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60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Printable Version

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60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - emil - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]it was an understatement to say that she was new that this. she had never willingly hurt anyone, that was the truth; she struggled, still did, with some... bad tendencies, something she couldn't control, but this was something entirely different.

it was quite a long walk back from the snowbound, not to mention the young maned wolf that sprawled, unconscious, over her back. she'd only been there for a day and she was already throwing herself into the loop. it was exciting, really. this whole experience had been such a thrill; wandering into some opposing group's land and catching herself a wolf. she'd been expecting to be on the losing end, but it seemed she had luck on her side.

"a pirate's life for me," the unicorn cooed as she shuffled into barracuda bay, finding a good spot by the water before dropping her prize on the sand. "up, up!" peachpit called. she stood there for a moment, staring at the boy, before attempting a swift kick to his side; if that didn't get him up then she didn't know what would. rather proud of herself, she straightened her posture, large ears perked and her tail swishing happily behind her. thick eyelashes fluttered as her pink gaze drifted over the area, smile growing by the minute. "i caught someone! come look!"


Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Character Graveyard. - 07-24-2018

Kirishima wasn't used to this type of stuff. Being captured and tortured. He had also blamed himself for his friend being captured by the villains in his past life. He hadn't been strong enough to help him, but he and a few others managed to rescue Bakugou.

When the unicorn had come across him, he had thought she was just another Snowbounder. Turns out he was wrong. He hadn't been able to fight back as much as he thought- due to his missing hind-leg. How embarrassing. To be captured by a mythical creature that many saw as cute.

He would flinch as her hoof hit him in the side, though he refused to get up. For the sake of his fellow Snowbounders, he needed to stay strong, even if they hurt him physically and emotionally.
tags :: updated 7/23:


Now this was a sight to see. A unicorn taking a maned wolf as hostage, how ironic. Sylvina loved every moment of it. The young kit didn’t know Peachpit very well, yet the equine was already high on her list for being, well, badass.

”Who is he?” The Bengal would inquire with an interested swish of her tail.


Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - no more - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 420px; font-size:10px; font-family:verdana; text-align: justify;line-height: 110%; color:black"]Well this was an interesting turn of events. The child had been one of those present when the unicorn had first arrived and their first thoughts contradicted their prior judgement, yet this little stunt seemed only to add to it rather than change their thoughts on Peach, a piece of information put away for later. Not to say something bubbled within their chest, be it excitement or possibly something akin to admiration, their response was one which fell largely into the positive.

“Fuckin ace, der got 'erself a lil pup,” Aita spoke with a laugh, toothy grin seemingly fixed into place as they came to wander closer, stopping by Sylvina.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Character Graveyard. - 07-25-2018

Great. Just great. Two young children watching a animal that was expected to be strong being hurt by a unicorn. Why did it have to be a unicorn out of all creatures to be the one to capture him? Red eyes narrowed, he attempted to get up.

He would send a glare in Peachpit's direction and ignore both Aita and Sylvina, clearly annoyed.
tags :: updated 7/24:

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - emil - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]"someone from, ah," what was the name again? something snowy. "snowbound." that's it. the unicorn smiled to sylvina and aita before her attention returned to kirishima, large ears swiveling as the boy tried to get up. she had told him to, of course, but that didn't mean she couldn't have some fun, right? peachpit pranced slightly before rising onto her hind hooves, front two in the air, eventually bringing them down in an attempt to slam him back to the sand.

another swish of her tail, and the unicorn stepped back, bringing her head down to aim her glass-like horn at the maned wolf in case he attempted to rise once more. peach let out a quiet, amused bleat, filled with thrill by the situation. being a pirate was so much fun! she stamped a hoof lightly and kicked up a bit of sand, almost challenging kirishima to try again.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Character Graveyard. - 07-25-2018

When she brought her front hooves onto his back, he would growl and spit out a small amount of blood before more blood start spilling from his jaws, from the force of her hitting him- before he fell face-forward on the sand. Disguising. Why was he allowing her to do this to him? He would growl, wiping the blood coming out of his mouth off his maw.

Then- he'd attempted to roll to the side, flinching before he tried getting up once more, though his shaky legs gave out beneath him.
tags :: updated 7/24:

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - ANDRAS - 07-25-2018

rinto padded up, clearly horrified. despite his own deep-down, cruel desires, seeing someone tortured like this was a little painful, and he grimaced. coming up beside aita, he squinted, clearly confused about how he should feel. this was a member of the ascendants, and they were bad, sure, but why? he didn't feel like asking. he felt sick, and tried to relax. "g-good job..." he muttered, lowering his head.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - emil - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]an attempt was made, she could see that, but it seemed to have failed. being without a leg must have been hard, but it made being in control much easier. peachpit took a quick step forward as he fell and aimed to jab him with her horn. not hard enough to do serious damage, but it would certainly hurt. the unicorn stood up straight and moved closer to him; if her jab had been successful, she would lower her pink eyes to meet his, tongue curling out to catch a drop of blood as it trickled down her face. the unicorn gave a happy shuffle of her hooves before moving to lightly nudge kirishima with one, just a little prod. "what's your name?" she queried, glancing to rinto as he approached and offering a sweet smile that certainly didn't fit the situation.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - JUNIOR - 07-25-2018

[color=#5B81AE]"What did he do?" questioned Junior as he wandered over after Rinto, finding a place near Aita as he furrowed feline brows in mild concern and confusion. Junior knew that the Typhoon wasn't the nicest of groups, but after learning they weren't all cannibals, he hadn't been too worried or bothered by them. However, this was definitely something that interested him. Back home, there had been a justice system, where offenders were taken into custody and questioned and, if it were a small crime, fined. If it were more serious, they were typically sent to the state, where their fate was decided. That was legal way it was done, anyway.  Some people would end up taking matters into their own hands and beat someone up, or blackmail them with something stupid, or something, but he didn't think anyone there had ever kidnapped anybody. That was how this place was, though, he guessed, and as long as it was for good reason, the boy really didn't care.
