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IMPRISONMENT - open; chasing butterfly? - Printable Version

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IMPRISONMENT - open; chasing butterfly? - rhosmari - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]The day had been quiet, or at least as quiet as it was usually around this place. Nothing much was going on but the same mundane tasks that were here and there. The whispers of the members as they moved about their day greeting one another had having friendly conversations and apparently while she had been dead the observatory had caught fire. A part of her found it a bit perplexing that that had happened but she already had ideas in mind to contribute so to speak. But right now she was stretching her legs, moving across the plains which she was familiar with by now. The flower fields were always seemingly blossoming around this year and she couldn't think of a time she had seen so many in bloom. Perhaps in the Blood Canyon, even during devastating war they just seemed to always find a way to blossom and remind the world that there was actually something to be grateful for. Bright eyes of deep amber passed over the many blossoms and she wrinkled her nose a bit. Even though she had gotten used to be a feline sometimes it still took her aback at how well the senses were. Flowers tripped her up a lot and she held back a sneeze as she dove into them.

Her black pelt seemed to disappear in the tall grass and she allowed her form to still for a moment as her gaze caught sight of something fluttering on the breeze, hovering just over a bright blue flower. Her body instinctively crouched and she watched with unblinking eyes as the insect landed and she carefully advanced forward. So slowly with head slightly lowered and wiry muscles rippling beneath her sleek pelt. Her breathing became quite before she suddenly launched herself through the air and landed with a sudden thud upon the ground. But her paws were pressed against the ground close together. Wait? Did she get it? Her curiosity got the better of her and she lowered her head to take a quick peek. Lifting up a paw to see the butterfly easily slipped from her gasp and she let out a small hiss of shock. "Hey, no wait! Get back here!" Twisting herself around she aimed to swipe the butterfly from the sky but somehow she missed and she was rather surprised from that whole interaction. Even going so far as to look at her paw. Because of her differing size her reach wasn't as long and she snorted before looking at the butterfly with a devious glint in her burning amber gaze. "You little shit..."

Off she was racing after the butterfly, flinging herself after the insect as if in a dance. Her body moved with a fluidity to it as she rolled to the side and swiped again but just barely missing the butterfly's wings as she got used to her new form. Her paws softly it the ground as she ran after it before she leaped through the air and landed in front of the butterfly and forced it to flutter in the opposite direction. Truth be told she was having fun right now and she allowed a small laugh to leave her throat, gaze narrowed as she focused on this game she had suddenly come upon. No telling how mortified she would be right now if someone stumbled upon her antics. But she was too enthralled and she dashed to the side of her new object of attention and suddenly blew a huff of air underneath the butterfly after dropping a little to hard on her back to force it higher up into the sky. It was a pretty creature, with wings of purple and black and she breathed out softly after a moment to just watch it go.

Re: IMPRISONMENT - open; chasing butterfly? - adomania - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Chasing butterflies was not one of Myliu's pastimes. He could care less for the tiny critters that floated around in the world, could care less about how pretty they were or how good of a work out they could potentially give him. The child was far more concerned with matters that seemed far more important to him, namely the voices in his head and the visions that constantly surrounded him, symbols that were indecipherable the longer he looked at them but ones he was adamant about solving.

He spent most of his time wandering and searching for answers, not playing with insects.

So it was a surprise to him to find Carolina doing what seemed to be a strange dance after a butterfly, for he would have preferred to have let it live it's life stress free and allowed some bird to eat it in order to survive. What good was the butterfly to her? She didn't look like she would end up eating it, and so it would be a death that was wasted. There was no respect in that, no honor, and Myliu couldn't help but scowl in her direction as he watched, glad to finally see the insect escape.

Good. That meant he could get back to his own things, and simply hope she wouldn't find another one to pester.

Re: IMPRISONMENT - open; chasing butterfly? - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-24-2018

A chiming voice rings from somewhere within the tall grass, followed by the sound of light-hearted scuffling. Versaille's ears twitch and swivel to follow its source, pawsteps careful not to make much noise. There's a plump moorhen dangling between her teeth, and she's careful in carrying it, eyes moving around to make sure that it won't hit anything that could possibly make a loud-enough noise.

