the way she looked at him whenever he arrived on the scene, he wasn't an idiot.

Re: WATCH YOUR BACK // o, q+a session - ADAKIAS - 07-25-2018

[Image: ezgif-4-d9a1e6307c.gif]
[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:timesnewroman;font-size:11px"]The pungent and slightly bitter scent of thyme reached the young kit's senses first, followed by Rosemary's words of an announcement about holding a question and answer session. The topic held a specific resignation with Sylvina. Afterall, she was understandably a very curious kitten with a mind of endless wonder. However, the daughter of Pincher and Aphra presented a facade to be placed upon herseld and often withheld many of the inquiries within her head. She found herself biting her tongue before the possibility of releasing her thoughts, immediately retracting herself back into the headstrong child everyone knew. Sylvina was haughty in the sense of not wanting to show others how little of the world she really wasn't aware of; what would they think of her if all she did was ask the questions always racing around that bustling brain of hers? The feline was certain that many of them were vacuous thoughts, anyway. And she sure as hell didn't want anyone thinking she was witless.

So she would stay quiet. For once. Well, at least on the topic of "questions." It was hard to maintain her silence after Aita asked about bringing back the dead — why must her sibling open a plethora of inquisitions within Sylvina's mind on the topic? It was such a fascinating thing, death. The obsidian pelted kitten would find something to focus her gaze upon to try and distract her mind from blurting out out any follow up questions about the topic. Viridescent optics focused upon Rosemary's tail and, quickly, Sylvina would release the first thought that came to her mind. "I like that. How it forks." A paw would be pointed in the direction of the other Roux's hindquarters. Ah, kids and their expressive minds.

Re: WATCH YOUR BACK // o, q+a session - ROSEMARY - 07-28-2018


Ah, more nieces came to join her - which made a brief flash of a smile appear on her face before it winked out of existence. "Yes, Katherine, I'm his sister; well, half-sister, if you want to get technical, as we're only related through our father," she answered the first with a small nod. The witch wondered, as she looked at Katherine with some curiosity, whether this one might turn out magically inclined like some of the rest of the family; Rosemary would keep watch for that. Proper witches needed to be female for the best magical ability, so she was quite happy with how many nieces she had now: plenty of potential students for her to teach.

Glancing at Caesar, she huffed slightly. "Every group needs someone they love to hate on, and you fit the bill for that, Lemonhead," she answered tartly, her raspy tone not changing to match the animosity in her words. Either way, she didn't exactly answer his question; she gave a general answer to a specific question, which only seemed fair. She made no secret of disliking the officer, though she hardly went out of her way to act openly against him - even if she would attack his mind in secret.

As Sylvina wandered over, the ocelot didn't seem to notice for a while, given she spent some time answering the girls' sister and the resident asshole of the group. But, at the remark, her orange-amber eyes looked over to the kitten, her expression unchanged despite the silly amusement that fluttered around in her brain. Ah, girls were just so adorable as they explored the world - she took the compliment in stride. "Thank you, Sylvia," she answered, cutting herself off from rambling about the tail in question - like how she liked it herself too, and how it certainly came in handy for balance.

[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: WATCH YOUR BACK // o, q+a session - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-28-2018

The answer was a vague one, but an answer nonetheless. Caesar did accept it, although he didn't looks entirely pleased by it. "Is there a specific reason you call me 'Lemonhead' other than my fur color?" He asked in an annoyed tone, narrowing his eyes at Rosemary.

Re: WATCH YOUR BACK // o, q+a session - ROSEMARY - 07-28-2018


As he caustically replied to her, she struck a look at him. One that could only be described as a mix between pity and annoyance, like when someone discovers that their pet has diarrhea and left its stains all over the couch. "You're sour like a lemon; isn't that obvious?" she answers, her impassive deadpan failing to convey the animosity she held for him properly.

[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: WATCH YOUR BACK // o, q+a session - no more - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 230px; font-family: georgia; color: #7b8189; font-size: 10px; text-align: center;line-height: 110%; padding-top:10px; padding-bottom:10px"]i'll never get to heaven cause i don't know how
Indeed the child held little experience nor knowledge on the various facets of death, rather it seemed their interest was born more out of a keen want to sharpen the little they had been able to accumulate, to further broaden the horizons they were limited to. Their ears perked and it became clear they were interested, if a tad too much, as they sat up somewhat straighter as Rosemary presented her answer, a slight frown curling the dark child's lips. To be lead by a ghost, a creature with no life and thus should have no say upon the existence of the living, at the very least such was the thought in Aita's mind, seemed somewhat ridiculous.

“But da're dead, wha makes em fit ta lead?” They spoke with a light tone, never quite hinting at the excitement which bubbled in their chest as the Soothsayer continued on, address the others around them though the child had no care to offer their attention to any beyond a mere flick of their gaze towards their sisters. “Abilities? Like da powers sum 'ave?” The topic of powers was the breaking point and finally a hint of something more came through in their tone, a tentative note of curiosity embedded in the question, edged with excitement.
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