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A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - Printable Version

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A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - madster - 07-24-2018

being totally blind and travelling would be seen as an impossible task, but somehow henri made do. he was fourteen months now, and it had been four months since his dad died, leaving him as the leader of the church of belial. he was a missionary, his goal to spread his gospel. he had been told that his dead eyes were merely a blessing from belial- to shield him from the cruelties of the faithless.

however, he thought of it as a curse as he smacked his head into countless tree trunks, tripped over rocks, and fell into the ocean. he had been walking on some sort of railroad, judging by the cool metal bars beneath his paws, when he accidentally took a left and plunged into the cool ocean, tasting the salt in his mouth. he climbed back on the land, having lost his sunglasses in the water. henri panted, rolling over, squeezing his eyes shut. his eyes burned from both the salt and the sun, and he was dehydrated and tired. where the hell was snowbound? he was told it was a snow, cold place, but this was too hot and near the ocean. had he gone the wrong direction this whole time?

[member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member]     

Re: A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

Caesar couldn't imagine being blind. He already hated being only an Officer and not having control over his Crewmates, and being blind would probably strip him of any luck he had to lead ever. Although of course he wasn't aware of Henri's condition as he found the white feline on the beach. "Hey!" Caesar's words were sharp as he called out to Henri, running over to where the guy laid. "Get up." The demon grunted, ears flicking as he tried to move HENRI with a paw.

Re: A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - madster - 07-24-2018

henri rose to his paws after being nudged, and shook off the water, squinting, the light burning through him. he needed his glasses, but they were bobbing peacefully on the waves near him. henri squeezed his eyes shut, moving his head in the direction of caesar's gruff, angry voice, and his first thought was wow, that was kind of hot. he clearly wasn't in snowbound, there was no need to moderate his own thoughts. this wasn't the place that needed to think he was some kind of perfect creation.

"sorry," he began. "i'm completely blind, i can't see shit, i just kind of fell in the water like a dumbass," he said. "the name's henri. i'm a memb-" no, he couldn't tell this stranger about his church. not yet, at least. "i'm a loner. where am i- and do you see my sunglasses anywhere? i need them," he finished, looking at the other. 

Re: A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

Blind? Caesar gave a snort at that. He believed Henri, of course, it wasn't exactly that hard to tell that the guy was saying the truth. But god, what a damn shame he had that disability. That was sarcastic, of course; Caesar immediately thought this guy was pathetic. "You're in The Typhoon." The demon grunted in response, his gaze slowly moving over to where the sunglasses floated in the water. Shrugging, he went off to grab them. "What do you need them for, if you can't see?" Honestly, he was keeping the glasses for now in case they gave him sight or some shit. A trespasser so close to their camp? Not a good thing.

Re: A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - madster - 07-24-2018

henri grimaced. of course whoever this was had to be difficult. give the blind guy his fucking glasses, jesus, he thought, but didn't vocalize that. he rolled his shoulders and decided to answer the question. "cause' my eyes hurt like hell right now because of the sun. they're sensitive." he could tell there was a hint of aggression in the other's voice as he explained where they were- the typhoon. oh fuck, that was a long way from snowbound, and they were known to be ruthless as well. of course, henri would have fit right in, but the typhoon was too... logical for his gospel. he needed the most pacifist and the weakest clan to control first, at least. they'd be more willing to drink the kool-aid, not this clan.

"listen. i'm not here to cause trouble." he furrowed his eyebrows. "i'm a fuckin' blind guy, i couldn't fight a fly if i wanted to," he rationalized, not wanting to die at the hands of a typhooner. "so can i have my glasses back?"

Re: A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-25-2018

//Retro injuries

"So?" Caesar retorted back, but despite his harsh tone, he did give Henri his glasses back. "You don't need them to actually see, do you?" Was he mocking Henri's disability? Kind of. He just didn't want this potential enemy to see their territory and learn it. Although he had no idea Henri wanted to go towards Snowbound, he knew that Snowbound knew their grounds. But then again, Caesar was pretty sure that Atbash wouldn't do a damn thing about that.

Re: A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - madster - 07-25-2018

henri was glad to get the glasses back, and he held them for a moment as he listened to caesar talk. henri had never enjoyed hearing a person's voice before- voices were just a way he identified who was who, and he didn't care for them either way. however, when he heard caesar's voice... something in him awakened, almost, like an awful sense of deja vu. he dissociated for a brief moment, confused to why caesar's voice did this to him, until he put on the glasses. i bet he's hot. too bad we can't fucking see, henri thought idly, then shook his head. "thanks, though."

he was glad he wasn't dead yet, because that would suck. he had a gospel to spread, and he had people to save from damnation. "hey. i'll be on my way, but... i was looking for a little place called snowbound. it's a little dinky town at the base of a mountain, and i just fell into the ocean, so, i think i'm a long ways from there," he rambled. "do you know where they are?" he asked, not knowing he was asking caesar for directions to an enemy clan.

Re: A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-25-2018

"Snowbound?" Caesar echoed with a snort. "Yeah, I know where they are. But why would you want to go there in the first place?" He was almost disappointed to hear that's where this guy wanted to go. He honestly seemed like he'd be a good addition here, save... for the fact he was blind. But maybe I could fix that if I had my powers. The demon thought to himself. But unfortunately for him, he did not have any mental abilities at the moment. Strange for a dream demon not to have powers he's known for, and yet here he was.

Re: A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - madster - 07-26-2018

henri tilted his head, deep in thought. should he tell this stranger why he was going to snowbound? well, caesar must already know he was intending on joining, surely. he was simply a loner, so there was no reason to just go talk to them. he was joining them. he was joining the enemy. "well," alright, time to tell a stranger- a hot stranger- his life story.

"i'm from this this little community called the church of belial. the end game is to get everyone killed, right?" he flashed a wicked smile, beginning to reveal his unhinged behavior. "the way to be closest to our lord and savior... is to die. my father killed himself for belial, leaving me as a missionary, and i have a mission. to spread the gospel. i need people to die for me," he said, blind eyes twitching. "of course, the typhoon... is a hard clan to convince. you're a warbound, right? no, you all wouldn't listen. you're too rational and logical." he paused, grin growing wider. "snowbound is... a peaceful little clan, but they're in constant threat from other clans. they want to feel safe. i promise safety and security, and then i wait."

henri was not a sinless man. he had been in this church his entire life and had witnessed so many deaths. he had lost his own father to the mindset, and he was overjoyed at the fact. in this moment, ceasar got to see the cult-leader personality finally. henri believed in what he taught, sure, but he wanted power. all his life, he had been babied for his eyes, treated like a child, and knowing gullible adults and children alike drink his kool-aid was empowering. he was manipulative, persuasive, and dangerous.

"i want to hear them die. it's for the better," henri grinned. "belial gave me these eyes for a reason. i must satisfy him by bringing him souls of the stupid." henri doubted caesar would attack henri now- they had a common goal. they both wanted snowbounders to die, clearly. henri was doing it in good intent, sure, but he still was twisted deep down. being raised in a cult did that to you.

"does that satisfy you?"

/ woah muse 

Re: A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-26-2018

Caesar definitely was not expecting the guy's entire life story, and yet here he was, telling him about his goal. That was... a lot easier than getting it out of Greed, that's for sure. Caesar blinked in surprise at Henri's words, his tail flicking in thought. He wasn't religious by any means, so all of this was complete and utter bullshit to him, and luckily Henri was blind so he probably couldn't see Caesar roll his eyes. "Tell you what, pal," Caesar responded, suddenly realizing he never got this guy's name. Eh, he'd get to that later. "You have fun with that, but if there's anybody you fuck around with, find a she-cat by the names of Atbash." He said with a grin, not that Henri would notice. "She's the leader there. I doubt she'd be converted to your religion, but she's gullible as fuck. Tell you that humans can talk to animals and she'd believe you." He chuckled. "But, yes, that satisfies my question, but I do have another: what's your name?" Now was a better time than never, right? "M'name's Caesar Cipher. Officer here in The Typhoon." Usually he said that to impress people and use his rank as an excuse to push people around, but he genuinely liked Henri. Strange.