Quietly, the she-cat noses her way through the tall grass, on and on until she comes across a quite odd sight indeed. She doesn't know Carolina to be soft and playful, but what she sees reminds her that there is always more than what meets the eye. The other Ascendant seems to be enjoying herself with the butterfly, and Versailles doesn't have the heart to startle her or make her stop in these small moments of serenity. She notices Myliu too, but after the first time, she's a little wary of the younger Ascendant.

Instead, she gently places her kill down and lies down on her stomach, tucking one paw under her chest and extending the other out to make herself more comfortable. She figures she could just say here and listen to the sound of soft breaths and rustling, the inaudible flapping of a butterfly's wings stirring the air, unnoticeable. She hopes Carolina won't mind her hanging around. Versailles just wants to experience the calmness of it all before it inevitably breaks.

Re: IMPRISONMENT - open; chasing butterfly? - imperia - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Imperia is out wandering again. The pounding in her skull has subsided, hinting that the swelling in her brain has gone down and her concussion is almost, if not completely, healed. As a cleric, she knows that she should be taking it easy. But it is because of her duties as a cleric that Peri only takes the necessary amount of rest so not to harm herself more before continuing on with her duties. Too many people need her. Too many things will be left undone if she wastes all her time benched because of a concussion. People have continued working with a lot more serious injuries, so Peri just kept pushing on, albeit slower due to reduced brain processing speed. She's better now, though, and it feels good to be able to move around and to think and to speak without an uncomfortable delay between thought and action. Besides, she really, really does not like feeling useless.

Emerald blades of grass sway and dance in the wake of the silver she-wolf's movement. She seems to drift through the plains, moving with the otherworldly grace of a deer. As usual, her mind is elsewhere. Mulling over her to-do list while also sometimes drifting into the realm of imagination. It always starts off serious before she finds herself lost in some sort of fantasy. Imperia is quite mature outwardly, but her true age is reflected within. Just because she is smart and motherly and responsible does not mean she has outgrown the romantic notions and optimism of a young girl.

To her right, she spots Carolina doing something...unusual. Frolicking. That's what it looks like, at least. It brings a smile to her face, watching someone who is normally so stiff partaking in an activity that is just so free. It's sweet. Maybe Carolina is finally becoming more comfortable here. "Do you want some help?" asks the girl, a friendly smile on her face. There is no judgement in her eyes, only a certain kind of genuine warmth that can only be found in those who truly enjoy talking with others.

Re: IMPRISONMENT - open; chasing butterfly? - Suiteheart - 07-25-2018

When was the last time Suiteheart had done anything like chasing butterflies? She tried to recall, tried to think back to the days when things had been simpler, easier, kinder. A vision burned in her mind's eye. A tiny girl with fur of cinnamon and eyes of the brightest emerald. She wore a pink pastel bow around her tail and a lopsided grin just as Suite always did. The pair of them had played games like this together.

Arizona. Little Ari. She had been taken before her time. The bittersweet memories tugged on her heart strings as she silently watched Carolina chase after the tiny butterfly. The white feline let a paw drift to her locket, and she opened it. The small picture inside of it included many bright, smiling faces. Arizona rested within the family portrait. Suite let a smile wash over her lips.

When her eyes returned to Carolina, she saw others had gathered: Myliu, Versaillespalace, Imperia. Pushing herself off the ground, the Ecliptic Admiral padded towards the group. She let her smile remain upon her alabaster features. "You look like you feel better, Carolina," Suiteheart meowed, voice holding onto notes of gladness.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: IMPRISONMENT - open; chasing butterfly? - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-26-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Fun wasn't something that really happened with their group. Relaxation was usually permitted of course, and the Freelancers were allowed to have downtime if it was within their schedule. Their schedules were usually full of the different trainings that they were going to end up doing. The program was entirely that of a military, meaning that there were no means for them to enjoy their life while they were inside said military. They were there for one job and one job only, and that was there to help them save the human race from extinction of an enemy that would happily watch them die underneath their feet. Something that humans weren't exactly readily wanting to go through and wanted to have some peace on Earth. They fought hard for their freedom, and with the idea of extinction on the table, they all had to work with one another if they all didn't want to die. Sure, there were others on different planets, but he wouldn't doubt that the aliens would go after them as well.

