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MISSED THE STATIC IN YOUR EYES // open, alliance request - Printable Version

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MISSED THE STATIC IN YOUR EYES // open, alliance request - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Had the Moonlight Vale visited Snowbound in regards to having an alliance? Atbash couldn't remember exactly, but she had heard the group was going around looking for allies. "Hello?" Atbash called out, hoping she wasn't on the new group's territory. She had gotten help from a few kind NPCs on where their territory was, just not exactly where she should be stopping. "My name's Atbash Cipher, the Hailcaller of Snowbound. I'm here to discuss a possible alliance?" Hopefully that would ensure her not getting attacked for accidentally trespassing.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: MISSED THE STATIC IN YOUR EYES // open, alliance request - arcy - 07-24-2018

Honestly, Videogames hadn't been specifically looking for allies when he went out to Snowbound. He was just trying to avoid future warfare. Or .. present warfare. Moonlight Vale was naturally inclined to war, but they didn't have the numbers, and besides, none of their current present members seemed violence-prone, anyways. Above all, they were .. secluded? Videogames supposes. Maybe they wouldn't be considered secluded once he managed to go to all of the nearby clans. He still had to visit them all, he'd just stopped by Snowbound, but Videogames .. hm. Well, this wasn't to say he was opposed to an alliance. He liked Snowbound! Besides, it would be good for them, wouldn't it? Snowbound had the numbers that Moonlight Vale didn't, and Videogames was happy to exchange whatever resources they'd need. I mean, they had an excess. The territory was pretty big!
"Hey!!" Videogames had been wandering by when he hears a familiar voice, and he allows himself a crooked grin as he approaches. He's a little uneasy with her presence, but it's because of .. well, her. Just a general wariness of people who aren't clanmates, they're in danger, danger -- "I remember you! I'd be down to discuss an alliance! Are there any terms you've thought of?" His ears turn a little nervously as he seats himself attentively. Videogames isn't well versed in inter-clan politics. Arrowhead hadn't known how to deal with them, either. Moonlight Vale, and its royal predecessor, had never been very involved with other groups, at least in a friendly manner. Was there a setup to them? Videogames didn't know, but he finds he doesn't particularly care. He wasn't as uptight about this stuff as Arrowhead had been.

Re: MISSED THE STATIC IN YOUR EYES // open, alliance request - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Oh right, Videogames! Atbash remembered them now. The she-cat's ears pricked as the guy made his way over and a warm smile appeared on her face. Though his question did confuse her a bit. "Terms?" She echoed. Shit, was there something she was missing here? The Ascendants hadn't asked for any terms, but then again, Moonlight Vale wasn't The Ascendants. They were different, so maybe they both expected different things.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: MISSED THE STATIC IN YOUR EYES // open, alliance request - arcy - 07-24-2018

A flicker of concern passes over Videogames' face at Atbash's question. He was fine with no terms, but it was still kind of jarring. There'd always been terms to even temporary alliances, stuff that you had to do to make it go through. His tail gives a swish as he tilts his head. "Is that not a thing ya'll do?" He wonders, passively curious with round eyes. He shakes his head and grins. Well. Perhaps he could skip that part, then. "Eh, it's fine." He dismisses. He might elaborate a little anyways, though. How did alliances work? Videogames really, really isn't sure. They were so secluded from the other groups, christ. He's not sure on whether or not he should work on that. More attention meant more risk of casualties, but on the other hand, more attention would get them more support and a larger memberbase, potentially. Hm ..
"Sorry, we haven't interacted with other groups much. But you can always rely on us for resources, if you need. What're your relationships with the other groups for reference, by the way?" He tips his head. He still had to visit the other groups to establish a 'please dont attack us yet' sort of thing. And, if they were allies or enemies with the others, it'd give him a better idea of how to navigate with them. Or to just straightup avoid them if being on friendly relations would clash with their new alliance or whatever. .. How .. did they seal the deal, anyways? Just .. say it happened and then go? Maybe they should have an event together to get to know each other, but they'd also get flooded with more Snowbounders playing together with the Valers as a side, so he's .. not sure. Oh well.


Re: MISSED THE STATIC IN YOUR EYES // open, alliance request - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
//Retro injuries
"Not... that I know of." Atbash replied to Videogames's first question, her short tail flicking in thought. Luckily the other leader didn't seem to dwell on it much and went right along with the typical business she was used to. "We're allies with The Ascendants, but neutral with Tanglewood and The Typhoon." Although the latter seemed extremely upset about them breaking off the alliance, and Atbash was worried what might happen after that.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: MISSED THE STATIC IN YOUR EYES // open, alliance request - arcy - 07-25-2018

Videogames was doing his best to go along with whatever Atbash was comfortable and familiar with. Even if he was fumbling. I mean -- their relations with other groups had always been stilted when there wasn't anything set in about how these things went down. That might've been because it was always war-related, though? Videogames isn't sure. But, if he's going to be more involved with this group, Snowbound, and therefore the other groups it's related to, he'll have to adjust fast. Either make them get used to the Vale's ways, assuming he figures out what the fuck those are, or he adjusts himself.
"Got it, thanks!" Okay, so the Ascendants was probably trustworthy. Thank god. But at least they weren't enemies with the spookier war-prone groups, that'd make this a little more problematic. Videogames, for a few moments, tilts his head in thought as his head whirls with how to go about this. Because he'll have to go about talking to the other groups eventually. Even if he's been putting it off by .. a lot. Just one group was enough for now, a slow withdrawal from seclusion. "Uh -- anything else we need to do, then?" He tries to take her cue, head tilting further as he blinks baby blue eyes at the savannah cat. Hah. A lot of serval types in the Snowbound-Vale alliance, huh?


Re: MISSED THE STATIC IN YOUR EYES // open, alliance request - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-25-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
It was honestly surprising how many savannahs or servals were around, actually. Atbash had noticed quite a few and it was strange to think this body was just as common here as it was back home. "Oh, uh, we're starting up an Ambassador system soon, so hopefully you'll be seeing us around more often!" Atbash replied, Videogames's question reminding her of that. Did she let Bastilleprisoner know about it? She hoped so.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi