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ESCAPE FROM THIS AFTERLIFE // open, small recovery - Printable Version

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ESCAPE FROM THIS AFTERLIFE // open, small recovery - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
This was the second time this has happened. The first time Caesar had attacked them while they were allies, and Jacob reported that he had been promptly punished. But this time - oh, this time, they were enemies. Technically neutrals, but the fact that Caesar had attacked her probably wasn't a good thing. After all, Pincher had warned her that he would unleash hell on Snowbound if she didn't return all the supplies they've lost. Although Atbash had no idea that Caesar had been sent after her and she thought it had been completely his idea, but she supposed the former option wasn't too far off, especially considering Pincher's warning.

Atbash's entire body exploded with pain as she awoke from consciousness, and she grit her teeth as she tried to move in a more comfortable position. Memories suddenly flooded back at what happened to her, and the first memory that appeared was the flames Caesar put on himself. Oh, the flames. They reminded her of what he did to their Home Dimension, and the Hailcaller let out a wail of fear, covering her head with her paws. The movement hurt, but god did the memories hurt worse. The smell of smoke, how it suffocated her, and how her parents had been left to be burned alive. Atbash was shaking in her nest, her claws hovering dangerously above her ears, as if she was going to claw at them. She wasn't going to and was almost unaware of the fact her claws were unsheathed.

That should have been me! She cried to herself mentally. She should have been the one to rot, not her parents. They did nothing to Caesar, but she betrayed him. That's why he was targeting her so much, because she betrayed him - or so that's what he said. It was true that she had always been around for him and offered support, but how could she support him when he was clearly going mad? But that was betrayal to him, her not helping him destroy their home. And honestly, she... was starting to believe it. Maybe if I helped him, I wouldn't be here right now. She wouldn't be in pain, she wouldn't have almost died, she wouldn't have to deal with the stress of leading. She would be safe.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: ESCAPE FROM THIS AFTERLIFE // open, small recovery - Character Graveyard. - 07-24-2018

Kirishima had been keeping an eye out for any Typhoon members since he had heard that they were no longer allies. He had also been on edge ever since Caesar attacked Atbash recently. Anyone in Snowbound could be attacked by the enemy group.

He could remember dying in his original world. Being crushed alive. Because of a villain. He'd been happy back then. Before they had attacked. Why did they have to attack so suddenly?

Kirishima had come across Atbash in her cabin, as he decided to pay her a visit. A frown on his lips, he would notice her waking up and he rushed to her side. "Hey, Atbash. You alright?"
tags :: updated 7/23:

Re: ESCAPE FROM THIS AFTERLIFE // open, small recovery - galexiux - 07-24-2018

  At this point, wherever Atbash was, Cry was never far away. She was much to paranoid and nervous to leave the yellow cat alone by herself. She knew how much Atbash's family meant to her before the ultimate arson of her world. It broke her corrupted heart just thinking about it. ... The idea of burning alive via a family member's hand shook her to her core. It sounded... horrible.

  Cry was aroused from her thoughts as she heard Atbash's shuffling. She tilted her head and frowned. This wasn't right. She opened her wings and landed next to the cat. She chortled quietly, staring worried at the other. Atbash, She cawed. Atbash look at me. I took care of it. She wondered if Atbash would be mad at her at taking matters into her own hands. Jacob was seething mad whenver she stood up for herself and took action. Though, perhaps this had a better place. I'm training anyone who volunteers in defense encase of another attack. Your safe. 


Re: ESCAPE FROM THIS AFTERLIFE // open, small recovery - Dimitri - 07-24-2018

He had been checking up on her irregularly. The tom was worried about her, and the alters weren’t sure how this would affect his mental state. They worried for the both of them. Dimitri was stopping by again, this time with flowers, and cane in to see her conscious. All the way from out of the territory. He owed Donovan now, as he had been the one to go out of the territory and look for them.
She.... didn’t look okay. He dropped the flowers by her nest and approached quietly, looking over the scene. He wasn’t going to tell them what Delta did, nope. Not at all.

”Atbash... we’re here for you...”