Soldiers were usually on a strict schedule or kept themselves on a strict schedule just so that they wouldn't get out of shape. In the time of war, one needed to be prepared for anything to happen. There could easily be a patrol from the enemy that could figure out where their base was and said a raiding party to simply destroy the place. Something that the UNSC didn't exactly want to have happened, so they were always prepared with different protocols to follow when it came to their gear and whether or not they would win the fight in the first place. If they couldn't win the fight, they were usually commanded to gather as much gear as they possibly could, and then from there destroy the rest of it so that it wouldn't get into the hands of enemies. Washington knew that there were a couple instances during the war that they got their hands on some of the alien technology and were able to reverse engineer it so that they could figure out how to use it for themselves.

Although, it was the Spartans that got that kind of weaponry and not the Freelancer as they were an independent project from the likes of the rest of the military. When he was in the military there was little that he did when it came to his downtime. Cleaning his weapons was something that was almost considered therapeutic to him, while he would occasionally read anything that was going in the news. Washington had been given the mentality of a soldier during this time and had hidden the way that he truly acted around others. There was no reason for him to try and crack jokes when he would get yelled at about it for not taking the situation seriously. He always did of course, but there were some times that morale mattered just as much as the rest of the strategies that they had. Washington learned to follow orders though after the several instances that he was punished for not doing so. They broke him like any other human being that joined the army, and a part of him didn't really matter.

He had a purpose after all, and this meant that he knew what was expected of him. He, of course, wanted to constantly better himself as he never wanted to consider himself constantly average. It was when he joined Freelancer though that he saw the potential that he did have when it regards to a soldier, and how good of a shot he was. Sure, he was no long distance shooter like North was with his sniper rifle, but he had his battle rifle and he was good enough at that to get him onto the leaderboard. Carolina had always been more competitive than Washington, as Washington wanted to get better, but he knew that he would never become the best. He was limited with the amount of skill that he had and was limited with the amount of hand to hand combat that he had as well. That was more Carolina's forte, although now he wasn't sure what she would really be capable of taking on. The Freelancer knew that she was strong, she always was strong. Washington didn't have enough time to analyze her mental health or where she was physically in her new body.

Hell, he had to conduct research just to figure out what she even was. Something called a Serval, that was supposedly really fast and great with hearing. He figured the hearing part was implied considering that her ears were as big as a dinner plate. Washington had yet to make fun of her goofy ears, as he felt like it would potentially make her uncomfortable in the new body. She had just come back after death, and it was obviously something that had put both of them through a lot of stress. Washington didn't want to be alone, and having Carolina around certainly did help him a lot. Familiarity to latch onto so that he didn't exactly go insane either. Carolina was going through a lot, and he bet it was only made worse in her new bodies. She didn't have to worry about the injuries she had thought. The Freelancer still had his broken arm from his own mistake, although, he was starting to be able to put a little pressure on the arm without it hurting like hell. It was only a little bit of pressure and he didn't want to risk breaking his leg on accident again. He already didn't like the body that he was already in. The armored smilodon was on his daily patrols during the middle of the day, his morning runs becoming difficult when he only had three legs.

