Beasts of Beyond
WITH VIGOR IN YOUR EYES // open, sparring competition - Printable Version

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WITH VIGOR IN YOUR EYES // open, sparring competition - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

Caesar had come to Pincher with this idea, considering he's been absent the past couple of days and he honestly felt kind of bad. But mostly because he should be the face of The Typhoon, not because he's been neglecting his duties. "Hey Crew!" Caesar called out as he finished up the circle he was drawing in the sand. "I'm having a sparring competition over here. Partner up and go." Honestly, he had no rules for this. He just kind of wanted to see what chaos this would bring, if he was honest with himself. Did he include that bit to Pincher? Absolutely not.

Re: WITH VIGOR IN YOUR EYES // open, sparring competition - ADAKIAS - 07-24-2018

Ooo, sparring huh? Sylvina was waiting her whole four months of existence for this very moment! Trotting forward, the kitten would sit down besides Caesar — a bit too close for social norms but she was too young to really understand that — and eye the circle the tom had previously drawn. ”Whose gonna fight me?” The daughter of Pincher and Aphra would inquire as she looked up with widened eyes. Hopefully someone her age would come along to participate as her opponent.

Re: WITH VIGOR IN YOUR EYES // open, sparring competition - Verdigris - 07-25-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]A sparring competition? Inwardly, Paper couldn't help but wonder if powers were allowed- knowing Caesar, they probably were, but he might as well check with whoever his partner was. Setting down his bag and lowering his head so that Mira could get down to the ground, he told the albino crocodile, "Stay here and watch this." As Mira nodded, he removed the ruby from the bag, but didn't put it around his neck- he'd wait to see who arrived next. Holding onto the gem with one paw, he glanced around for a suitable opponent. Sylvina was way too small, obviously, but someone would be by soon.

Re: WITH VIGOR IN YOUR EYES // open, sparring competition - ANDRAS - 07-25-2018

sparring competition? he grimaced. he didn't particularly like caesar- he seemed to be cruel, but rinto couldn't blame him. that sort of behavior is what the typhoon encouraged. this beautiful tropical paradise harbored nightmares of people. rinto had decided to join, though, and that was his own fault.

perhaps he could condition himself. he wanted to enjoy what this clan had to offer. stopping next to sylvina, he glanced over to her. she was a tiny child, and he hoped caesar would tell her she couldn't participate, although that was unlikely. this clan raised fighters from the get-go. he decided he too would learn how to fight in a effective way, not his usual 'stab them and see what happens' method.

rinto turned to caesar. "hey! i want to fight you," he said, confidently. caesar loved fighting, didn't he? even though he was organizing the competition, he hoped caesar would agree. the serval was a lot bigger than him, but rinto would feel bad fighting anybody else. he needed to train against bigger opponents, and people who were a lot more relentless than him. he too wanted to be powerful.

Re: WITH VIGOR IN YOUR EYES // open, sparring competition - rochelle - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]Fischer was ... not a fighter, to say the least. Sure she could fight, it was a thing that came easy to her, but she chose not too. Violence was never a thing in her life she enjoyed, and she was often surrounded by it. There was a deep evil that clung to the scent of dirty claws, of pelts matted with blood and scars. It wasn't that she looked down upon those that chose to fight, it was a her thing. Learning to go throughout life without relying on combat and physical strength was a struggle she was actively conquering.

The wolf padded up, gazing up at Caesar with a neutral look. "I think I will just sit out on this one." Fischer murmured. She wanted to be there for group activities ... just not this one.

Re: WITH VIGOR IN YOUR EYES // open, sparring competition - deimos - 07-25-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Sparring? Oh fuck yes.

Deldrach was trained for fighting. She grew up, fighting and hunting alongside her sisters, her mothers. Hopefully someone.. large enough would be present to fight Deldrach. She stepped over with her harness and sabre present, looking about the area as she settled down. "I will be fighting."

Re: WITH VIGOR IN YOUR EYES // open, sparring competition - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-25-2018

"Just fight whoever you want. No rules." Caesar responded to Sylvina with a grin, though it faltered for just a moment. "Actually, I lied. One rule: don't kill each other." But was that common sense? Probably. "Just pick and go, so long as the arena is empty." And as soon as he said that, Rinto came up and challenged him. The Officer rose to his paws and grinned, making his way towards his side of the circle.

"Let's go, pussy cat. Let me see what you got." Was he about to injure a Crewmate for kicks? Absolutely.

Re: WITH VIGOR IN YOUR EYES // open, sparring competition - ANDRAS - 07-25-2018

/ feel free to injure this fucker as much as u want, i want rinto to lose very badly

rinto grinned. yes, caesar had actually accepted his offer! narrowing his pink eyes, he followed caesar to the area. he expected to lose, but really wanted this fight for the experience. he was weak compared to his clanmates, and he wanted caesar to show him how it was done. he had a moment of doubt- what if caesar killed him?

he decided that if caesar killed him, he will have deserved it. "let's go," was all the little tabby said before launching himself at caesar, aiming to start by tackling the male. [member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] 

Re: WITH VIGOR IN YOUR EYES // open, sparring competition - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-26-2018

Caesar would be the one to kill somebody, regardless of any 'rules', save for the fact he was desperate to continue being an Officer here. As Rinto launched himself at him, Caesar ducked, although the tabby's claws did rake his ears. They were probably torn now, but eh - fuck it. That didn't bother him too much. As Rinto (presumably) went past him, Caesar tried to kick RINTO with one of his hind legs.

Re: WITH VIGOR IN YOUR EYES // open, sparring competition - ANDRAS - 07-31-2018

rinto hissed, having missed his opponent, and was about to plan his next attack as he was swiftly kicked in the gut, hard enough to where blood spilled out of his mouth in a disgusting manner. he landed, injured, but the adrenaline coursed through him like a drug and kept him moving. "fuck," the tom muttered, before whipping around and aiming to headbutt caesar, charging into him and hopefully hitting the male's chest. however, this left rinto in a vulnerable position.