Re: ESCAPE FROM THIS AFTERLIFE // open, small recovery - madster - 07-24-2018

well, perhaps not everybody was there for atbash. as much as henri respected his leader, he was rather enamored with her worst enemy, the devilishly handsome-sounding caesar. he had ran into him before joining this clan, and the encounter stuck with him in his mind. caesar was cruel and aggressive... and probably hot. secretly, deep down, henri wanted caesar to show up again just so he could hear that voice again. he had begun to have fantasies at night of caesar pinning him down and all he could feel was the earth and caesar's paw around his throat.

whoops, was he supposed to be comforting atbash? he snapped back to reality, standing beside dimitri after hearing the commotion in atbash's cabin. "yeah, we're all here for you," he said, a fake smile painted on his pale face. i'm here for daddy caesar, actually, but i'll fake it.

Re: ESCAPE FROM THIS AFTERLIFE // open, small recovery - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-25-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
The sound of somebody coming made Atbash jump, lowering her paws from where they covered her face. Her body was unbelievably tense, and it took her a couple moments to register that it was Kirishima who was the first to approach. Of course, it didn't take long for others to join him, and Atbash's black gaze studied each person for a moment, as if trying to figure out if they were real. The she-cat opened her mouth to speak, however pain - actual, physical pain - flooded through her body and she winced, her body shaking once more as she tried to get rid of the burning feeling that went across her. Frowning, Atbash nodded at Kirishima's question, watching as Dimitri came over and laid flowers by her nest. She tried to reach forward to touch his forehead with her nose in a gesture of thanks, but once again her body was racked with pain as she moved.

It was strange, suddenly feeling pain when normally she wouldn't. Is this Corruption? Atbash thought to herself. No, no Corruption was described to be much worse. Corruption was described to be a constant, burning pain, like your entire body was on fire. Atbash knew she wasn't bleeding from the normal spots where Corruption was obvious, so she was just feeling actual pain. It was weird, and frankly, it scared her. Atbash lowered her head to lay it down on her paws and she closed her eyes. "I'm sorry." The telepathic signal she tried to throw out to everybody was almost automatic, as if she had always had this power. And technically? She had, she just wasn't able to use it before now. And although she would normally be excited to get her powers back, right now she was too distraught over what happened to care. She was just glad the was kind of a way to talk without actually physically talking.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: ESCAPE FROM THIS AFTERLIFE // open, small recovery - galexiux - 07-25-2018

  Cry teared up at the sight of atbash in pain. She was wreathing. Twisting and turning in uncoordinated pain. The crow whined quietly under her breath. She reached over to gently run a wing over the cat's back. "Stay down," she spoke, "your going to be okay. Izuku and i are handling it..." she comforted. Tears streamed down her face. She couldnt even notice anyone else ariving.


Re: ESCAPE FROM THIS AFTERLIFE // open, small recovery - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-25-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
"You're going to be okay." Was she really though? Atbash shook her head in response to Cry's words, trying to fight off tears of pain and sorrow. Sorrow for being in this state, sorrow for not having a good relationship with her brother. Atbash wanted to be close to Caesar again, but his explosive personality prevented her from trusting him ever again. She wanted to be able to tell her tribe that everything was fine, that all this was just some big misunderstanding, but it wasn't. Caesar was throwing a fit, over what? Her not being by his side when he needed her most. I'm sorry. She wanted to say to him, but it was likely he wouldn't even accept that by now.

Atbash barely felt Cry's wing brush down her back, but her body trembled at the touch. Just a cold chill was what it was, since luckily the Polarheart didn't touch any wounds, but Atbash just did not want to be touched. She liked that Cry - and the others - were trying to be comforting, but this was too much. Atbash wanted to speak, oh how she wanted to speak, but she just couldn't.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: ESCAPE FROM THIS AFTERLIFE // open, small recovery - galexiux - 07-25-2018

  Cry froze, snatching her wings away. Atbash was shaking... Vibrating... trembling. She could see her own reflection in the savahna's actions. She was much too aware of the situation. Sensory overload. She couldn't handle all of this affection and coddling at once. Cry hated it herself. Whenever she formed a crack or fracture in her shell, her mother would be all over her. Coddling her and cooing at her that everyone would be okay, but all she needed was rest alone with her thoughts.

  The crow clicked her beak, frowning. She sharply turned around. Everyone get out! She yelled at, not caring if it started an uproar. She's not okay and she doesn't need everyone crowding over her like this! she opened her wings and took back to her perch on a nearby bookshelf herself. She didn't have a cabin to herself, so in extreme snowstorms, she often bunked with Izuku or Atbash (sometimes without them knowing). Hopefully everyone would understand and disperse from the bedroom. Though, knowing a few faces, she was in for a fight.