Forcing him to have to trot half of the time. It wasn't a surprise that he saw what was going on, as he remained at the edge of the treeline as he heard several familiar voices and familiar faces. Except for one and they were a child. The type of creature that he didn't enjoy interacting with and often avoided half of the time. What was everyone looking at? The armored smilodon followed their gaze as he noticed a black serval was chasing a butterfly. Well.... he wasn't expecting that. Honestly, he was just glad to see Carolina taking it easy. She was harder on herself than others would ever know, constantly training till her bones would probably break. They couldn't have that in this world though, she needed to take care of herself. R&R being one of those. Washington was a hypocrite though as he refused to relax as long as he had his broken leg. The former human sat on the opposite side of where everyone was watching Carolina, his appearance not all that surprising thanks to all the heavy noises he made. A small tired grin was hidden behind the helmet that he was wearing. "Man, if only I had a laser pointer." Washington would tease his comrade a little bit. He had cats when he was younger and watched them chase various insects. Including laser pointers that still existed on Earth during his time. It was funny to watch them chase it and not realize that it wasn't exactly real. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: IMPRISONMENT - open; chasing butterfly? - rhosmari - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Perhaps this was her worse nightmare and if she were human she'd most likely be red under the color, embarrassment clearing showing. Her whole body went ridged as voices came forward through the tall grass and she looked up with a wide eyed stare from where she was now laying upon her back. Her eyes finally found Imperia who was the first among the others that had asked her if she needed help. The Freelancer just seemed frozen before her defense mechanism kicked in and her scorching gaze narrowed a bit upon the silver canine. "No." Her voice was heated, a slow simmer of unwarranted anger before she pulled herself in and rolled onto her paws. She shook her head a bit and glanced at Imperia out of the corner of her eye a little bit. A seemingly apologetic look glimmering there for just the barest of moments. "I mean, no, I'm fine. I don't need help cause I wasn't doing anything that would require another set of hands." Or paws or whatever. She sighed heatedly then before her head whipped around to address Suiteheart.

How many had actually seen what she was doing. She felt like running off and hiding in the bushes. That was the best thing for her right now. But a soldier such as herself didn't run away from situational that might seem tough to bare. No, she stuck to her guns and powered through because someone may hit harder but she could hit even harder still. Her eyes blazed with her annoyance but she was trying to pull it in as she sat down with a huff and looked up to the butterfly that was still hanging around here. "Get out of here. You're incriminating me!" She hissed to the insect who only seemed to be coming closer to them still. Great and she lifted her paw to press it against her eyes for a moment in shame. She wasn't the soft type and never had been and she sighed a bit before peeking out at Suiteheart once more. "I guess I feel better. This body is strange and smaller's okay." It allowed her to live and she supposed that was a good thing but she still was unsure of the circumstances to her rebirth. It was sort of troubling but she kept that to herself.

Then she dropped her paw to look at Washington, paws kneading the ground as her burning gaze focused directly on him. Her muzzle pulled into a grin for a short moment as she wiggled her back legs a little bit. "Oh you wouldn't dare try that." She murmured gently before shaking her head a little bit. Her gaze flicked around the area then as she tried to see who else was in the area and then she noticed Versailles just sitting in the grass and she could have slapped herself. How many had actually seen her? A groan left the soldier's muzzle and she slumped down, pushing her face into the grass as if she could hide herself. This wasn't the greatest thing that she wanted then to see about her and she flopped onto her side to just lay there. "So it's safe to say that you guys all saw that. Well, you better not tell anyone..."

Re: IMPRISONMENT - open; chasing butterfly? - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-29-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - sassy
Being the rookie that he was during Project Freelancer, Washington had plenty of embarrassing moments that he would prefer not to have spoken of ever again. Because they were just that, embarrassing. When he joined the group, he had been incredibly naive and gullible and believed everything that the rest of the Freelancers were telling him. Washington wasn't sure whether or not to believe them, but he considered it better for them to believe it better than to risk getting hurt in some way. York and North were the ones that messed with him the most and in the beginning even CT. He remembered being told that there were cameras in the showerhead, and that was just horrible to think about. So every time he took a shower, he had to constantly look over the shower head to see if he was being watched, and he was certain that if he saw the shower head move he would immediately get out of there without a second thought. There was an instance on a raid that they infiltrated another insurrectionist ship where he was supposed to get the controls to close the hangar doors and just to get into the system in general. Ultimately, he had no idea what he was doing and ended up turning off of the gravity.

They were lucky that they had gravity boots that tethered them to the ground like they were magnets. He was pretty sure that someone had thrown a car at him during that time too when all the enemies were floating in the air and Carolina making quick work of them. He had managed to get the gravity back on, although it took him several minutes to do just that. During the same mission a nuke ended up being planted in the middle of the asteroid field that the ship had been hiding in, and all of Alpha team were outside of the ship and using their jetpacks to get back into the ship. It hadn't been easy, and Washington was the last one to even get inside of the damned ship because he was afraid of using his jetpack wrong and being sent into space. Just like Georgia. Ultimately, Carolina ended up saving him by using her grappling gun on him. Which just so happened to attach itself to his crotch. Yes, it wasn't exactly his best moments and his friends had made fun of him for it. Not like they had a whole lot of time to make fun of him because they were on a timetable. It was incredibly embarrassing and a moment that he didn't like to talk about that moment. No one likes talking about something they had done that was embarrassing. Then there was something that Delta ended up telling him about caffeine while he was with York.

The AI telling him that if he were to go to sleep after drinking too much caffeine and already having a lack of sleep, it would kill him. Something that Washington had immediately believed until he told North what Delta said. Only for North to break out laughing at how gullible Washington was and the Freelancer just confused by the other's laughter. North then explained to him that York had told Delta to tell him that, and Washington felt like the dumbest person in the world. Before Washington ended up getting his own AI implantation, York went over the side effects of what happened with getting an AI. Headaches, bleeding through the eyes, and some organs would be inverted. Washington believed everything that York told him, he didn't know why he just trusted the guy. When he had reacted disgustingly, York was quick to say that none of that happened other than just the headaches here and there. Washington had sighed with relief at that news as he didn't want that to happen to him. Not like it matters when he finally got Epsilon and his mind was basically completed destroyed to the point of insanity. It was funny to see how Carolina was reacting to what was happening to her.

She was surrounded by people that would most definitely remember what had just happened today. And for once it wasn't him. A surprise for the Freelancer, but that didn't mean he was going to escalate the situation further to where she didn't want to do stuff like this. Washington didn't even bother to try and let loose. He believed it to be a waste of time, but he was used to working constantly with no fun. He wasn't sure about Carolina's background all that much. There was a tired smirk underneath his helmet as he listened to her responses before turning toward him. A low chuckle escaped his jaws as he shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. [b]"Is that a challenge? I could get you a ball of yarn if you wanted." Washington questioned the other with a hint in his tone toward the serval. He raised his good right arm and adjusted the helmet that was on top of his head before speaking again. "For once the tables seemed to have turned." Washington pointed out toward his comrade, his short tail flicking behind him. Of course, he was considering this a little bit of a revenge for what had happened during the Project. Probably the only times that had actually been relaxing and fun to laugh about.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: IMPRISONMENT - open; chasing butterfly? - rhosmari - 07-29-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]If anyone else had told her that they'd get her a ball of yawn she'd most likely punch them. Because really, she'd never been the playful type unless the mood was presented to her. Or if she was rather relaxed which didn't happen often for the woman. But it seemed she had gotten comfortable somehow in this strange form and in this strange land. She needed to tighten back up and put her barriers back up. After all she didn't have any friends here besides Player, maybe Thea, and Washington was some kind of friend. She wasn't really sure when it came to the other Freelancer and she frowned as he spoke, talking about the tables were turned. Her eyes narrowed a bit and she flexed her claws against the ground before scoff left her muzzle. Oh, so he thought that things were gonna go his way today. She'd fix that rather quickly. A smirk played across her muzzle before she turned her form away from him for just a moment. "Oh, the tables are turned are they?"

Her shoulders rolled for a moment as she gave out a light yawn before suddenly she whipped around. Her body was in motion before words could even be spilt and she had launched herself toward Washington's face. Aiming to latch her form onto his head and and scramble her back paws against the glass of his visor. If that worked she pull herself up onto his head before sliding her way down his neck and onto his back with ease where she would then lay down like she did nothing at all. "Yeah the tables are turned alright." The woman spoke with humor gracing her words as she lifted a paw to lightly dab it against the fur along his back, teasing him for his possible slow reaction to what she had just done. After all she was a rather fast one and she worked to keep herself quick and fleet footed.

Re: IMPRISONMENT - open; chasing butterfly? - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-31-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
Washington was never really the type to think of 'what ifs'. As when something happened one just had to figure out how to learn from their mistakes and move on. It was certainly a hard pill to swallow, but Washington was taught how to deal with such situations when he was younger. Such as the time when his father was killed during the war leaving him and his sisters and mother alone to fend for themselves during the War. Sure, they were on Earth, but that didn't mean that the economy or anything else that was happening on the planet was going to be all that great during the war. Washington's mother was certainly the stubborn type and knew that her children were going to be upset by the loss of their father. Luckily for her Washington hadn't grasped what it meant to lose someone that he knew at a young age especially his father. So, he didn't feel anything for his father, but as he grew up he thought about what if his father was alive. He would be able to live like a normal child instead of an adult that was trying to support its family. His mother had already been working two jobs, and he wanted to help out in some way and grew up too quickly for a child. It wasn't healthy, but they needed as much help as they could get. Washington believed if his father was alive he wouldn't have to worry about his sisters or working as soon as he was the right age too.

He would be able to acquire friends of his own and maybe not be bullied in school. He probably would have never joined the army if his father was still alive, meaning that he wouldn't be the one that was in Project Freelancer and had this happen to him. Everything was connected together, but he quickly realized there was no reason for him to mope and wish for something that would never be a thing. One could say that he should be glad that he was even alive in the first place. But was this really living? Not to him, it wasn't. It wasn't a life that he wanted to live, and he would give everything to go back to being human. No matter what. No one could get in his way. Washington never really thought about the what-ifs if he had never joined Project Freelancer. Washington had no reason to because despite everything that they had done to him, thinking about it would just make his situation worse. It would ring back the damned voices in the back of his head if he started to think about the Project like he usually did. The program basically making up a large portion of his life that he had grown up and watched himself grow in the project. He adapted to all sorts of different situations and this was one of them. he couldn't afford to get distracted by how better his life would be like if he never got an AI implant. How better if it would be if Allison had never died in the first place to start off the project anyway. It was all a waste of time when he could use his time better by doing something else.

Maybe it was a bad coping mechanism, but it hadn't failed him yet. So, he wasn't really worried about how it would affect him in the future as long as the mission was some form of a success. The Freelancer had noticed the frown that spread across Carolina's features. He knew that she probably didn't like it, but everything that he said didn't have a bite either. He hoped that he wasn't going to end up getting on her bad side from doing something like that. He flicked one of his ears inside of his helmet as he stood there shifting his weight slightly with his splinted arm in the air. As soon as he saw the smirk spread across her face, the smirk he had himself immediately dropped. Oh no. Washington would have raised one of his arms in surrender if he could, but if he had tried he would have fallen on his face. Instead, he just decided to take a small step back, his mouth opening to speak but Carolina had already spoken and was on the move. Washington basically reeled backward and a startled sound escaped his mouth as she slammed into his helmet. A low growl escaped his jaws as he began to shape his head to try and get her off. [b]"Hey! You're attacking a cripple here!" Washington would call out from his helmet, but even with the shaking of his head, she had managed to climb on top of it. The growl that had emitted from his jaws wasn't really a real one, but it just sounded like his usual grumpy self.

What was she even doing? Now it was Washington's turn to be embarrassed as Carolina basically beat him again. He could make up excuses, but he wasn't sure that would work on everyone else. She ended up settling on his back, in between his armor and his actual fur. It felt.... strange. He wasn't sure what to really call it. It was a sensation that for once wasn't painful, and he was looking over his shoulder back and forth trying to get a good view of her and see exactly where she was on his back. His eyes playfully narrowed behind his helmets as she messed with his fur. Another strange feeling that almost made a shiver go down his spine but he stopped himself. "I'm not some kind of scratchy post." Washington said with a little bit of humor and his grumpy tone. Alright alright, he was eating his words, but like any Freelancer, he wasn't about to admit his mistake. Lowering his head, he would begin to shake himself like a dog aiming to shake Carolina off. Trying to roll over onto his back wasn't an option, as it would potentially hurt his arm again, and he couldn't reach on his back. If that didn't work, Washington would aim to sit down and hopefully have Carolina slide off of his back. There was, of course, a chance that she could just climb higher and be perfectly fine, which was the last thing Washington wanted.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18: